User Guide

ProActive Workflow & Scheduler (PWS) User Guide (Workflows, Tasks, Jobs Submission, Resource Management)

ML Open Studio

Machine Learning Open Studio (ML-OS) User Guide (ready to use palettes with ML Tasks & Workflows)

Cloud Automation

ProActive Cloud Automation (PCA) User Guide (automate deployment and management of Services)

Admin Guide

Administration Guide (Installation, networks, nodes, clusters, users, permissions)

1. Overview

1.1. What is Machine Learning Open Studio (ML-OS)?

Machine Learning Open Studio (ML-OS) is an interactive graphical interface that enables developers and data scientists to quickly and easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models at any scale. It provides a rich set of generic machine learning tasks that can be connected together to build either basic or complex machine learning workflows for various use cases such as: fraud detection, text analysis, online offer recommendations, prediction of equipment failures, facial expression analysis, etc.

ML OS overview

Machine Learning Open Studio is open source and allows easy task parallelization, running them on resources matching constraints (Multi-CPU, GPU, data locality, library).

ML Open Studio ActiveEon

The Machine Learning Open Studio can be tried for free online here.

1.2. Glossary

The following terms are used throughout the documentation:

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling

The full distribution of ProActive for Workflows & Scheduling, it contains the ProActive Scheduler server, the REST & Web interfaces, the command line tools. It is the commercial product name.

ProActive Scheduler

Can refer to any of the following:

  • A complete set of ProActive components.

  • An archive that contains a released version of ProActive components, for example

  • A set of server-side ProActive components installed and running on a Server Host.

Resource Manager

ProActive component that manages ProActive Nodes running on Compute Hosts.


ProActive component that accepts Jobs from users, orders the constituent Tasks according to priority and resource availability, and eventually executes them on the resources (ProActive Nodes) provided by the Resource Manager.

Please note the difference between Scheduler and ProActive Scheduler.

ProActive component that provides RESTful API for the Resource Manager, the Scheduler and the Catalog.

Resource Manager Web Interface

ProActive component that provides a web interface to the Resource Manager.

Scheduler Web Interface

ProActive component that provides a web interface to the Scheduler.

Workflow Studio

ProActive component that provides a web interface for designing Workflows.

Job Planner Portal

ProActive component that provides a web interface for planning Workflows, and creating Calendar Definitions


ProActive component that provides storage and versioning of Workflows and other ProActive Objects through a REST API. It is also possible to query the Catalog for specific Workflows.

Job Planner

A ProActive component providing advanced scheduling options for Workflows.


ProActive notion used with the Catalog to refer to a specific collection of ProActive Objects and in particular ProActive Workflows.

Server Host

The machine on which ProActive Scheduler is installed.


The IP address of the Server Host.

ProActive Node

One ProActive Node can execute one Task at a time. This concept is often tied to the number of cores available on a Compute Host. We assume a task consumes one core (more is possible, so on a 4 cores machines you might want to run 4 ProActive Nodes. One (by default) or more ProActive Nodes can be executed in a Java process on the Compute Hosts and will communicate with the ProActive Scheduler to execute tasks.

Compute Host

Any machine which is meant to provide computational resources to be managed by the ProActive Scheduler. One or more ProActive Nodes need to be running on the machine for it to be managed by the ProActive Scheduler.

Examples of Compute Hosts:


The path to the extracted archive of ProActive Scheduler release, either on the Server Host or on a Compute Host.


User-defined representation of a distributed computation. Consists of the definitions of one or more Tasks and their dependencies.

Generic Information

Are additional information which are attached to Workflows.


An instance of a Workflow submitted to the ProActive Scheduler. Sometimes also used as a synonym for Workflow.

Job Icon

An icon representing the Job and displayed in portals. The Job Icon is defined by the Generic Information workflow.icon.


A unit of computation handled by ProActive Scheduler. Both Workflows and Jobs are made of Tasks.

Task Icon

An icon representing the Task and displayed in the Studio portal. The Task Icon is defined by the Task Generic Information task.icon.

ProActive Agent

A daemon installed on a Compute Host that starts and stops ProActive Nodes according to a schedule, restarts ProActive Nodes in case of failure and enforces resource limits for the Tasks.

2. Get Started

To submit your first Machine Learning workflow to ProActive Scheduler, install it in your environment (default credentials: admin/admin) or just use our demo platform

ProActive Scheduler provides comprehensive interfaces that allow to:

We also provide REST and command line interfaces for advanced users.

3. Create a First Predictive Solution

Suppose you need to predict houses prices based on this information (features) provided by the estate agency:

  • CRIM per capita crime rate by town

  • ZN proportion of residential lawd zoned for lots over 25000

  • INDUS proportion of non-retail business acres per town

  • CHAS Charles River dummy variable

  • NOX nitric oxides concentration

  • RM average number of rooms per dwelling

  • AGE proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940

  • DIS weighted distances to five Boston Employment centres

  • RAD index of accessibility to radial highways

  • TAX full-value property-tax rate per $10 000

  • PTRATIO pupil-teacher ratio by town

  • B 1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town

  • LSTAT % lower status of the population

  • MDEV Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000' s

Predicting houses prices is a complex problem, but we can simplify it a bit for this step by step example. We’ll show you how you can easily create a predictive analytics solution using Machine Learning Open Studio.

3.1. Manage the Canvas

To use Machine Learning Open Studio, you need to add the Machine Learning Bucket as main catalog in the ProActive Studio. This bucket contains a set of generic tasks that enables you to upload and prepare data, train a model and test it.

  1. Open ProActive Workflow Studio home page.

  2. Create a new workflow.

  3. Fill the Workflow General Parameters.

  4. Click on Catalog menu then Set Bucket as Main Catalog Menu and select machine-learning bucket. This can also be achieved by adding /templates/machine-learning at the end of the URL of the proActive workflow studio.

  5. Click on Catalog menu then Add Bucket as Extra Catalog Menu and select data-visualization bucket.

  6. Organize your canvas.

Set Bucket as Main Catalog Menu allows the user to change the bucket used to get workflows from the Catalog in the studio. By selecting a bucket, the user can change the content of the main Catalog menu (named as the current bucket) to get workflows from another bucket as templates.

3.2. Upload Data

To upload data into the Workflow, you need to use a dataset stored in a CSV file.

  1. Once your dataset has been converted to CSV format, upload it into a cloud storage service for example Amazon S3. For this tutorial, we will use Boston house prices dataset available on this link:

  2. Drag and drop the Import_Data task from the machine-learning bucket in the ProActive Workflow Studio.

  3. Click on the task and click General Parameters in the left to change the default parameters of this task.

  4. Put in FILE_URL variable the S3 link to upload your dataset.

  5. Set the other parameters according to your dataset format.

This task uploads the data into the workflow that we can for model training and testing.

If you want to skip these steps, you can directly use the Load_Boston_Dataset Task by a simple drag and drop.


3.3. Prepare Data

This step consists of preparing the data for the training and testing of the predictive model. So in this example, we will simply split our datset into two separate datasets: one for training and one for testing.

To do this, we use the Split_Data Task in the machine_learning bucket.

  1. Drag and drop the Split_Data Task into the canvas, and connect it to the Import_Data or Load_Boston_Dataset Task.

  2. By default, the ratio is 0.7 this means that 70% of the dataset will be used for training the model and 0.3 for testing it.

  3. Click the Split_Data Task and set the TRAIN_SIZE variable to 0.6.


3.4. Train a Predictive Model

Using Machine Learning Open Studio, you can easily create different machine learning models in a single experiment and compare their results. This type of experimentation helps you find the best solution for your problem. You can also enrich the machine-learning bucket by adding new machine learning algorithms and publish or customize an existing task according to your requirements as the tasks are open source.

To change the code of a task click on it and click the Task Implementation. You can also add new variables to a specific task.

In this step, we will create two different types of models and then compare their scores to decide which algorithm is most suitable to our problem. As the Boston dataset used for this example consists of predicting price of houses (continuous label). As such, we need to deal with a regression predictive problem.

To solve this problem, we have to choose a regression algorithm to train the predictive model. To see the available regression algorithms available on the Machine Learning Open Studio, see ML Regression Section in the machine-learning bucket.

For this example, we will use Linear_Regression Task and Support_Vector_Regression Task.

  1. Find the Linear_Regression Task and Support_Vector_Regression Task and drag them into the canvas.

  2. Find the Train_Model Task and drag it twice into the canvas and set its LABEL_COLUMN variable to LABEL.

  3. Connect the Split_Data Task to the two Train_Model Tasks in order to give it access to the training data. Connect then the Linear_Regression Task to the first Train_Model Task and Support_Vector_Regression to the second Train_Model Task.

  4. To be able to download the model learned by each algorithm, drag two Download_Model Tasks and connect them to each Train_Model Task.


3.5. Test the Predictive Model

To evaluate the two learned predictive models, we will use the testing data that was separated out by the Split_Data Task to score our trained models. We can then compare the results of the two models to see which generated better results.

  1. Find the Predict_Model Task and drag and drop it twice into the canvas and set its LABEL_COLUMN variable to LABEL.

  2. Connect the first Predict_Model Task to the Train_Model Task that is connected to Support_Vector_Regression Task.

  3. Connect the second Predict_Model Task to the Train_Model Task that is connected to Linear_Regression Task.

  4. Connect the second Predict_Model Task to the Split_Data Task

  5. Find the [Preview_Results] Task in the Machine Learning bucket and drag and drop it twice into the canvas.

  6. Connect each [Preview_Results] Task with Predict_Model.

if you have a pickled file (.pkl) containing a predictive model that you have learned using another platform and you need to test it in the Machine Learning Open Studio, you can load it using Import_Model Task.

3.6. Run the Experiment and Preview the Results

Now the workflow is completed, let’s execute it by:

  1. Click the Execute button on the menu to run the workflow.

  2. Click the Scheduling & Orchestration button to track the workflow execution progress.

  3. Click the Visualization tab and track the progress of your workflow execution (a green check mark appears on each Task when its execution is finished).

  4. Visualize the output logs by clicking on the output tab and check the streaming check box.

  5. Click the Tasks tab, select an Export_Results task and click on the Preview tab, then click either on Open in browser to preview the results on your browser or on Save as file to download the results locally.


4. Customize the Machine Learning Bucket

4.1. Create or Update a ML Task

Machine Learning Bucket contains various open source tasks that can be easily used by a simple drag and drop.

It is possible to enrich the Machine Learning Bucket by adding your own tasks. (see section 4.3)

It is also possible to customize the code of the generic Machine Learning tasks. In this case, you need to drag and drop the targeted task to modify its code in the Task Implementation section.

It is also possible to add or/and delete variables of each task, set your own fork environments etc. More details available on Proactive User Guide

4.2. Set the Fork Environment

A fork execution environment is a new Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which is started exclusively to execute a task. Starting a new JVM means that the task inside it will run in a new environment. This environment can be set up by the creator of the task. A new JVMs is set up with a new classpath, new system properties and more customization.

We used a Docker fork environment for all the Machine Learning tasks. activeeon/dlm3 was used as a docker container for all tasks. If your task needs to install new Machine Learning libraries which are not available in this container, then, use your own docker container or an appropriate environment with the needed libraries.

The use of docker containers is recommended as that way other tasks will not be affected by change. Docker containers provide isolation so that the host machine’s software stays the same. More details available on Proactive User Guide

4.3. Publish a ML Task

The Catalog menu provides the possibility for a user to publish newly created or/and update tasks inside Machine Learning Bucket, you need just to click on Catalog Menu then Publish current Workflow to the Catalog. Choose machine-leaning Bucket to store your newly added workflow on it. If the Task with the same name already exists in the 'machine-leaning' bucket, then, it will be updated. We recommend to submit Tasks with a commit message for easier differentiation between the different submitted versions.

More details available on ProActive User Guide

4.4. Create a ML Workflow

The quickstart tutorial on shows you how to build a simple workflow using ProActive Studio.

We show below an example of a workflow created with the Studio:

ML Workflow Example

At the left part, are illustrated the General Parameters of the workflow with the following information:

  • Name: the name of the workflow.

  • Project: the project name to which belongs the workflow.

  • Description: the textual description of the workflow.

  • Documentation: if the workflow has a Generic Information named "Documentation", then its URL value is displayed as a link.

  • Job Priority: the priority assigned to the workflow. It is by default set to NORMAL, but can be increased or decreased once the job is submitted.

The workflow represented in the above is available on the 'machine-learning-workflows' bucket.

5. Machine Learning Workflows Examples

The Machine Learning Open Studio provides a fast, easy and practical way to execute different workflows using the machine learning bucket. We present useful machine learning workflows for different applications in the following sub-sections.

To test these workflows, you need to add the machine-Learning-workflows Bucket as main catalog in the ProActive Studio.

  1. Open ProActive Workflow Studio home page.

  2. Create a new workflow.

  3. Click on Catalog menu then Add Bucket as Extra Catalog Menu and select machine-learning-workflows bucket.

  4. Open this added extra catalog menu and drag and drop the workflow example of your choice.

  5. Execute the chosen workflow, track its progress and preview its results.

More details about these workflows are available in this in ActiveEon’s Machine Learning Documentation

5.1. Basic Machine Learning

The following workflows present some machine learning basic examples. These workflows are built using generic Machine learning and data visualization tasks available on the Machine Learning and Data Visualization buckets.

Diabetics_Detection_using_K_means: trains and tests a clustering model using Mean_shift algorithm.

House_Price_Prediction_using_Linear_Regression: trains and tests a regression model using Mean_shift algorithm.

Iris_Flowers_Classification_using_Logistic_Regression: trains and tests a predictive model using logistic_regressive algorithm.

Movies_Recommendation: create a movie recommendation engine using collaborative filtering algorithm.

5.2. Image Analysis

The following workflows present useful computer vision applications using Convolutional Neural Networks based on deep learning for image recognition, object detection, anomaly detection, and image segmentation. Open source libraries, such as TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe, OpenCV, PyTorch and scikit-learn are used as backend for AI workflows.

Keras_Image_Classification: classifies an input image using deep ConvNets (specifically, VGG16) pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset.

Pytorch_Image_Object_Segmentation: returns the horse segments of a given input image.

Pytorch_Train_Image_Object_Segmentation: trains an image segmentation algorithm using PyTorch* to segment horses. It segments horses in the input image using a deep neural network (DNN).

Tensorflow_Parallel_Image_Prediction: predicts three different images of flower species in parallel.

Tensorflow_Image_Prediction: returns the flower species of a given input image.

Tensorflow_Train_Image_Classifier: trains a deep ConvNets (specifically, Inception)* to recognize flower species.

YOLO_Image_Object_Detection: detects real-world objects in a image with the YOLO* library using a pre-trained.

YOLO_Image_Anomaly_Detection: checks if an anomaly exists in a certain scene using the YOLO library. However, we show a scene where only people are allowed on a pedestrian street. Anything detected other than people is considered as anomaly.

YOLO_Demo_Object_Detection: detects real-world objects in a image with the YOLO* library using a pre-trained model.

5.3. Log Analysis

The following workflows are designed to detect anomalies in log files. They are constructed using generic tasks which are available on the machine-learning and data-visualization buckets.

Anomaly_Detection_in_Apache_Logs: detects intrusions in apache logs using a predictive model trained using Support Vector Machines algorithm.

Anomaly_detection_in_HDFS_Blocks: trains and test an anomaly detection model for detecting anomalies in HDFS Blocks.

Anomaly_detection_in_HDFS_Nodes: trains and test an anomaly detection model for detecting anomalies in HDFS Nodes.

Unsupervised_Anomaly_Detection: detects anomalies using an Unsupervised One-Class SVM.

6. Deep Learning Workflows Examples

ML-OS provides a fast, easy and practical way to execute deep learning workflows. In the following sub-sections, we present useful deep learning workflows for text and image classification and generation.

You can test these workflows by following these steps :

  1. Open ProActive Workflow Studio home page.

  2. Create a new workflow.

  3. Click on Catalog menu then Add Bucket as Extra Catalog Menu and select deep-learning-workflows bucket.

  4. Open this added extra catalog menu and drag and drop the workflow example of your choice.

  5. Execute the chosen workflow, track its progress and preview its results.

6.1. Azure Cognitive Services

The following workflows present useful examples composed by pre-built Azure cognitive services available on azure-cognitive-services bucket.

Emotion_Detection_in_Bing_News: is a mashup that searches for images of a person using Azure Bing Image Search then performs an emotion detection using Azure Emotion API.

Sentiment_Analysis_in_Bing_News: is a mashup that searches for news related to a given search term using Azure Bing News API then performs a sentiment analysis using Azure Text Analytics API.

6.2. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

The following workflows present useful examples for predictive models training and test using Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK).

CNTK_ConvNet: trains a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on CIFAR-10 dataset.

CNTK_SimpleNet: trains a 2-layer fully connected deep neural network with 50 hidden dimensions per layer.

GAN_Generate_Fake_MNIST_Images: generates fake MNIST images using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN).

DCGAN_Generate_Fake_MNIST_Images: generates fake MNIST images using a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN).

6.3. Mixed Workflows

The following workflow presents an example of a workflow built using pre-built Azure cognitive services tasks available on the azure-cognitive-services bucket and custom AI tasks available on the deep-learning bucket.

Custom_Sentiment_Analysis: is a mashup that searches for news related to a given search term using Azure Bing News API then performs a sentiment analysis using a custom deep learning based pretrained model.

6.4. Custom AI Workflows

The following workflows present an example of workflows built using custom AI tasks available on the deep-learning bucket. Such tasks enable you to train and test your own AI models by a simple drag and drop of custom AI task.

IMDB_Sentiment_Analysis: trains a model for opinions identification and categorization expressed in a piece of text, especially in order to determine the opinion of IMDB users regarding specific movies [positive or negative]. NOTE: Instead of training a model from scratch, you can use a pre-trained sentiment analysis model which is available on this link.

Image_Classification: uses a pre-trained deep neural network to classify ants and bees images. The pre-trained model is available on this link.

Language_Detection: involves building an RNN model from a lot of text data of respective languages and then identifying the test data (text) among the trained models.

Fake_Celebrity_Faces_Generation: generates a wild diversity of fake faces using a GAN model that was trained based on thousands of real celebrity photos. The pre-trained GAN model is available on this link

Image_Segmentation: predicts a segmentation model using SegNet network on Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset. The pre-trained image segmentation model which is available on this link

Object_Detection: detects objects using a pre-trained YOLO v3 model on COCO dataset proposed by Microsoft Research. The pre-trained model is available on this link.

It is recommended to use an enabled-GPU node to run the deep learning tasks.

7. References

7.1. Machine Learning Bucket

The machine-learning bucket contains diverse generic machine learning tasks that enable you to easily compose workflows for predictive models learning and testing. This bucket can be easily customized according to your needs. This bucket offers different options, you can customize it by adding new tasks or update the existing tasks.

ALl the tasks included in this bucket have som common task variables that we describe in the table below.

Common Task Variables:

Table 1. Common_Machine_Learning_Tasks variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Specifies the docker image that will be used to execute the task.

String (default="activeeon/dlm3"


If False, the will be ignored, it will not be executed.

Boolean (default=True)


Specifies how many rows of the dataframe will be previewed in the browser to check each task results.

Int (default=-1) (-1 means preview all the rows)

7.1.1. Public Datasets


Task Overview: Load and return the Boston House-Prices dataset.

Table 2. Boston Dataset Description
Features Targets Dimensionality Samples Total

Real, positive

Real 5. -50



How to use this task:

  • The Boston House-Prices is a dataset for regression, you can only use it with a regression algorithm, such as Linear Regression and Support Vector Regression.

  • After this task, you can use the Split_Data task to divide the dataset into training and testing sets.

More information about this dataset can be found here.

Task Overview: Load and return the iris dataset.

Table 3. Iris Dataset Description
Features Classes Dimensionality Samples per class Samples total

Real, positive





How to use this task:

  • The Iris is a dataset for classification, you can only use it with a classification algorithm, such as Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression.

  • After this task, you can use the Split_Data task to divide the dataset into training and testing sets.

More information about this dataset can be found here.

7.1.2. Input and Output Data


Task Overview: Download a trained model on your computer device.

How to use this task: It should be used after the Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model tasks.


Task Overview: Export the results of the predictions generated by a classification, clustering or regression algorithm.

Task Variables:

Table 4. Export_Results_Task variables

Variable name




Converts the prediction results to HTML or CSV file.

String [HTML or CSV]

How to use this task: It should be used after Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model tasks.


Task Overview: Load data from external sources.

Task Variables:

Table 5. Import_Data_Task variables

Variable name




Enter you URL of the CSV file.



Delimiter to use.


Your CSV file should be in a table format. See the example below.
csv file organisation

Task Overview: Load a trained model, and use it to make predictions for new coming data.

Task Variables:

Table 6. Import_Model_Task variables

Variable name




Type the URL to load your trained model. default:


How to use this task: It should be used before Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model to make predictions.


Task Overview: Convert an unstructured raw log file into a structured one by matching a group of event patterns.

Task Variables:

Table 7. Log_Parser_Task variables

Variable name




Put the URL of the raw log file that you need to parse.



Put the URL of the CSV file that contains the different RegEx expressions of each possible pattern and their corresponding variables. The csv file must contain three columns (See the example below):

A. id_pattern: Integer Specify the column containing the identifier of each pattern

B. Pattern: RegEx expression Define the regex expression of each pattern

C. Variables: String Specify the name of each variable included in the pattern. N.B: Use the symbol ‘*’ for variables that you need to neglect. (e.g. in the example below the 5th variable is neglected) N.B: All variables specified in each Regex expressions have to be mentioned in the column « Variables » in the right order (use ',' to separate the variable names).



Indicate the extension of the file where you will save the resulted structured logs.

String [CSV or HTML]

pattern file

How to use this task: Could be connected with Filter_Data task and [Feature_Vector_Extractor] tasks.

7.1.3. Data Preprocessing


Task Overview: Drop the columns specified in COLUMNS_NAME variable.

Task Variables:

Table 8. Drop_Columns_Task variables

Variable name




The list of columns that need to be dropped. Columns names should be separated by a comma.


More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Replace inf values to NaNs in a first place then drop objects on a given axis where alternately any or all of the data are missing.

More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Encode the values of the columns specified in COLUMNS_NAME variable with integer values between 0 and "the number of unique variables"-1.

Task Variables:

Table 9. Encode_Data_Task variables

Variable name




The list of columns that need to be encoded. Columns names should be separated by a comma.


More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method.

Task Variables:

Table 10. Fill_NaNs_Task variables

Variable name




Refers to the value to use to fill holes (e.g. 0).


More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Subset columns of a dataframe according to the specified list of coluumns in the COLUMNS_NAME variable.

Task Variables:

Table 11. Filter_Columns_Task variables

Variable name




The list of columns to restrict to. Columns names should be separated by a comma.


More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Merge DataFrame objects by performing a database-style join operation based on a specific reference column specified in the REF_COLUMN variable.

Task Variables:

Table 12. Merge_Data_Task variables

Variable name




The list of columns to restrict to. Columns names should be separated by a comma.


More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Scale a dataset based on a robust scaler or standard scaler.

Task Variables:

Table 13. Scale_Data_Task variables

Variable name




The list of columns to restrict to. Columns names should be separated by a comma.

List [RobustScaler, StandardScaler] (default=RobustScaler)


The list of columns that will be scaled. column names should be separated by a comma.


More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Separate data into train and test subsets.

Task Variables:

Table 14. Split_Data_Task variables

Variable name




This parameter must be float within the range (0.0, 1.0), not including the values 0.0 and 1.0. default = 0.7


How to use this task: It should be used before Train and Predict tasks.

More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Query the columns of your data with a boolean expression.

Task Variables:

Table 15. Filter_Data_Task variables

Variable name




The query string to evaluate.



Refers to the extension of the file where the resulted filtered data will be saved.

String [CSV or HTML]

More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

7.1.4. Feature Extraction


Task Overview: Calculate the histogram of a dataframe based on a reference column that need to be specified in the variable REF_COLUMN.

Task Variables:

Table 16. Summarize_Data_Task variables

Variable name




The model that will be used to summarize data.

List [KMeans, PolynomialFeatures] (default=KMeans)


The column that will be used to group by the different histogram measures.


More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Calculate a comprehensive number of time series features based on the library TSFRESH.

Task Variables:

Table 17. Tsfresh_Features_Extraction_Task variables

Variable name




The column that contains the values of the time series



The column that will be used to group by the different features.



False if you do not need to extract all the possible features extractable by the library TSFRESH.

Boolean [default = False]

More details about the source code of this task can be found here.

7.1.5. ML Anomaly Detection


Task Overview: Local Outlier Factor is an unsupervised outlier detection method which computes the local density deviation of a given data point with respect to its neighbors. It considers as outlier samples that have a substantially lower density than their neighbors.

Task Variables:

Table 18. Local_Outlier_Factor_Task variables

Variable name




Number of neighbors to use by default for kneighbors queries. If n_neighbors is larger than the number of samples provided, all samples will be used.

Integer, Optional (default=20)


The number of parallel jobs to run for neighbors search. If -1, then the number of jobs is set to the number of CPU cores.

Integer, Optional (default=1)

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: One-class SVM is an unsupervised algorithm that learns a decision function for novelty detection: classifying new data as similar or different to the training set.

Task Variables:

Table 19. One_Class_SVM_Task variables

Variable name




An upper bound on the fraction of training errors and a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. It should be in the interval [0, 1].

Float, Optional (default=0.5)


Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of ‘linear’, ‘poly’, ‘rbf’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘precomputed’ or a callable. If none is given, ‘rbf’ will be used. If a callable is given it is used to precompute the kernel matrix.

string, Optional (default='rbf')


Kernel coefficient for ‘rbf’, ‘poly’ and ‘sigmoid’. If gamma is ‘auto’ then 1/n_features will be used instead.

Float, Optional (default='auto')

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

7.1.6. ML Classification


Task Overview: Naive Bayes classifier is a family of simple probabilistic classifier based on applying Bayes' theorem with strong (naive) independence assumptions between the features.

Task Variables:

Table 20. Gaussian_Naive_Bayes_Task variables

Variable name




Prior probabilities of the classes. If specified the priors are not adjusted according to the data.

array-like, shape (n_classes)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Logistic Regression is a regression model where the Dependent Variable (DV) is categorical.

Task Variables:

Table 21. Logistic_Regression_Task variables

Variable name




Used to specify the norm used in the penalization. The ‘newton-cg’, ‘sag’ and ‘lbfgs’ solvers support only l2 penalties. default=‘l2’



Algorithm to use in the optimization problem.

‘newton-cg’, ‘lbfgs’, ‘liblinear’, ‘sag’, ‘saga’, default: ‘liblinear’


Useful only for the newton-cg, sag and lbfgs solvers. Maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge.

Integer (default=100)


Number of CPU cores used. If given a value of -1, all cores are used.

Integer (default=1)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about the source code of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Support vector machines are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification.

Task Variables:

Table 22. Support_Vector_Machines_Task variables

Variable name




Penalty parameter C of the error term.

Float, optional (default=1.0)


Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of ‘linear’, ‘poly’, ‘rbf’, ‘sigmoid’,‘precomputed’ or a callable.

string, optional (default=’rbf’)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

7.1.7. ML Regression


Task Overview: Bayesian linear regression is an approach to linear regression in which the statistical analysis is undertaken within the context of Bayesian inference.

Task Variables:

Table 23. Bayesian_Ridge_Regression_Task variables

Variable name




Penalty parameter C of the error term.

Integer, optional (default=300)


Hyper-parameter : shape parameter for the Gamma distribution prior over the alpha parameter.

Float (default=1.e-6)


Hyper-parameter : inverse scale parameter (rate parameter) for the Gamma distribution prior over the alpha parameter.

Float (default=1.e-6)


Hyper-parameter : shape parameter for the Gamma distribution prior over the lambda parameter.

Float (default=1.e-6)


Hyper-parameter : inverse scale parameter (rate parameter) for the Gamma distribution prior over the lambda parameter.

Float (default=1.e-6)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Linear regression is a linear approach for modeling the relationship between a scalar dependent variable y and one or more explanatory variables (or independent variables) denoted X.

Task Variables:

Table 24. Linear_Regression_Task variables

Variable name




Penalty parameter C of the error term.

Integer (default=1)

How to use this task: IT should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Support vector regression are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for regression.

Task Variables:

Table 25. Support_Vector_Regression_Task variables

Variable name




Penalty parameter C of the error term.

Float, optional (default=1.0)


Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of ‘linear’, ‘poly’, ‘rbf’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘precomputed’ or a callable.

String, optional (default=’rbf’)


It specifies the epsilon-tube within which no penalty is associated in the training loss function with points predicted within a distance epsilon from the actual value.

Float, optional (default=0.1)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

7.1.8. ML Clustering


Task Overview: K-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the cluster

Task Variables:

Table 26. K_Means_Task variables

Variable name




The number of clusters to form as well as the number of centroids to generate

Integer, optional (default=8)


Maximum number of iterations of the k-means algorithm for a single run.

Integer, optional (default=300)


The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by computing each of the n_init runs in parallel. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all

Integer, optional (default=1)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Mean shift is a non-parametric feature-space analysis technique for locating the maxima of a density function.

Task Variables:

Table 27. Mean_Shift_Task variables

Variable name




The number of clusters to form as well as the number of centroids to generate.

Boolean [True or False]


If true, then all points are clustered, even those orphans that are not within any kernel. Orphans are assigned to the nearest kernel. If false, then orphans are given cluster label -1.

Integer (default=1)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Model or Train_Clustering_Model and Predict_Model or Predict_Clustering_Model.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

7.1.9. Train


Task Overview: Train an anomaly model.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Local_Outlier_Factor task or One_Class_SVM task.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Train a clustering model.

How to use this task: It should be used after a clustering algorithm such as Bayesian_Ridge_Regression, Linear_Regression and Support_Vector_Regression.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Train a model using a classification or regression algorithm.

How to use this task: It should be used after a classification or regression algorithm, such as Support_Vector_Machines, Gaussian_Naive_Bayes and Linear_Regression.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

7.1.10. Predict


Task Overview: Generate predictions using a trained model.

How to use this task: It should be used after the Train_Model Task.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Generate predictions using a trained model.

How to use this task: It should be used after the Train_Clustering_Model Task.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

Task Overview: Generate predictions using a trained model.

How to use this task: It should be used after the Train_Model Task.

More information about the source of this task can be found here.

7.2. Deep Learning Bucket

The deep-learning bucket contains diverse generic deep learning tasks that enable you to easily compose workflows for predictive models learning and testing. This bucket can be easily customized according to your needs. It offers different options, you can customize it by adding new tasks or update the existing tasks.

It is recommended to use an enabled-GPU machine to run the deep learning tasks.

7.2.1. Input and Output


Task Overview: Load and return an image dataset. There are some simple rules for organizing your files and folders.

  1. Image Classification Dataset: Each class must have its own folder which should contain its related images. The Figure below shows how your folders and files should be organized.

You can find an example of the organization of the folders at:
  1. Image Segmentation Dataset: Two folders are required: the first folder should contain the RGB images in JPG format and another folder should contain its corresponding annotations in PASCAL VOC format. RGB images and annotations should be organized as follows:

You can find an example of the organization of the folders at:
  1. Object Detection Dataset: Two folders are demanded: the first folder should contain the RGB images in JPG format and another folder should contain its corresponding anotations in XML format using PASCAL VOC format or TXT format using COCO format ( The RGB images and annotations should be organized as follows:

In these links, you can find an example of the organization of the folders using Pascal_VOC Dataset and COCO Dataset.

Task Variables:

Table 28. Import_Image_Dataset_Task variables

Variable name




URL pointing to the zip folder containing the needed data.



Must be a float within the range (0.0, 1.0), not including the values 0.0 and 1.0.

Float (default=1)


Must be a float within the range (0.0, 1.0), not including the values 0.0 and 1.0.

Float (default=0.3)


Must be a float within the range (0.0, 1.0), not including the values 0.0 and 1.0.

Float (default=0.1)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Enter the type of your dataset. There are two possible types: classification or segmentation

List [Classification or Segmentation]

Torchvision were used to preprocess and load the dataset.

Task Overview: Export a trained model by a deep learning algorithm.


Task Overview: Import a trained model by a deep learning algorithm.

Task Variables:

Table 29. Import_Model_Task variables

Variable name




URL pointing to the zip folder containing the needed model.



If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Task Overview: Import data from external sources. Each unique label must have its own folder which should contain its related text file. If your data is unlabeled, use the name 'unlabeled' for the folder containing your text file.

Task Variables:

Table 30. Import_Text_Dataset_Task variables

Variable name




URL pointing to the zip folder containing the needed data.



Must be a float within the range (0.0, 1.0), not including the values 0.0 and 1.0.

Float (default=1)


Must be a float within the range (0.0, 1.0), not including the values 0.0 and 1.0.

Float (default=0.3)


Must be a float within the range (0.0, 1.0), not including the values 0.0 and 1.0.

Float (default=0.1)


Use a subset of the data to train the model fastly.

Boolean (default=True)


Transform the text into tokens. Different options are available (str.split,moses,spacy,revtok,subword)

List (default=str.split)


Split the text into separated paragraphs, separated lines, separated words. Choose your own separator.

String (default=\r)


Encode to be used to read the text.

String (default='utf-8')


True if data is labeled.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: It should be connected with Train_Text_Classification_Model or Predict_Text_Classification_Model.

Torchtext were used to preprocess and load the text input. More information about this library can be found here.
Export Results

Task Overview: Export the results of the predictions generated by the trained model.

Task Variables:

Table 31. Export_Results_Task variables

Variable name




Converts the prediction results to HTML or CSV file.

List (default='HTML')


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

Export Images

Task Overview: Download a zip file of your results.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Predict_Image_Classification_Model or Predict_Image_Segmentation_Model task.

7.2.2. Image Classification


Task Overview: AlexNet is the name of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), originally written with CUDA to run with GPU support, which competed in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Image_Classification_Model task.

Table 32. AlexNet_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Parameter to use a pre-trained model for training. If True, the pre-trained model with the corresponding number of layers is loaded and used for training. Otherwise, the network is trained from scratch.

Boolean (default=True)

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on AlexNet.

Task Overview: Densely Connected Convolutional Network (DenseNet) is a network architecture where each layer is directly connected to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion (within each dense block).

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Image_Classification_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on DenseNet-161.
Table 33. DenseNet-161_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Parameter to use a pre-trained model for training. If True, the pre-trained model with the corresponding number of layers is loaded and used for training. Otherwise, the network is trained from scratch.

Boolean (default=True)


Task Overview: Deep Residual Networks (ResNet-18) is a deep convolutional neural network, trained on 1.28 million ImageNet training images, coming from 1000 classes.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Image_Classification_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on ResNet-18.
Table 34. ResNet-161_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Parameter to use a pre-trained model for training. If True, the pre-trained model with the corresponding number of layers is loaded and used for training. Otherwise, the network is trained from scratch.

Boolean (default=True)


Task Overview: The VGG-16 is an image classification convolutional neural network.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Image_Classification_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on VGG-16.
Table 35. VGG-16_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Parameter to use a pre-trained model for training. If True, the pre-trained model with the corresponding number of layers is loaded and used for training. Otherwise, the network is trained from scratch.

Boolean (default=True)

7.2.3. Image Segmentation


Task Overview: The FCN16 combines layers of the feature hierarchy and refines the spatial precision of the output.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Image_Segmentation_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on FCN.
Table 36. FCN_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Insert (width, height) of the images as a tuple with 2 elements.

Integer (default=(64, 64))


Number of classes.

Integer (default=5)


Task Overview: is a deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for robust semantic pixel-wise labelling.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Image_Segmentation_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on SegNet.
Table 37. SegNet_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Insert (width, height) of the images as a tuple with 2 elements.

Integer (default=(64, 64))


Number of classes.

Integer (default=5)


Task Overview: consists of a contracting path to capture context and a symmetric expanding path that enables precise localization.

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Image_Segmentation_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on UNet.
Table 38. UNet_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Insert (width, height) of the images as a tuple with 2 elements.

Integer (default=(64, 64))


Number of classes.

Integer (default=5)

7.2.4. Object Detection


Task Overview: produces a fixed-size collection of bounding boxes and scores for the presence of object class instances in those boxes, followed by a non-maximum suppression step to produce the final detections. For more details click on this link

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Object_Detection_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on SSD.
Table 39. SSD_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Initial iteration.

Integer (default=0)


Maximum iteration.

Integer (default=5)


Learning steps update for SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent).

Integer (default=5)


Learning rate update for SGD.

Float (default= 1e-3) Range in [0, 1].


Gamma update for SGD.

Float (default=0.1) Range in [0, 1].


Minimum object size for detection by specifying numerical values or reference areas on screen. Objects smaller than that are ignored.

Integer (default= [30, 60, 111, 162, 213, 264])


Maximum object size for detection by specifying numerical values or reference areas on screen. Objects larger than that are ignored.

Integer (default= [60, 111, 162, 213, 264, 315])


Initial learning rate.

Float (default= 1e-8) Range in [0, 1].


Momentum value for optimization.

Float (default=0.9) Range in [0, 1].


Weight decay for SGD

Float (default= 5e-4) Range in [0, 1].


Insert (width, height) of the images as a tuple with 2 elements.

Integer (default=(300, 300))


Number of classes.

Integer (default=21)


The URL of the file containing the class names of the dataset.

String (default=(


Parameter to use pre-trained model for training. If True, the pre-trained model with the corresponding number of layers is loaded and used for training. Otherwise, the network is trained from scratch.

Boolean (default=True)

The default parameters of the SSD network were set for the PASCAL VOC dataset ( If you’d like to use another dataset, you probably need to change the default parameters.

Task Overview: You only look once (YOLO) is a single neural network to predict bounding boxes and class probabilities. For more details click on this link

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Object_Detection_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on YOLO.
Table 40. YOLO_Task variables

Variable name




If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)


Initial learning rate

Float (default= 0.0005) Range in [0, 1].


Momentum value for optimization.

Float (default=0.9) Range in [0, 1].


Weight decay for SGD

Float (default= 5e-4) Range in [0, 1].


Insert (width, height) of the images as a tuple with 2 elements.

Integer (default=(414, 416))


Number of classes.

Integer (default=81)


This parameter shows how certain it is that the predicted bounding box actually encloses some object. This score doesn’t say anything about what kind of object is in the box, just if the shape of the box is any good.

Float (default=0.5) Range in [0, 1].


This parameter will select only the most accurate (highest probability) one of the boxes.

Float (default=0.45) Range in [0, 1].


The URL of the file containing the class names of the dataset.

String (default=(


Parameter to use pre-trained model for training. If True, the pre-trained model with the corresponding number of layers is loaded and used for training. Otherwise, the network is trained from scratch.

Boolean (default=True)

The default parameters of the YOLO network were set for the COCO dataset ( If you’d like to use another dataset, you probably need to change the default parameters.

7.2.5. Text Classification


Task Overview: Gated recurrent units (GRUs) are a gating mechanism in recurrent neural networks.

Task Variables:

Table 41. GRU_Task variables

Variable name




The dimension of the vectors that will be used to map words in some languages.

Integer (default=50)


Hidden dimension of the neural network.

Integer (default=40)


Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=2)


Percentage of the neurons that will be ignored during the training.

Float (default=0.5)

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Text_Classification_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on GRU.

Task Overview: Long short-term memory (LSTM) units (or blocks) are a building unit for layers of a recurrent neural network (RNN).

Task Variables:

Table 42. LSTM_Task variables

Variable name




The dimension of the vectors that will be used to map words in some languages.

Integer (default=50)


Hidden dimension of the neural network.

Integer (default=40)


Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=2)


Percentage of the neurons that will be ignored during the training.

Float (default=0.5)

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Text_Classification_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on LSTM.

Task Overview: A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neural network where connections between units form a directed graph along a sequence.

Task Variables:

Table 43. RNN_Task variables

Variable name




The dimension of the vectors that will be used to map words in some languages.

Integer (default=50)


Hidden dimension of the neural network.

Integer (default=40)


Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=2)


Percentage of the neurons that will be ignored during the training.

Float (default=0.5)

How to use this task: It should be connected to Train_Text_Classification_Model task.

Pytorch were used to build the model architecture based on RNN.

7.2.6. Train Model


Task Overview: Train a model using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm.

Task Variables:

Table 44. Train_Image_Classification_Model variables

Variable name




Number of times all of the training vectors are used once to update the weights.

Integer (default=1)


Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=4)


Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.

Integer (default=2)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: Could be connected to Predict_Image_Classification_Model and Export_Model tasks.


Task Overview: Train a model using an image segmentation algorithm.

Task Variables:

Table 45. Train_Image_Segmentation_Model variables

Variable name




Number of times all of the training vectors are used once to update the weights.

Integer (default=1)


Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=4)


Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.

Integer (default=2)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: Could be connected to Predict_Image_Segmentation_Model and Export_Model tasks.


Task Overview: A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neural network where connections between units form a directed graph along a sequence.

Task Variables:

Table 46. Train_Text_Classification_Model variables

Variable name




Determines how quickly or how slowly you want to update the parameters.

Float (default=0.001)


Choose the optimization algorithm that would help you to minimize the Loss function. Different options are available (42B, 840B, twitter.27B,6B).

List (default=Adam)


Choose the function that will be used to compute the loss. Different options are available (Adam,RMS, SGD, Adagrad, Adadelta).

List (default=NLLLoss)


Number of times all of the training vectors are used once to update the weights.

Integer (default=10)


True if you want to update the embedding vectors during the training process.

Boolean (default=False)


Choose the glove vectors that need to be used for words embedding. Different options are available (42B, 840B, twitter.27B,6B)

List (default=6B)


True if you need to execute the training task in a GPU node.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: Could be connected to Predict_Text_Classification_Model and Export_Model tasks.


Task Overview: Train a model using an object detection algorithm.

Task Variables:

Table 47. Train_Object_Detection_Model variables

Variable name




Number of times all of the training vectors are used once to update the weights.

Integer (default=1)


Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=4)


Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.

Integer (default=2)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

7.2.7. Predict


Task Overview: Generate predictions using a trained model.

Table 48. Predict_Image_Classification_Model variables

Variable name




Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=4)


Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.

Integer (default=2)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: It should be used after the Train_Image_Classification_Model or Export_Model Task.


Task Overview: Generate predictions using a trained segmentation model.

Table 49. Predict_Image_Segmentation_Model variables

Variable name




Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=4)


Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.

Integer (default=2)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: It should be used after the Train_Image_Classification_Model or Export_Model Task.


Task Overview: Generate predictions using a trained model.

Table 50. Predict_Text_Model variables

Variable name




Choose the function that will be used to compute the loss. Different options are available (Adam,RMS, SGD, Adagrad, Adadelta).

List (default=NLLLoss)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: It should be used after the Train_Text_Classification_Model or Export_Model Task.


Task Overview: Generate predictions using a trained object detection model.

Table 51. Predict_Object_Detection_Model Task variables

Variable name




Batch size to be used.

Integer (default=4)


Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.

Integer (default=2)


If True, the tasks will be executed on GPU nodes.

Boolean (default=True)


If True, the tasks will be executed on a Docker container. activeeon/dlm3 image is used by default. If False, the required libraries should be installed in the different nodes that will be used.

Boolean (default=True)

How to use this task: It should be used after the Predict_Object_Detection_Model or Export_Model Task.

7.3. Data Visualization Bucket

Visdom Bucket integrates generic tasks that can be easily used to broadcast visualizations of the analytic results provided by ML tasks. These visualization are created, organized, and shared using Visdom, a flexible tool proposed by Facebook Research.

It provides a large set of plots that can be organized programmatically or through the UI. These plots can be used to create dashboards for both live and real-time data, inspect results of experiments, or debug experimental code.

Visdom bucket provides a fast, easy and practice way to execute different workflows generating these diverse visualizations that are automatically cached by the Visdom Server.

7.3.1. Visdom


Task Overview: Bind or/and Start Visdom server.

Task Variables:

Table 52. Start_Visdom_Service_Task variables

Variable name




The id of the Visdom service.

String (default="Visdom")


The instance name of the server to use to broadcast visualization

String (default="visdom-server-1")

If two workflows use the same service instance names, then, their generated plots will be created on the same service instance.

Task Overview: Connect and plot a text into the Visdom Server.

Task Variables:

To adapt according to the plots that you need to visualize

How to use this task: Customize this task by putting the source code generating your code in the Task Implementation section

This task has to be connected to the Start_Visdom_Service Task. The Visdom server should be up in order to be able to broadcast visualizations.

Task Overview: Stop and remove the Visdom Server.

Task Variables:

Table 53. Stop_Visdom_Service_Task variables

Variable name




The id of the Visdom service.

String (default="Visdom")


The instance name of the server to use to broadcast visualization

String (default="visdom-server-1")

How to use this task: This task can be connected to Visdom_Client_Example. Visualize, then, stop the Visdom Service.

This task will immediately stop the service.

Task Overview: wait for the validation of the job by the user to stop and remove the Visdom Server.

Task Variables:

Table 54. Stop_Visdom_Service_After_Validation_Task variables

Variable name




The id of the Visdom service.

String (default="Visdom")


The instance name of the server to use to broadcast visualization

String (default="visdom-server-1")

How to use this task: This task can be connected to Visdom_Client_Example. Visualize, then, stop the Visdom Service.

This task will stop the service once the user has validated this requirement using ProActive Cloud Automation portal.

Task Overview: plot the different results obtained by a predictive model using Visdom

Task Variables:

Variable name




The targeted class that you need to track


How to use this task: This task has to be connected to the Start_Visdom_Service Task. The Visdom server should be up in order to be able to broadcast visualizations.

7.3.2. Visdom Worflows

The following workflows present some examples using Visdom service to visualize the results obtained while training and testing some predictive models.

Visdom_Plot_Example: returns numerous examples of plots covered by Visdom.

Visdom_Realtime_Apache_Intrusion_Detection: broadcasts in real time some visualizations of the analytic results provided by the Apache log intrusion detector.

Visdom_Service_Example: evaluates in real time the performance of a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for MNIST* handwritten digit classification during the training and test processes.

A demo video of these workflows is available in ActiveEon Youtube Channel.