ProActive Workflows & Scheduling (PWS)

  • PWS User Guide (Workflows, Workload automation, Jobs, Tasks, Catalog, Resource Management, Big Data/ETL, …​)

  • MODULE: Job Planner (Time-based Scheduling)

  • MODULE: Cloud Watch (Event-based Scheduling)

  • MODULE: Cloud Automation (PaaS On-Demand, Service deployment and management)

  • Administration Guide (Installation, Infrastructure & Nodes setup, Agents,…​)

1. Overview

ProActive Scheduler is a comprehensive Open Source job scheduler and Orchestrator, also featuring Workflows and Resource Management. The user specifies the computation in terms of a series of computation steps along with their execution and data dependencies. The Scheduler executes this computation on a cluster of computation resources, each step on the best-fit resource and in parallel wherever its possible.


On the top left there is the Studio interface which allows you to build Workflows. It can be interactively configured to address specific domains, for instance Finance, Big Data, IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI). See for instance the Documentation of Machine Learning Open Studio here, and try it online here. In the middle there is the Scheduler which enables an enterprise to orchestrate and automate Multi-users, Multi-application Jobs. Finally, at the bottom right is the Resource manager interface which manages and automates resource provisioning on any Public Cloud, on any virtualization software, on any container system, and on any Physical Machine of any OS. All the components you see come with fully Open and modern REST APIs.

automation dashboard catalog

The screenshot above shows the Catalog Portal, where one can store Workflows, Calendars, Scripts, etc. Powerful versioning together with full access control (RBAC) is supported, and users can share easily Workflows and templates between teams, and various environments (Dev, Test, Staging and Prod).

job planner

The screenshot above shows the Job Planner Portal, allowing to automate and schedule recurring Jobs. From left to right, you can define and use Calendar Definitions , associate Workflows to calendars, visualize the execution planning for the future, as well as actual executions of the past.

calendar planning gantt

The Gantt screenshot above shows the Gantt View of Job Planner, featuring past job history, current Job being executed, and future Jobs that will be submitted, all in a comprehensive interactive view. You easily see the potential differences between Planned Submission Time and Actual Start Time of the Jobs, get estimations of the Finished Time, visualize the Job that stayed PENDING for some time (in Yellow) and the Jobs that had issues and got KILLED, CANCELLED, or FAILED (in red).

automation dashboard cloud watch

The screenshot above shows the Cloud Watch portal, where a user can manage and benefit from Cloud Watch - smart monitoring system. This ProActive component detects complex events and then triggers user-specified actions according to predefined set of rules.

cloud automation on demand paas

The screenshot above shows the Cloud Automation portal which is actually a PaaS automation tool. It allows you to easily manage any On-Demand Services with full Life-Cycle Management (create, deploy, suspend, resume and terminate).

scalable elastic resources

The screenshots above taken from the Resource Manager portal shows that you can configure ProActive Scheduler to dynamically scale up and down the infrastructure being used (e.g. the number of VMs you buy on Clouds) according to the actual workload to execute.

The administration guide covers cluster setup and cluster administration. Cluster setup includes two main steps:

1.1. Glossary

The following terms are used throughout the documentation:

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling

The full distribution of ProActive for Workflows & Scheduling, it contains the ProActive Scheduler server, the REST & Web interfaces, the command line tools. It is the commercial product name.

ProActive Scheduler

Can refer to any of the following:

  • A complete set of ProActive components.

  • An archive that contains a released version of ProActive components, for example

  • A set of server-side ProActive components installed and running on a Server Host.

Resource Manager

ProActive component that manages ProActive Nodes running on Compute Hosts.


ProActive component that accepts Jobs from users, orders the constituent Tasks according to priority and resource availability, and eventually executes them on the resources (ProActive Nodes) provided by the Resource Manager.

Please note the difference between Scheduler and ProActive Scheduler.

ProActive component that provides RESTful API for the Resource Manager, the Scheduler and the Catalog.

Resource Manager Web Interface

ProActive component that provides a web interface to the Resource Manager. Also called Resource Manager Portal.

Scheduler Web Interface

ProActive component that provides a web interface to the Scheduler. Also called Scheduler Portal.

Workflow Studio

ProActive component that provides a web interface for designing Workflows.


ProActive component that provides storage and versioning of Workflows and other ProActive Objects through a REST API. It is also possible to query the Catalog for specific Workflows.

Job Planner

A ProActive component providing advanced scheduling options for Workflows.

Job Planner Portal

A ProActive portal to manage the Job Planner service.


ProActive notion used with the Catalog to refer to a specific collection of ProActive Objects and in particular ProActive Workflows.

Server Host

The machine on which ProActive Scheduler is installed.


The IP address of the Server Host.

ProActive Node

One ProActive Node can execute one Task at a time. This concept is often tied to the number of cores available on a Compute Host. We assume a task consumes one core (more is possible, see multi-nodes tasks, so on a 4 cores machines you might want to run 4 ProActive Nodes. One (by default) or more ProActive Nodes can be executed in a Java process on the Compute Hosts and will communicate with the ProActive Scheduler to execute tasks.

Compute Host

Any machine which is meant to provide computational resources to be managed by the ProActive Scheduler. One or more ProActive Nodes need to be running on the machine for it to be managed by the ProActive Scheduler.

Examples of Compute Hosts:

Node Source

A set of ProActive Nodes deployed using the same deployment mechanism and sharing the same access policy.

Node Source Infrastructure

The configuration attached to a Node Source which defines the deployment mechanism used to deploy ProActive Nodes.

Node Source Policy

The configuration attached to a Node Source which defines the ProActive Nodes acquisition and access policies.

Scheduling Policy

The policy used by the ProActive Scheduler to determine how Jobs and Tasks are scheduled.


The path to the extracted archive of ProActive Scheduler release, either on the Server Host or on a Compute Host.


User-defined representation of a distributed computation. Consists of the definitions of one or more Tasks and their dependencies.

Workflow Revision

ProActive concept that reflects the changes made on a Workflow during it development. Generally speaking, the term Workflow is used to refer to the latest version of a Workflow Revision.

Generic Information

Are additional information which are attached to Workflows.

Calendar Definition

Is a json object attached by adding it to the Generic Information of a Workflow.


An instance of a Workflow submitted to the ProActive Scheduler. Sometimes also used as a synonym for Workflow.

Job Id

An integer identifier which uniquely represents a Job inside the ProActive Scheduler.

Job Icon

An icon representing the Job and displayed in portals. The Job Icon is defined by the Generic Information workflow.icon.


A unit of computation handled by ProActive Scheduler. Both Workflows and Jobs are made of Tasks. A Task must define a ProActive Task Executable and can also define additional task scripts

Task Id

An integer identifier which uniquely represents a Task inside a Job ProActive Scheduler. Task ids are only unique inside a given Job.

Task Executable

The main executable definition of a ProActive Task. A Task Executable can either be a Script Task, a Java Task or a Native Task.

Script Task

A Task Executable defined as a script execution.

Java Task

A Task Executable defined as a Java class execution.

Native Task

A Task Executable defined as a native command execution.

Additional Task Scripts

A collection of scripts part of a ProActive Task definition which can be used in complement to the main Task Executable. Additional Task scripts can either be Selection Script, Fork Environment Script, Pre Script, Post Script, Control Flow Script or Cleaning Script

Selection Script

A script part of a ProActive Task definition and used to select a specific ProActive Node to execute a ProActive Task.

Fork Environment Script

A script part of a ProActive Task definition and run on the ProActive Node selected to execute the Task. Fork Environment script is used to configure the forked Java Virtual Machine process which executes the task.

Pre Script

A script part of a ProActive Task definition and run inside the forked Java Virtual Machine, before the Task Executable.

Post Script

A script part of a ProActive Task definition and run inside the forked Java Virtual Machine, after the Task Executable.

Control Flow Script

A script part of a ProActive Task definition and run inside the forked Java Virtual Machine, after the Task Executable, to determine control flow actions.

Control Flow Action

A dynamic workflow action performed after the execution of a ProActive Task. Possible control flow actions are Branch, Loop or Replicate.


A dynamic workflow action performed after the execution of a ProActive Task similar to an IF/THEN/ELSE structure.


A dynamic workflow action performed after the execution of a ProActive Task similar to a FOR structure.


A dynamic workflow action performed after the execution of a ProActive Task similar to a PARALLEL FOR structure.

Cleaning Script

A script part of a ProActive Task definition and run after the Task Executable and before releasing the ProActive Node to the Resource Manager.

Script Bindings

Named objects which can be used inside a Script Task or inside Additional Task Scripts and which are automatically defined by the ProActive Scheduler. The type of each script binding depends on the script language used.

Task Icon

An icon representing the Task and displayed in the Studio portal. The Task Icon is defined by the Task Generic Information task.icon.

ProActive Agent

A daemon installed on a Compute Host that starts and stops ProActive Nodes according to a schedule, restarts ProActive Nodes in case of failure and enforces resource limits for the Tasks.

2. Get Started

Download ProActive Scheduler and unzip the archive.

The extracted folder will be referenced as PROACTIVE_HOME in the rest of the documentation. The archive contains all required dependencies.

ProActive Scheduler is ready to be started with no extra configuration.

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-server
The router created on localhost:33647
Starting the scheduler...
Starting the resource manager...
The resource manager with 4 local nodes created on pnp://localhost:41303/
The scheduler created on pnp://localhost:41303/
Starting the web applications...
The web application /scheduler created on http://localhost:8080/scheduler
The web application /rm created on http://localhost:8080/rm
The web application /rest created on http://localhost:8080/rest
The web application /studio created on http://localhost:8080/studio
The web application /catalog created on http://localhost:8080/catalog
*** Get started at http://localhost:8080 ***

The following ProActive Scheduler components are started:

The URLs of the Scheduler, Resource Manager, REST API and Web Interfaces are displayed in the output.

Default credentials: admin/admin

Your ProActive Scheduler is ready to execute Jobs!

2.1. Minimum requirements

The size of a ProActive server is based on the number of jobs and tasks executed and submitted per day. It is also based on the number of nodes connected to the server.

The minimal requirements for the server is 4 Cores and 8 GB. An average ProActive Scheduler installation uses 12 cores, 24 GB RAM. Large setups use 24 cores and 100 GB RAM.

Additionally, using local ProActive Nodes (deployed directly inside the ProActive server) will impact the sizing. As these nodes will execute tasks which can consume CPU and RAM, machine resources will be shared between the ProActive Server and the Local Nodes.

2.2. Scheduler Life-Cycle Management

Under the Admin menu from the scheduler portal, the following administrator actions are proposed:

  • Start the scheduler: Jobs can be submitted. Getting the jobs results is possible. The scheduler can be stopped, frozen, paused or killed.

  • Stop the scheduler: Jobs cannot be submitted anymore. Already running jobs run to completion, but not pending jobs. Getting the jobs results is possible. The scheduler can be started or killed.

  • Freeze the scheduler: Every running tasks run to completion, but the running jobs wait for the scheduler to resume. The scheduler can be stopped, resumed or killed.

  • Resume the scheduler: If the scheduler is Paused or Frozen.

  • Pause the scheduler: Every running jobs run to completion. The scheduler can be stopped, resumed or killed.

  • Kill the scheduler: Similar to Ctrl-C. No interation can be done anymore.

  • Shutdown the scheduler: Every running tasks run to completion before terminating the scheduler.

3. ProActive Scheduler configuration

All configuration files of ProActive Scheduler can be found under PROACTIVE_HOME.

3.1. Java Virtual Machine configuration

Various command-line tools shipped with ProActive (bin/proactive-server, bin/proactive-node) start a Java Virtual Machine. The parameters of the JVM can be modified by editing DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS= in the corresponding script both in Linux and Windows.

For example, to set the maximum heap capacity on the JVM to 6GB in Linux:

Change the line DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-server" "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" "-Xms4g"'


DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-server" "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" "-Xms4g" "-Xmx6g"'

3.2. General configuration

Table 1. ProActive Scheduler configuration files
Component Description File Reference


Scheduling Properties


Scheduler Properties

Resource Manager

Node management configuration


Resources Manager Properties

Web Applications

REST API and Web Applications configuration


REST API & Web Properties


Network, firewall, protocols configuration

config/network/node.ini, config/network/server.ini

Network Properties


User logins and passwords



User group assignments



User permissions


User Permissions

LDAP configuration




Scheduler configuration


Database configuration

Resource Manager configuration


Database configuration

Scheduling-api microservice


Database configuration

Job-planner microservice


Database configuration

Catalog microservice


Database configuration

3.3. Database configuration

Scheduler, Resource Mananger, and some microservices require to have direct access to the database. Thus, they must each have a correct database configuration.

To configure Scheduler or Resource Mananger, one have to modify PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/ and PROACTIVE_HOME/config/rm/ respectively.

The following five properties must be configured:

  • hibernate.connection.driver_class

  • hibernate.connection.url

  • hibernate.dialect

  • hibernate.connection.username

  • hibernate.connection.password

There are usefull templates for different databases in PROACTVE_HOME/config/scheduler/templates/ and PROACTVE_HOME/config/rm/templates/.

The job-planner, catalog, scheduling-api, and proactive-cloud-watch microservices must contain a database configuration. For each microservice, a microservice configuration file can be found in: PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/MICROSERVICE-NAME/WEB-INF/classes/ In their file, you need to set the following five properties:

  • spring.datasource.url

  • spring.datasource.username

  • spring.datasource.password

  • spring.datasource.driverClassName

  • spring.jpa.database-platform

Moreover, it is mandatory to put the proper database driver in PROACTIVE_HOME/addons folder, e.g. if you want to use MySQL 5.7 database, then you have to download the database driver and put it at: PROACTIVE_HOME/addons/mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar.

Scheduler, and 3 microservices (scheduling-api, job-planner, and proactive-cloud-watch) have to point to the same database.

4. Deploy ProActive Nodes

In the ProActive Scheduler, Computational Resources are managed by the ProActive Resource Manager component.

The ProActive Resource Manager supports ProActive Nodes aggregation from heterogeneous environments. As a node is just a process running somewhere, the process of communication to such nodes is unified. The only part which has to be defined is the procedure of nodes deployment which could be quite different depending on infrastructures and their limitations. After installation of the server and node parts, it is possible to configure an automatic nodes deployment. Basically, you can tell the Resource Manager how to launch nodes and when.

In the ProActive Resource Manager, all the computational resources (Compute Hosts) are managed as a set of Node Sources. Each node source contains a set of ProActive Nodes which shares the same deployment mechanism and access policy.

Examples of a Node Source:

  • a cluster with SSH access where nodes are available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

  • nodes from Amazon EC2 available permanently for users from group 'cloud'.

rm portal

As shown in the previous screenshot, the ProActive Resource Manager provides a Resource Manager Web Interface to show and manage all the node sources with its nodes.

Adding a cluster of Compute Hosts to the ProActive Resource Manager requires to create a node source. Its typical process involves copying the necessary ProActive binary files to all those Compute Hosts, running ProActive Nodes on the hosts, and connecting the nodes to the ProActive Resource Manager. There are two principal ways of doing that:

  • Launch a process of ProActive Node on the Compute Host and connect it to the ProActive Resource Manager

  • Initiate the deployment from the ProActive Resource Manager

If you are not familiar with ProActive Workflows & Scheduling product you may want to try the first method as it’s directly executed on the Compute Hosts. Combined with ProActive Agents which control and limit the resources utilization on the Compute Hosts, it gives you the same result as the second method.

The second method commands the ProActive Resource Manager to remotely launch the process of ProActive Nodes on Compute Hosts. The method implies that you have a remote access to Compute Hosts (e.g., SSH access).

The ProActive Nodes can be deployed on various kinds of computational resources, such as:

  • the local Server Host (i.e., the machine where the ProActive server is installed)

  • remote compute servers

  • Cloud Platforms (e.g., Amazon Web Services, OpenStack, GoogleComputeEngine)

  • an existing cluster managed by another scheduler (e.g., SLURM, LSF, PBS)

A node source is defined by two parts of configurations: Node Source Infrastructure and Node Source Policy. Each Node Source Infrastructure defines the deployment mechanism for a specific kind of computational resources. To support the deployment of these various computational resources, the ProActive Scheduler provides a set of supported Node Source Infrastructures. The Node Source Policy controls the resource usage. See the section Control the resource usage for more details. This section concentrates on the deployment mechanism of ProActive Nodes which is defined by the Node Source Infrastructure.

In the ProActive Resource Manager, there is always a default node source consisting of a Default Infrastructure and Static Policy. It is not able to deploy nodes anywhere but makes it possible to add existing nodes to the RM.

When you connect the Compute Hosts to the ProActive Resource Manager through the first method, a node source of Default Infrastructure is automatically created. Through the second method, you just need to choose the proper node source infrastructure and fill out its required parameters.

4.1. Deploy ProActive Nodes manually

Let’s take a closer look at the first method described above. To deploy a ProActive Node from the Compute Host, you have three ways to do it:

4.1.1. Using proactive-node command

To use proactive-node command, you need to unpack the ProActive node release archive inside the Compute Host and run the following command

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-node -r pnp://SCHEDULER_ADDRESS:64738

where -r option is used to specify the URL of the Resource Manager. You can find this URL in the output of the ProActive Scheduler (the Resource Manager URL). For example, in case of the following sample output of the ProActive server command:

The router created on localhost:33647
Starting the scheduler...
Starting the resource manager...
The resource manager with 4 local nodes created on pnp://localhost:41303/
The scheduler created on pnp://localhost:41303/
Starting the web applications...
The web application /scheduler created on http://localhost:8080/scheduler
The web application /rm created on http://localhost:8080/rm
The web application /rest created on http://localhost:8080/rest
The web application /studio created on http://localhost:8080/studio
The web application /catalog created on http://localhost:8080/catalog
*** Get started at http://localhost:8080 ***

You should use pnp://localhost:41303/ as the Resource Manager URL.

You can also use discovery to let the ProActive Node find the URL to connect to on its own. Simply run proactive-node without any parameter to use discovery. It uses broadcast to retrieve the URL so this feature might not work depending on your network configuration.

If you want to run multiple tasks at the same time on the same machine, you can either start a few proactive-node processes or start multiple nodes from the same process using the -w command line option.

4.1.2. Using node.jar

It is also possible to launch a ProActive Node without copying the ProActive Server release to the Compute Host:

  • Open a browser on the Compute Host.

  • Navigate to the Resource Manager Web Interface. You can find the URL in the output of the ProActive Scheduler (the Resource Manager web application URL, e.g., http://localhost:8080/rm).

  • Use default demo/demo account to access the Resource Manager Web Interface.

  • Click on 'Portal→Launch' to download node.jar.

  • Click on 'Portal→Create Credentials' and download your credential file.

  • Create a Node Source using the infrastructure DefaultInfrastructureManager.

  • Run it:

$ java -Dproactive.communication.protocol=pnp -jar node.jar -f CREDENTIAL_FILE -s NAME

Where NAME is the name of the node source. It should connect to the ProActive Resource Manager automatically using the discovery mechanism otherwise you might have to set the URL to connect to with the -r parameter.

If you would like to execute several Tasks at the same time on one host, you can either launch several ProActive Node process or use the -w parameter to run multiple nodes in the same process. A node executes one Task at a time.

4.1.3. Using proactive-node-autoupdate command

This method is a combination of the two above, it starts a node from the command line, and makes sure the node library (node.jar) is synchronized with the latest server version.

The proactive-node-autoupdate command acts as a bootstrap and spawns a new java virtual machine with the up-to-date library classpath.

Launching the node is similar to the proactive-node command, additional options must be specified to allow the download of the node.jar from the server:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-node-autoupdate -r pnp://SCHEDULER_ADDRESS:64738 -nju http://SCHEDULER_ADDRESS:8080/rest/node.jar -njs /tmp/node.jar -nja

where -nju option is used to specify the http URL of the node.jar. You can find this URL in the output of the ProActive Scheduler, the node.jar URL is built by appending /rest/node.jar to the base HTTP URL of the server.

-nju option is used to specify where the node.jar will be stored locally on the machine.

Finally, -nja option, when enabled, specifies that the proactive-node-autoupdate will be always up, it means that it will automatically restart when the node terminates (for example in case of server upgrades).

4.2. Deploy ProActive Nodes via Agents

In your production environment you might want to control and limit the resources utilization on some or all Compute Hosts, especially if those are desktop machines where people perform their daily activities. Using ProActive Agent you can:

  • Control the number of ProActive Node processes on each Compute Host

  • Launch ProActive Nodes automatically when a Compute Host starts

  • Restart ProActive Nodes if they fail for some reason and reconnect them to ProActive Resource Manager

ProActive Agents exists for both Linux and Windows operating systems.

4.2.1. ProActive Linux Agent

The ProActive Agent for Linux can be downloaded from ActiveEon’s website.

To install the ProActive Agent on Debian based distributions (the archive name will vary depending on the version and architecture):

sudo dpkg -i proactive-agent.deb
Some extra dependencies might be required, to install them: sudo apt-get -f install

To install the ProActive Agent on Redhat based distributions (the archive name will vary depending on the version and architecture):

sudo rpm -i proactive-agent.rpm
Some extra dependencies might be required, to install them you need to install each dependency individually using sudo yum install

By default the Linux Agent will launch locally as many nodes as the number of CPU cores available on the host minus one. The URL to use for connecting nodes to the Resource Manager can be configured in /opt/proactive-agent/config.xml, along with several other parameters. If no URL is set, then broadcast is used for auto discovery. However, this feature might not work depending on your network configuration. Consequently, it is recommended to set the Resource Manager URL manually.

Logs related to the Agent daemon are located in /opt/proactive-agent/proactive-agent.log.

Binaries, configuration files and logs related to ProActive nodes started by the agent are available at /opt/proactive-node/, respectively in subfolders dist/lib, config and logs.

Configuring the Linux Agent

To configure the agent behaviour:

  • Stop the Linux Agent

    sudo /etc/init.d/proactive-agent stop
  • Update the config.xml file in /opt/proactive-agent folder

    In case there is no such directory, create the directory. Then, create the config.xml file or create a symbolic link

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/proactive-agent
    sudo ln -f -s <path-to-config-file> /opt/proactive-agent/config.xml
  • Change the ownership of the config.xml file

    sudo chown -Rv proactive:proactive config.xml

    If the group named "proactive" does not exist, create the group and add "proactive" user to the group:

    sudo groupadd proactive
    sudo usermod -ag proactive proactive
  • Start the Linux Agent

    sudo /etc/init.d/proactive-agent start
Uninstalling the Linux Agent

On Debian based distributions:

sudo dpkg -r proactive-agent

On Redhat based distributions:

sudo yum remove proactive-agent

4.2.2. ProActive Windows Agent

The ProActive Windows Agent is a Windows Service: a long-running executable that performs specific functions and which is designed to not require user intervention. The agent is able to create a ProActive Node on the local machine and to connect it to the ProActive Resource Manager.

After being installed, it:

  • Loads the user’s configuration

  • Creates schedules according to the working plan specified in the configuration

  • Spawns a ProActive Node that will run a specified java class depending on the selected connection type. 3 types of connections are available:

    • Local Registration - The specified java class will create a ProActive Node and register it locally.

    • Resource Manager Registration - The specified java class will create a ProActive Node and register it in the specified Resource Manager, thus being able to execute java or native tasks received from the Scheduler. It is is important to note that a ProActive Node running tasks can potentially spawn child processes.

    • Custom - The user can specify his own java class.

  • Watches the spawned ProActive Nodes in order to comply with the following limitations:

    • RAM limitation - The user can specify a maximum amount of memory allowed for a ProActive Node and its children. If the limit is reached, then all processes are automatically killed.

    • CPU limitation - The user can specify a maximum CPU usage allowed for a ProActive Node and its children. If the limit is exceeded by the sum of CPU usages of all processes, they are automatically throttled to reach the given limit.

  • Restarts the spawned ProActive Node in case of failures with a timeout policy.

4.2.3. Install Agents on Windows

The ProActive Windows Agent installation pack is available on the ProActive website. Run the setup.exe file and follow instructions. When the following dialog appears:

install config
  1. Specify the directory that will contain the configuration file named PAAgent-config.xml, note that if this file already exists in the specified directory it will be re-used.

  2. Specify the directory that will contain the log files of the ProActive Agent and the spawned runtimes.

  3. Specify an existing, local account under which the ProActive Nodes will be spawned. It is highly recommended to specify an account that is not part of the Administrators group to isolate the ProActive Node and reduce security risks.

  4. The password is encrypted using Microsoft AES Cryptographic Provider and only Administrators have access permissions to the keyfile (restrict.dat) this is done using the SubInACLtool.

  5. If the specified account does not exist the installation program will prompt the user to create a non-admin account with the required privileges.

    Note that the ProActive Agent service is installed under LocalSystem account, this should not be changed, however it can be using the services.msc utility. ('Control Panel→Administrative Tools→Services')

  6. If you want that any non-admin user (except guest accounts) be able to start/stop the ProActive Agent service check the "Allow everyone to start/stop" box. If this option is checked the installer will use the SubInACL tool. If the tool is not installed in the Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools directory the installer will try to download its installer from the official Microsoft page.

  7. The installer will check whether the selected user account has the required privileges. If not follow the steps to add these privileges:

    1. In the 'Administrative Tools' of the 'Control Panel', open the 'Local Security Policy'.

    2. In 'Security Settings', select 'Local Policies' then select 'User Rights Assignments'.

    3. Finally, in the list of policies, open the properties of 'Replace a process-level token' policy and add the needed user. Do the same for 'Adjust memory quotas for a process'. For more information about these privileges refer to the official Microsoft page.

At the end of the installation, the ProActive Agent Control utility should be started. This next section explains how to configure it.

To uninstall the ProActive Windows Agent, simply run 'Start→Programs→ProActiveAgent→Uninstall ProActive Agent'.

4.2.4. Configure Agents on Windows

To configure the Agent, launch 'Start→Programs→ProActiveAgent→AgentControl' program or click on the notify icon if the "Automatic launch" is activated. Double click on the tray icon to open the ProActive Agent Control window. The following window will appear:

agent control

From the ProActive Agent Control window, the user can load a configuration file, edit it, start/stop the service and view logs. A GUI for editing is provided (explained below). Even if it is not recommended, you can edit the configuration file by yourself with your favorite text editor.

It is also possible to change the ProActive Nodes Account using the 'Change Account' button.

When you click on 'GUI Edit', the following window appears:

config editor general

In the general tab, the user can specify:

  • The ProActive Scheduler location.

  • The JRE location (usually something like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12).

  • The numbers of Runtimes and Nodes (the number of spawned processes and the number of ProActive Nodes per process).

  • The JVM options. Note that if the parameter contains ${rank}, it will be dynamically replaced by the ProActive Node rank starting from 0.

  • The On Runtime Exit script. A script executed after a ProActive Node exits. This can be useful to perform additional cleaning operation. Note that the script receives as parameter the PID of the ProActive Node.

  • The user can set a memory limit that will prevent the spawned processes to exceed a specified amount of RAM. If a spawned process or its child process requires more memory, it will be killed as well as its child processes. Note that this limit is disabled by default (0 means no limit) and a ProActive Node will require at least 128 MBytes.

  • It is possible to list all available network interfaces by clicking on the "Refresh" button and add the selected network interface name as a value of the property by clicking on "Use" button. See the ProActive documentation for further information.

  • The user can specify the protocol (PNP or PAMR) to be used by the ProActive Node for incoming communications.

  • To ensure that a unique port is used by a ProActive Node, the initial port value will be incremented for each node process and given as value of the -Dproactive.SELECTED_PROTOCOL.port JVM property. If the port chosen for a node is already used, it is incremented until an available port number is found.

Clicking on the 'Connection' tab, the window will look like this:

config editor connection

In the 'Connection' tab, the user can select between three types of connections:

  • Local Registration - creates a local ProActive node and registers (advertises) it in a local RMI registry. The node name is optional.

  • Resource Manager Registration - creates a local ProActive node and registers it in the specified Resource Manager. The mandatory Resource Manager’s URL must be like protocol://host:port/. The node name and the node source name are optional. Since the Resource Manager requires authentication, the user specifies the file that contains the credential. If no file is specified the default one located in %USERPROFILE%\.proactive\security folder is used.

  • Custom - the user specifies his own java starter class and the arguments to be given to the main method. The java starter class must be in the classpath when the ProActive Node is started.

Finally, clicking on the "Planning" tab, the window will look like this:

config editor planning

In the Planning Tab, depending on the selected connection type, the agent will initiate it according to a weekly planning where each plan specifies the connection start time as well as the working duration. The agent will end the connection as well as the ProActive Nodes and its child processes when the plan duration has expired.

Moreover, it is possible to specify the ProActive Node Priority and its CPU usage limit. The behavior of the CPU usage limit works as follows: if the ProActive Node spawns other processes, they will also be part of the limit so that if the sum of CPU% of all processes exceeds the user limit they will be throttled to reach the given limit. Note that if the Priority is set to RealTime the CPU % throttling will be disabled.

The "Always available" makes the agent to run permanently with a Normal Priority and Max CPU usage at 100%.

4.2.5. Launching Windows Agent

Once you have configured the agent, you can start it clicking on the "Start" button of the ProActive Agent Control window. However, before that, you have to ensure that ProActive Scheduler has been started on the address you specified in the agent configuration. You do not need to start a node since it is exactly the job of the agent.

Once started, you may face some problems. You can realise that an error occurred by first glancing at the color of the agent tray icon. If everything goes right, it should keep the blue color. If its color changes to yellow, it means that the agent has been stopped. To see exactly what happened, you can look at the runtime log file located into the agent installation directory and named Executor<runtime number>Process-log.txt.

The main troubles you may have to face are the following ones:

  • You get an access denied error: this is probably due to your default file which cannot be found. If you want to specify another policy file, you have to add a JVM parameter in the agent configuration. A policy file is supplied in the scheduling directory. To use it, add the following line in the JVM parameter box of the agent configuration (Figure 5.3, “Configuration Editor window - General Tab ”):
  • You get an authentication error: this is probably due to your default credentials file which cannot be found. In the "Connection" tab of the Configuration Editor (Figure 5.4, “Configuration Editor window - Connection Tab (Resource Manager Registration)”), you can choose the credentials file you want. You can select, for instance, the credentials file located at PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/scheduler.cred or your own credentials file.

  • The node seems to be well started, but you cannot see it in the Resource Manager interface: in this case, make sure that the port number is the good one. Do not forget that the runtime port number is incremented from the initial ProActive Resource Manager port number. You can see exactly on which port your runtime has been started looking at the log file described above.

4.2.6. Automate Windows Agent Installation

The automated installation can be run through a command line (cmd.exe) with administrator priviledge. This can be useful to trigger installation. In order to launch the silent installation, the /S option must be passed in the command line to the ProActive Windows Agent installer. Several options are required, such as the user and password.

Here is an example of automated installation command:

ProactiveAgent-8.3.0-standalone-x64-setup.exe /S /USER=proactive /PASSWORD=proactive

Optionally you can add a domain name.

ProactiveAgent-8.3.0-standalone-x64-setup.exe /S /USER=proactive /PASSWORD=proactive /DOMAIN=mydomain

You can also activate compatibility mode from the command line if you have any problems:

ProactiveAgent-8.3.0-standalone-x64-setup.exe /S /USER=proactive /PASSWORD=proactive

Here is the full list of command line options which can be passed to the installer:


Run silently without graphical interface, uninstall any previous installation.


Run the uninstall only.


Allow all users to control the service.


Associate user account to manage proactive agent service, create user if it does not exist.


Define password for the proactive agent user.


Specify dom as the windows domain, by default domain will be set to the machine host name.


Define path where the agent log files, default is $PROGRAMFILES\ProActiveAgent\logs.


Define path where the configuration files are stored, default is $PROGRAMFILES\ProActiveAgent\config.


Use current user’s account home as /CONFIG_DIR and /LOG_DIR.

4.2.7. Configuring Linux Or Windows Agents For Auto-Update

The Linux or Windows Agents can be configured to automatically synchronize the node libary (node.jar) with the ProActive server.

The behavior is similar to the proactive-node-autoupdate command, the main JVM will act as a bootstrap and spawn a child JVM with the up-to-date library in its classpath.

In order to enable auto-update, you need to edit the agent configuration file. This file location is:

  • Linux Agent: /opt/proactive-agent/config.xml

  • Windows Agent: C:\Program Files (x86)\ProActiveAgent\config\PAAgent-config.xml

The following changes must be performed:

  1. Change the <javaStarterClass> to org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.updater.RMNodeUpdater

  2. Add the following <jvmParameters>

    • node.jar.url: URL of the node jar (similar to the nju option of the proactive-node-autoupdate command)

    • node.jar.saveas: path used to store the node.jar file locally (similar to the njs option of the proactive-node-autoupdate command)

  3. Other JVM properties specified will be forwarded to the spawned JVM, but non-standard options such as -Xmx will not be forwarded. In order to do so, you must declare them using the following syntax:


4.3. Deploy ProActive Nodes from the ProActive Resource Manager Interface

The second way of deploying ProActive Nodes is to create Node Sources from the ProActive Resource Manager Interface.

ProActive Resource Manager provides three ways to create a Node Source:

  • Use the Resource Manager Web Interface ('Add Node Source' menu).

  • Use the REST API

  • Use the Command Line

Whichever the way you use to create a node source, ultimately you just need to choose a Node Source Infrastructure from the list of supported Node Source Infrastructures and a Node Source Policy that defines rules and limitations of nodes' utilization. Then according to the chosen node source infrastructure and policy, you need to fill out the required parameters.

The choice of Infrastructure Manager depends on the type of your Compute Hosts. The following part of this section presents how to deploy ProActive Nodes on various types of Compute Hosts:

4.3.1. Deploy local nodes on the ProActive server

In order to deploy the ProActive nodes locally (i.e., on the server host where the ProActive server is running), you can just create a node source with the Local Infrastructure.

rm portal add localns

The previous screenshot shows how to create a local node source in the Resource Manager Web Interface.

To create a local node source from the command line:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns localNodeSourceName -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LocalInfrastructure credentialsPath numberOfNodes timeout javaProperties

For example, the complete command to create a local node source with 7 nodes:

$ $PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -createns local_node_source -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LocalInfrastructure $PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/rm.cred 7 30000 "" -policy org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.policy.StaticPolicy 'ALL' 'ALL'

See Local Infrastructure reference for details of each parameter.

4.3.2. Deploy ProActive nodes via SSH

In order to create an SSH Node Source you should first configure an SSH access from the server to the Compute Hosts that does not require password. Then create a text file (refered to as HOSTS_FILE below) containig the hostnames of all your Compute Hosts. Each line shoud have the format:


where NODES_COUNT is the number of ProActive Nodes to start (corresponds to the number of Tasks that can be executed in parallel) on the corresponding host. Lines beginning with # are comments. Here is an example:

# you can use network names 2 4
# or ip addresses 8 16

Then using this file create a Node Source either from the Resource Manager Web Interface or from the command line:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -createns SSH_node_source --infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.SSHInfrastructure HOSTS_FILE 60000 3 5000 "" /home/user/jdk/bin/java PROACTIVE_HOME Linux "" config/authentication/rm.cred

Don’t forget to replace HOSTS_FILE and PROACTIVE_HOME with the corresponding values.

See SSH Infrastructure reference for details on each parameter.

4.3.3. Deploy ProActive Nodes on Cloud Platforms

The ProActive Resource Manager can automate the deployment of ProActive Nodes on most popular Cloud Platforms. Currently the following Cloud Platforms are supported:

Unlike directly deploying on the compute servers, on the Cloud Platforms one or more virtual machines usually need to be deployed prior to launching a ProActive Node. Each virtual machine corresponds an instance in a cloud Node Source.

So the definition of most cloud Node Source Infrastructures have the following three parameters:

  • numberOfInstances: specifies the total number of virtual machines to be created on this node source.

  • numberOfNodesPerInstance: specifies the total number of ProActive Nodes to be deployed in each created virtual machine.

  • image: specifies which image is used to deploy the virtual machine (e.g., Linux or Windows).

The general process of deploying ProActive Nodes on a Cloud Platform is:

  • first, create the required number of virtual machines with the specified image

  • then, on each virtual machine, download the ProActive node.jar and install the required middleware (e.g., java)

  • finally, on each virtual machine, launch the specified number of ProActive Nodes (i.e., numberOfNodesPerInstance) using node.jar

See Node Source Infrastructure reference for details of each Cloud Node Source Infrastructure parameters.

4.3.4. Deploy ProActive Nodes dynamically via other schedulers (PBS, SLURM, …​)

This functionality is also called Meta-Scheduling.

If an existing cluster is available in your organization and this cluster is managed by a native scheduler such as SLURM, LSF or PBS, you may want to execute transparently on this cluster ProActive Workflows and Tasks.

As ProActive Tasks can be executed only on ProActive Nodes, it is necessary to deploy ProActive Nodes on the cluster.

Dynamic deployment of ProActive Nodes on a cluster to execute ProActive Tasks is handled by defining a Native Scheduler Node Source containing three components:

  • The Native Scheduler Infrastructure: a Node Source Infrastructure which allows to interact with a native scheduler to deploy ProActive Nodes.

  • The Native Scheduler Policy: a Node Source Policy which interacts with the Native Scheduler Infrastructure to request ProActive Nodes deployment dynamically based on the ProActive Scheduler pending queue.

  • The Native Scheduler Scheduling Policy: a Scheduling Policy which allows the execution of ProActive Tasks on ProActive Nodes provisioned by the Native Scheduler Policy.

The provisioning of ProActive Nodes is controlled by a specific [_glossary_generic_information] "NS" which can be defined at Task or Job level.

When this generic information is configured for a Task, a ProActive Node will be dynamically deployed on the cluster to execute the Task. This ProActive Node will be associated with the Task and will only accept this Task execution. When the Task terminates, the ProActive Node will also be terminated.

When this generic information is configured for a Job, all Tasks contained in the Job will execute on the cluster. Nodes will be created dynamically to execute Tasks of this Job, with a similar Task/Node association.

The behavior of the Meta-Scheduling feature is summarized on the following diagram (example for PBS integration):

PBS Integration
Figure 1. PBS Integration

The following paragraphs explain how to configure the Native Scheduler Infrastructure, Native Scheduler Policy, Native Scheduler Scheduling Policy and execute ProActive tasks using a Native Scheduler Node Source.


a group of tightly coupled nodes managed by a native scheduler.

Cluster Node

a computer, part of a cluster used to execute cluster jobs.

Native Scheduler

A software which dispatch cluster jobs on cluster nodes, also known as Cluster Manager.

Cluster Job

A running command executed on a cluster by a native scheduler. Also known as Batch Job.

Cluster Job Id

Identifier representing a cluster job inside a native scheduler.

Head Node

A specific cluster node where the native scheduler server runs.

Cluster User

A linux operating system account registered on the cluster.

ProActive Scheduler User

An account registered in the ProActive Scheduler, the account is only registered inside the ProActive Scheduler and does not necessarily match an operating system account.

ProActive Scheduler Process User

The operating system account which started the ProActive Scheduler server process.

Native Scheduler Node Source Configuration

Using the Resource Manager Web Interface, you can create a Node Source used to acquire ProActive Nodes from a Native Scheduler.

From The drop down menu, select NativeSchedulerInfrastructure and NativeSchedulerPolicy.

See the reference Native Scheduler Infrastructure and Native Scheduler Policy for detailed explanation of the node source parameters.

When the node source is created, it will be activated as other node sources (LocalInfrastructure, SSHInfrastructure, etc), but no ProActive Node will appear.

This is expected as the Native Scheduler node source is dynamic, it will only create ProActive Nodes when specific conditions are met.

Configure NativeSchedulerSchedulingPolicy

After creating the Native Scheduler Node Source, it is necessary as well to change the ProActive Scheduling Policy to use the NativeSchedulerSchedulingPolicy.

This policy ensures that tasks are executed on appropriate ProActive Nodes when using a Native Scheduler Node Source.

In order to do that, edit the file PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini and change the following line:



Match User Accounts With the Cluster

Submission of jobs to the native scheduler is done by default using a SSH connection.

When a ProActive Task belonging to a given user Alice needs to execute on a NativeScheduler node source, a SSH connection will be performed with the login and password of the Alice user registered in the ProActive Scheduler.

Accordingly, this login/password combination must correspond to a real user on the cluster head node.

Please refer to the User Authentication section in order to manage ProActive Users.

Execute Tasks on a Native Scheduler Node Source

The Generic Information "NS" allows a ProActive Task to be executed on a Native Scheduler node source.

It must contain the name of the target node source. For example, to submit a Task on the "PBS" Node Source:

<task name="PBS_Task">
        <![CDATA[ Execute this Task in the PBS node source. ]]>
        <info name="NS" value="PBS"/>
          <code language="groovy">
println "Hello World"

The NS value can also be defined at the job level, in that case, every task of this job will be executed on the Native Scheduler node source:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <info name="NS" value="PBS"/>
    <task name="Groovy_Task">
        <![CDATA[ The simplest task, ran by a groovy engine. ]]>
          <code language="groovy">
println "Hello World"

It is also possible to define in a ProActive Task or Job the NS_BATCH generic information. This parameter allows to provide custom arguments to nsSubmitCommand.

For example, to submit a task on the PBS Node source, using a specific PBS queue and reserve for this task 2 cluster nodes with 2 cpu each:

<task name="PBS_Task">
    <![CDATA[ Runs on the PBS node source on queue1, using 2 nodes * 2 cpus ]]>
    <info name="NS" value="PBS"/>
    <info name="NS_BATCH" value="-q queue1 -lnodes=2:ppn=2"/>
      <code language="groovy">
println "Hello World"
Native Scheduler Node Life Cycle

As soon as tasks containing the NS generic information are pending, the target Native Scheduler node source will try to deploy ProActive Nodes to execute them.

The node will first appear in Deploying state. If some error occurs prior to the nsSubmitCommand execution (SSH connection, command syntax), the node state will change to Lost, with some explanation about the failure displayed.

If the node remains in Deploying state, it is possible to monitor the job execution on the native scheduler itself, by logging into the head node, and use the native scheduler command tools.

Example using the PBS qstat command:

root@osboxes:/tmp/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64-8.1.0-SNAPSHOT/logs# qstat

Job ID                    Name             User            Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
241.osboxes                STDIN            osboxes                0 R batch

root@osboxes:/tmp/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64-8.1.0-SNAPSHOT/logs# qstat -f 241

Job Id: 241.osboxes
    Job_Name = STDIN
    Job_Owner = osboxes@osboxes
    job_state = R
    queue = batch
    server = osboxes
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Fri May  4 10:13:06 2018
    Error_Path = osboxes:/tmp/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64-8.1.0-SNAPSH
    exec_host = osboxes/0
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = a
    mtime = Fri May  4 10:13:06 2018
    Output_Path = osboxes:/tmp/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64-8.1.0-SNAPS
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Fri May  4 10:13:06 2018
    Rerunable = True
    Resource_List.walltime = 01:00:00
    Resource_List.nodes = 1
    Resource_List.nodect = 1
    Resource_List.neednodes = 1
    session_id = 6486
    substate = 42
    Variable_List = PBS_O_QUEUE=batch,PBS_O_HOME=/home/osboxes,
    euser = osboxes
    egroup = osboxes
    hashname = 241.osboxes
    queue_rank = 237
    queue_type = E
    comment = Job started on Fri May 04 at 10:13
    etime = Fri May  4 10:13:06 2018
    submit_args = -o /tmp/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64-8.1.0-SNAPSHOT/l
	ogs/Node-osboxes_852t0.out -e /tmp/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64
	-8.1.0-SNAPSHOT/logs/Node-osboxes_852t0.out -j oe
    start_time = Fri May  4 10:13:06 2018
    Walltime.Remaining = 3587
    start_count = 1
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = osboxes
    init_work_dir = /home/osboxes
    request_version = 1

When the deployment is successful, the ProActive Node state will change to Free and shortly after to Busy as soon as the associated task will be deployed on the node. After the task completes, the node will be removed and the cluster job will be cancelled using the nsKillCommand.


If the cluster job is in running state, but the ProActive Node associated remains in Deploying state, it probably means there is a connection issue between the ProActive Node and the Resource Manager. If the default ProActive Network Protocol is used (PNP), it is necessary to have a two way connection between the cluster and ProActive server. You can refer to the network protocols documentation for more info.

To troubleshoot node deployment, you can:

  • inspect the output of the cluster job if provided in the nsSubmitCommand

  • add the following log4j loggers to the ProActive Scheduler Server config/log/
  • inspect the ProActive Scheduler server logs.

5. Available Network Protocols

ProActive Workflows and Scheduling offers several protocols for the Scheduler and nodes to communicate. These protocols provide different features: speed, security, fast error detection, firewall or NAT friendliness but none of the protocols can offer all these features at the same time. Consequently, the selection should be made carefully. Below are introduced available network protocols. Configuration and properties are discussed in Network Properties.

5.1. ProActive Network Protocol

ProActive Network Protocol (PNP) is the general purpose communication protocol (pnp:// scheme). Its performances are quite similar to the well known Java RMI protocol, but it is much more robust and network friendly. It requires only one TCP port per JVM and no shared registry. Besides, it enables fast network failure discovery and better scalability. PNP binds to a given TCP port at startup. All incoming communications use this TCP port. Deploying the Scheduler or a node with PNP requires to open one and only one incoming TCP port per machine.

5.2. ProActive Network Protocol over SSL

ProActive Network Protocol over SSL (PNPS) is the PNP protocol wrapped inside an SSL tunnel. The URI scheme used for the protocol is pnps://. It includes the same features as PNP plus ciphering and optionally authentication. Using SSL creates some CPU overhead which implies that PNPS is slower than PNP.

5.3. ProActive Message Routing

ProActive Message Routing (PAMR) allows the deployment of the Scheduler and nodes behind a firewall. Its associated URI scheme is pamr://. PAMR has the weakest expectations on how the network is configured. Unlike all the other communication protocols introduced previously, it has been designed to work when only outgoing TCP connections are available.

6. Installation on a Cluster with Firewall

When incoming connections are not allowed (ports closed, firewalls, etc.), the ProActive Scheduler allows you to connect nodes without significant changes in your network firewall configuration. It relies on the PAMR protocol.

This last does not expect bidirectional TCP connections. It has been designed to work when only outgoing TCP connections are available. Such environments can be encountered due to:

  • Network address translation devices

  • Firewalls allowing only outgoing connections (this is the default setup of many firewalls)

  • Virtual Machines with a virtualized network stack


When PAMR is activated, the ProActive Scheduler and nodes connect to a PAMR router. This connection is kept open, and used as a tunnel to receive incoming messages. If the tunnel goes down, it is automatically reopened by nodes.

The biggest drawback of PAMR is that a centralized PAMR router is in charge of routing message between all the PAMR clients. To soften this limitation PAMR can be used with other communication protocols. This way, PAMR is used only when needed.

By default, PNP is enabled. PNP is the default protocol for better performance and nodes can also use PAMR if needed. The PAMR Router is started by default along with the ProActive Scheduler.

For a ProActive Node to connect to the ProActive Scheduler using PAMR, the following ProActive configuration file can be used (PROACTIVE_HOME/config/network/node.ini). The properties tell the ProActive Node where to find the PAMR router. The ProActive Node will then connect to pamr://0 where 0 is the PAMR id of the Scheduler (0 by default).


This sample configuration requires to open only one port 33647 for incoming connections on the router host and all the ProActive Nodes will be able to connect to the Scheduler.

PAMR communication can be tunneled using SSH for better security. In that case, the ProActive node will establish a SSH tunnel between him and the ProActive Scheduler and use that tunnel for PAMR traffic.

See PAMR Protocol Properties reference for a detailed explanation of each property.

7. Control the resource usage

7.1. Policies

You can limit the utilization of resources connected to the ProActive Scheduler in different ways. When you create node sources you can use a node source policy. A node source policy is a set of rules and conditions which describes when and how many nodes have to be selected for computations.

Node source policy are enforced for non-admin users only, and will have no effect for a user granted with the administrator privileges.

Each node source policy regardless it specifics has a common part where you describe users' and groups' permissions. When you create a policy you must specify them:

  • nodeUsers - utilization permission that defines who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2;tokens=t1,t2 - only specific users, groups or tokens. I.e. users=user1 - node access is limited to user1; users=user1;groups=group1 - node access is limited to user1 and all users from group group1; users=user1;tokens=t1 - node access is limited to user1 or anyone who specified token t1. If node access is protected by a token, node will not be found by the ProActive Resource Manager when trying to execute workflows, unless the corresponding token is specified inside the workflow(s). To exclude specific users or groups use users=!user1,!user2;groups=!group1,!group2. Tokens can not be excluded, and mixing inclusion with exclusion is not permitted (i.e. users=user1,!user2;groups=!group1,group2).

    • ALL - everybody can use nodes from this node source

To specify a token inside a chosen workflow, add the key/value pair NODE_ACCESS_TOKEN:<token> to its generic information.
  • nodeProviders - provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - pnly the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - everybody can add nodes to this node source

The user who created the node source is the administrator of this node source. He can add and removed nodes to it, remove the node source itself, but cannot use nodes if usage policy is set to PROVIDER or PROVIDER_GROUPS.

In the ProActive Resource Manager, there is always a default node source configured with a DefaultInfrastructureManager and a Static policy. It is not able to deploy nodes anywhere but makes it possible to add existing nodes to the Scheduler (see Deploy ProActive Nodes manually)

Out of the box the Scheduler supports time slot policies, cron policies, load based policies and many others. Please see detailed information about policies in Node Source Policies.

7.2. Agents schedule

Node source policies limit ProActive Nodes utilization on the level of the ProActive Scheduler. If you need fine-grained limits on the node level ProActive Agents will help you achieve that.

The typical scenario is when you use desktop workstation for computations during non working hours.

Both linux and windows agents have an ability to:

  • Run ProActive Nodes according to the schedule

  • Limit resources utilization for these daemons (e.g CPU, memory)

Agents configuration is detailed in the section Deploy ProActive Nodes via Agents.

7.3. Locking ProActive Nodes

The Resource Manager allows to lock and unlock ProActive nodes. Locking a Node prevents new Tasks to be launched on that node. This operation is possible whatever the state of a Node is. Once locked, the Resource Manager keeps track of who has locked the Node and when.

A common use case for locking Nodes is about maintenances. You may have a long running Task executing on a ProActive Node where a maintenance is planned. Let’s say the current Task must not be interrupted and new ones not started before achieving the maintenance. A solution is to lock the Node. This way, the current Task will complete but no new Tasks are scheduled on that Node. Then, it is possible to perform the maintenance and on termination to unlock the Node. Upon unlocking, the Node becomes again eligible for Tasks execution.

Locking and unlocking a Node, or more generally a set of Nodes, is possible from the REST API, the command line client but also the Resource Manager portal.

Please note that locks are restored, by default, on Resource Manager restart and thus Scheduler restart. It is possible to disable this feature by editing the value associated to the property named pa.rm.nodes.lock.restoration in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/rm/settings.ini.

When the nodes lock restoration feature is enabled, the Resource Manager will try to lock, per Node Source, as many Nodes as there were on the previous run. The approach is best effort and Node hostname is not considered. As a consequence, Nodes are not necessarily locked on the same host after a Scheduler restart.

7.4. Undeploying Node Sources

The Resource Manager allows for Node Sources to be undeployed. In this case, the Node Source is shut down and its Nodes are removed, but the Node Source definition is kept. An undeployed Node Source can be redeployed later, using its initial configuration.

Node Source undeploying can be preemptive or not. If a Node Source undeploying is initiated with a non-preemptive requirement, then the Nodes of this Node Source which are currently running Tasks will not be removed until their Task is finished. In this case, these Nodes are displayed in the to-be-removed state. In other terms, if a Node Source is undeployed non-preemptively, it will be completely undeployed as soon as all of its Nodes have finished executing their Task. On the opposite, if a Node Source is undeployed with preemption, its Nodes are immediately removed regardless of whether they execute Tasks, and this may cause Tasks to fail.

Deploying and undeploying Node Sources is possible from the Resource Manager Web Interface, from the Resource Manager REST API, and from the Command Line client.

The deployment status of a Node Source is persistent. If the Resource Manager is restarted, then all Node Sources will be restored to their previous state.

8. User Authentication

In order to use ProActive Scheduler every user must have an account. It supports three methods for authentication:

  • File based

  • LDAP

  • PAM

8.1. Select authentication method

By default the ProActive Scheduler is configured to use file based authentication and has some default accounts ('demo/demo', 'admin/admin') that work out of the box.

If you would like to change the method authentication type to use your LDAP server or use Linux PAM, you need to modify two configs:

  • Resource Manager configuration (PROACTIVE_HOME/config/rm/settings.ini)

    #Property that defines the method that has to be used for logging users to the Resource Manager
    #It can be one of the following values:
    #    - "RMFileLoginMethod" to use file login and group management
    #    - "RMLDAPLoginMethod" to use LDAP login management
    #    - "RMPAMLoginMethod" to use PAM login management
  • Scheduler configuration (PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini)

    #Property that define the method that have to be used for logging users to the Scheduler
    #It can be one of the following values:
    #	- "SchedulerFileLoginMethod" to use file login and group management
    #	- "SchedulerLDAPLoginMethod" to use LDAP login management
    #   - "SchedulerPAMLoginMethod" to use PAM login management

8.2. File

By default, the ProActive Resource Manager stores users accounts, passwords, and group memberships (user or admin), in two files:

  • users and passwords accounts are stored in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/login.cfg. Each line has to follow the format user:encypted password. The default accounts in login.cfg file correspond to the following passwords, which are encrypted in the actual login.cfg file:

  • users membership is stored in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/group.cfg. For each user registered in login.cfg, a group membership has to be defined in this file. Each line has to look like user:group. Group has to be user to have user rights, or admin to have administrator rights. Below is an example group.cfg file:


ProActive contains a set of predefined groups such as "user" and "admin". Groups are defined in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/ as described in chapter User Permissions.

In order to create new users, delete an existing user, or modify the groups or password for an existing user, a command-line tool is available.

This command is available inside the tools folder: PROACTIVE_HOME/tools/proactive-users. You can check the command syntax using the -h option.

$ proactive-users -h
usage: proactive-users [-C | -D | -U]  [-g <GROUPS>] [-gf <GROUPFILE>] [-h] [-kf <KEYFILE>] [-l <LOGIN>] [-lf <LOGINFILE>] [-p

Here are examples of use:

  • Creating users

    $ proactive-users -C -l user1 -p pwd1 -g user
    Created user user1 in H:\Install\scheduling\tools\..\config/authentication/login.cfg
    Added group user to user user1

    The user with login "user1", password "pwd1" and group "user" was created

  • Updating users

    $ proactive-users -U -l user1 -p pwd2 -g nsadmins,admin
    Changed password for user user1 in H:\Install\scheduling\tools\..\config/authentication/login.cfg
    Added group nsadmins to user user1
    Added group admin to user user1

    User "user1" now has password pwd2 and groups nsadmins & admin (group "user" was removed).

  • Deleting users

    $ proactive-users -D -l user1
    Deleted user user1 in H:\Install\scheduling\tools\..\config/authentication/login.cfg

    User "user1" does not exist any more.

  • Creating multiple users

    It is also possible to create multiple users at once using a source login file and a source group file. In that case, the source login file contains, for each user, a line with the format "login:unencrypted_password". The source group file has the same structure as the PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/group.cfg file. This can be used, for example, to convert login files used by ProActive Scheduler versions prior to 7.19.0.

    $ proactive-users -C -slf source_login.cfg -sgf source_group.cfg
    Adding group admin to user admin1
    Created user admin1
    Adding group user to user user2
    Created user user2
    Adding group user to user user1
    Created user user1
    Stored login file in H:\Install\scheduling\tools\..\config/authentication/login.cfg
    Stored group file in H:\Install\scheduling\tools\..\config/authentication/group.cfg
  • Updating multiple users

    Similarly, it is possible to update existing users with source login or group files. It is possible to update only group membership for existing users, or only passwords, or both.

    The example below shows how to update only groups for existing users:

    proactive-users -U -sgf source_group_2.cfg
    Adding group admin to user user1
    Updated user user1
    Adding group admin to user user2
    Updated user user2
    Stored login file in H:\Install\scheduling\tools\..\config/authentication/login.cfg
    Stored group file in H:\Install\scheduling\tools\..\config/authentication/group.cfg

8.3. LDAP

The ProActive Resource Manager is able to connect to an existing LDAP server, to check users login/password and verify users group membership. This authentication method can be used with existing LDAP server that is already configured.

In order to use it, few parameters have to be configured, such as path in LDAP tree users, LDAP groups that define user and admin group membership, URL of the LDAP server, LDAP binding method used by connection and configuration of SSL/TLS if you want a secured connection between the ProActive Resource Manager and LDAP.

We assume that LDAP server is configured in the way that:

  • all existing users and groups are located under single domain

  • users have object class specified in parameter pa.ldap.user.objectclass

  • groups have object class specified in parameter

  • user and group name is defined in cn (Common Name) attribute

# EXAMPLE of user entry
# dn: cn=jdoe,dc=example,dc=com
# cn: jdoe
# firstName: John
# lastName: Doe
# objectClass: inetOrgPerson

# EXAMPLE of group entry
# dn: cn=mygroup,dc=example,dc=com
# cn: mygroup
# firstName: John
# lastName: Doe
# uniqueMember: cn=djoe,dc=example,dc=com
# objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames

The LDAP configuration is defined in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/ldap.cfg. You need to:

  1. Set the LDAP server URL

    First, you have to define the LDAP’s URL of your organisation. This address corresponds to the property: pa.ldap.url. You have to put a standard LDAP-like URL, for example ldap://myLdap. You can also set a URL with secure access: ldaps://myLdap:636.

  2. Define object class of user and group entities

    Then you need to define how to differ user and group entities in LDAP tree. The users object class is defined by property pa.ldap.user.objectclass and by default is inetOrgPerson. For groups, the property has a default value groupOfUniqueNames which could be changed.

  3. Configure LDAP authentication parameters

    By default, the ProActive Scheduler binds to LDAP in anonymous mode. You can change this authentication method by modifying the property pa.ldap.authentication.method. This property can have several values:

    • none (default value) - the ProActive Resource Manager performs connection to LDAP in anonymous mode.

    • simple - the ProActive Resource Manager performs connection to LDAP with a specified login/password (see below for user password setting).

      You can also specify a SASL mechanism for LDAPv3. There are many SASL available mechanisms: cram-md5, digest-md5, kerberos4. Just set this property to sasl to let the ProActive Resource Manager JVM choose SASL authentication mechanism. If you specify an authentication method different from 'none' (anonymous connection to LDAP), you must specify a login/password for authentication.

      There are two properties to set in LDAP configuration file:

      • pa.ldap.bind.login - sets user name for authentication.

      • pa.ldap.bind.pwd - sets password for authentication.

  4. Set SSL/TLS parameters

    A secured SSL/TLS layer can be useful if your network is not trusted, and critical information is transmitted between the rm server and LDAP, such as user passwords. First, set the LDAP URL property pa.ldap.url to a URL of type ldaps://myLdap. Then set pa.ldap.authentication.method to none so as to delegate authentication to SSL.

    For using SSL properly, you have to specify your certificate and public keys for SSL handshake. Java stores certificates in a keyStore and public keys in a trustStore. In most of the cases, you just have to define a trustStore with public key part of LDAP’s certificate. Put certificate in a keyStore, and public keys in a trustStore with the keytool command (keytool command is distributed with standard java platforms):

    keytool -import -alias myAlias -file myCertificate -keystore myKeyStore

    myAlias is the alias name of your certificate, myCertificate is your private certificate file and myKeyStore is the new keyStore file produced in output. This command asks you to enter a password for your keyStore.

    Put LDAP certificate’s public key in a trustStore, with the keytool command:

    keytool -import -alias myAlias -file myPublicKey -keystore myTrustStore

    myAlias is the alias name of your certificate’s public key, myPublicKey is your certificate’s public key file and myTrustore is the new trustStore file produced in output. This command asks you to enter a password for your trustStore.

    Finally, in config/authentication/ldap.cfg, set keyStore and trustStore created before to their respective passwords:

    • Set pa.ldap.keystore.path to the path of your keyStore.

    • Set pa.ldap.keystore.passwd to the password defined previously for keyStore.

    • Set pa.ldap.truststore.path to the path of your trustStore.

    • Set pa.ldap.truststore.passwd to the password defined previously for trustStore.

  5. Use fall back to file authentication

    You can use simultaneously file-based authentication and LDAP-based authentication. Then, ProActive Scheduler can check at first user password and group membership in login and group files, as performed in FileLogin method. If user or group is not found in login file, login or group will be searched in LDAP. It uses pa.rm.defaultloginfilename and pa.rm.defaultgroupfilename files to authenticate user and check group membership. There are two rules:

    • If file group membership checking fails, fall back to group membership checking with LDAP. To activate this behavior set to true, in LDAP configuration file.

    • If a user is not found in the login file, fall back to authentication and group membership checking with LDAP. To activate this behavior, set pa.ldap.authentication.fallback to true, in LDAP configuration file.

8.4. PAM

The ProActive Scheduler & Resource Manager are able to interact with Linux PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) to check users login/password. It is not currently possible to retrieve linux system group memberships for users. Thus groups must be managed using the PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/group.cfg file.

In order to enable PAM authentication, follow the following steps:

  1. Configure the PAM login methods in the Scheduler and RM settings:

  2. Copy the file PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/proactive-jpam to /etc/pam.d (you must be root to perform this operation).

    You can modify this default PAM configuration file if you need specific PAM policies.

  3. Add the user which will start the scheduler process PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-server to the shadow group

    sudo usermod -aG shadow your_user

    After this command, the user, called "your_user" here in this example, will be added to group shadow. You may need to logoff/logon before this modification can be effective.

  4. Associate, for each Linux system users which will connect to the Scheduler, a ProActive group.

    Following the procedure described in chapter File, groups must be associated to existing PAM users in the ProActive group file PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/group.cfg.

    In case of PAM users, the login file should not be modified as password authentication will be performed at the Linux system level. Accordingly, you should not use the proactive-users command to associate groups to PAM users.

Similarly to the LDAP authentication, there is a fallback mechanism for login authentication, with the difference that it is always activated. A user defined in the ProActive login file always has precedence over the same user defined on the Linux system.

9. Task Termination Behavior

9.1. ProActive Node Graceful Task Termination (SIGTERM) at Killing

The task termination timeout is a cleanup timeout for each task (executed on this Node) after it was killed (through the Scheduler REST API or the Scheduler web portal). By default the task termination timeout is set to 10 seconds but it can be setup on each ProActive Node individually. It can be set at node startup by setting the "proactive.node.task.cleanup.time" property. Example: add "-Dproactive.node.task.cleanup.time=30" (set to 30 seconds as example) to the node startup command.

Find an overview of termination behavior by task and language in section Termination behavior by language.

9.1.1. Step by Step Killing Example

With a 30 seconds termination timeout following steps happen.


The kill request is received by the Scheduler Server.


The ProActive Node which executes the task receives the kill request. The behavior depends if the Scheduler Server is configured to launch tasks in Forked or Non-Forked Mode.

Forked Mode:

On Linux, a SIGTERM signal is send to the JVM which executes the task. On Windows, the TerminateProcess method of the JVM process which executes the task is executed. That will finally lead to the Task Process being interrupted by:

  • A SIGTERM signal on Linux

  • TerminateProcess method called, on Windows

The task can deal with the killing event and start a cleanup procedure. If the task has started sub-processes it is responsible to initiate graceful termination of the sub-processes. Handling a graceful termination event looks different in each task type and is dependent on the capabilities of the language used. As an example Bash and Jython (Python task) can catch a SIGTERM signal. Java and Groovy task need to register shutdownHooks to achieve similar behavior.

Non-Forked Mode:

In Non-Forked Mode, the task runs in a separate thread in the same JVM as the ProActive Node. Therefore, the thread running the task will be interrupted.

Bash tasks, in Non-Forked Mode, do receive SIGTERM. Java and Groovy tasks will receive an InterruptedException, which can be used to handle the graceful termination of that task and sub-processes. But, Jython (Python tasks) will not receive any notification. If the task has started sub-processes it is responsible to initiate graceful termination of the sub-processes, if possible.


The ProActive Node waits as many seconds as setup in the proactive.node.task.cleanup.time property or until the task is stopped. Example: cleanup timeout is 30 seconds and the task takes 3 seconds to terminate, then the ProActive Node will wait 3 seconds only.


The ProActive Node initiates the task process and sub-process removal. This will forcefully kill the whole tree of processes. Another SIGTERM might be send shortly before the forcefully killing (SIGKILL).

Additional information

On Windows the termination procedure is similar. But the Windows SIGTERM equivalent is executing the TerminateProcess method of the process. Whereas the SIGKILL is equivalent to the forceful removal of the running process.

Termination behavior by language
Table 2. Termination Behavior for a Few Languages
Language/Execution type Bash Python Java Groovy

Forked Mode

Handle SIGTERM. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Handle SIGTERM. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Add a shutdown hook. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

add a shutdown hook. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Forked Mode Run As Me

Handle SIGTERM. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Handle SIGTERM. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Add a shutdown hook. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Add a shutdown hook. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Non-Forked Mode

Handle SIGTERM. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Terminates immediately.

Catch an InterruptedException. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

Catch an InterruptedException. Task waits cleanup timeout, before being killed.

10. User Permissions

All users authenticated in the Resource Manager have their own role according to granted permissions. In ProActive Scheduler, we use the standard Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) to address these needs.

The file PROACTIVE_HOME/config/ allows to configure fine-grained access for all users, e.g. who has the right to:

  • Deploy ProActive Nodes

  • Execute jobs

  • Pause the Scheduler

  • etc

11. Monitor the cluster state

Cluster monitoring typically means checking that all ProActive Nodes that were added to ProActive Scheduler are up and running. We don’t track for example the free disk space or software upgrade which can be better achieved with tools like Nagios.

In the Resource Manager Web Interface you can see how many ProActive Nodes were added to the Resource Manager and their usage.

admin web

The same information is accessible using the command line:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --listnodes

11.1. ProActive Node States

When you look at your cluster, ProActive Nodes can be in one of the following states:

  • Deploying - The deployment of the node has been triggered by the ProActive Resource Manager but it has not yet been added.

  • Lost - The deployment of the node has failed for some reason. The node has never been added to the ProActive Resource Manager and won’t be usable.

  • Configuring - Node has been added to the ProActive Resource Manager and is being configured.

  • Free - Node is available for computations.

  • Busy - Node has been given to user to execute computations.

  • To be removed - Node is busy but requested to be removed. So it will be removed once the client will release it.

  • Down - Node is unreachable or down and cannot be used anymore.

  • Needed - Metric shows how many additional nodes the Scheduler needs to schedule all pending tasks.

The state of a ProActive Node is managed by the Resource Manager. However, each Node has a user managed lock status.

11.2. JMX

The JMX interface for remote management and monitoring provides information about the running ProActive Resource Manager and allows the user to modify its configuration. For more details about JMX concepts, please refer to official documentation about the JMX architecture.

jmx archi

The following aspects (or services) of the ProActive Scheduler are instrumented using MBeans that are managed through a JMX agent.

  • Server status is exposed using the RuntimeDataMBean

    • The Resource Manager status

    • Available/Free/Busy/Down nodes count

    • Average activity/inactivity percentage

  • The Accounts Manager exposes accounting information using the MyAccountMBean and AllAccountsMBean

    • The used node time

    • The provided node time

    • The provided node count

  • Various management operations are exposed using the ManagementMBean

    • Setting the accounts refresh rate

    • Refresh all accounts

    • Reload the permission policy file

MBean server can be accessed by remote applications using one of the two available connectors

  • The standard solution based on Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol is the RMI Connector accessible at the following URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://HOSTNAME:PORT/JMXRMAgent where

    • HOSTNAME is the hostname on which the Resource Manager is started

    • PORT (5822 by default) is the port number on which the JMX RMI connector server has been started. It is defined by the property pa.rm.jmx.port .

  • The ProActive Remote Objects Connector provides ProActive protocol aware connector accessible at the following URL: service:jmx:ro:///jndi/PA_PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME:PORT/JMXRMAgent where

    • PA_PROTOCOL is the protocol defined by the proactive.communication.protocol property

    • HOSTNAME is the hostname on which the Resource Manager is started

    • PORT is the protocol dependent port number usually defined by the property proactive.PA_PROTOCOL.port

The name of the connector (JMXRMAgent by default) is defined by the property rm.jmx.connectorname.

The JMX URL to connect to can be obtained from the Authentication API of the Resource Manager or by reading the log file located in PROACTIVE_HOME/logs/RM.log. In that log file, the address you have to retrieve is the one where the JMX RMI connector server has been started

[INFO 2010-06-17 10:23:27,813] [RM.AbstractJMXHelper.boot] Started JMX RMI connector server at service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://

Once connected, you’ll get an access to Resource Manager statistics and accounting.

For example, to connect to the ProActive Scheduler JMX Agent with JConsole tool, just enter the URL of the standard RMI Connector, as well as the username and the password.

jmx jconsole connect

Then depending on the allowed permissions browse the attributes of the MBeans.

jmx jconsole

11.3. Accounting

The users of ProActive Scheduler request and offer nodes for computation. To keep track of how much node time was consumed or contributed by a particular user, ProActive Scheduler associates a user to an account.

More precisely, the nodes can be manipulated by the following basic operations available to the users

  • The ADD operation is a registration of a node in the Resource Manager initiated by a user considered as a node provider. A node can be added, through the API, as a result of a deployment process, through an agent or manually from the command line interface.

  • The REMOVE operation is the unregistration of a node from the Resource Manager. A node can be removed, through the API, by a user or automatically if it is unreachable by the Resource Manager.

  • The GET operation is a node reservation, for an unknown amount of time, by a user considered as a node owner. For example, the ProActive Scheduler can be considered as a user that reserves a node for a task computation.

  • The RELEASE operation on a reserved node by any user.

The following accounting data is gathered by the Resource Manager

  • The used node time: The amount of time other users have spent using the resources of a particular user. More precisely, for a specific node owner, it is the sum of all time intervals from GET to RELEASE.

  • The provided node time: The amount of time a user has offered resources to the Resource Manager. More precisely, for a specific node provider, it is the sum of all time intervals from ADD to REMOVE.

  • The provided node count: The number of provided nodes.

The accounting information can be accessed only through a JMX client or the ProActive Resource Manager command line.

11.4. Metric to monitor Scheduler load

Needed Nodes metric shows how many additional nodes the Scheduler needs to schedule all pending tasks, e.g. there are 4 nodes and all of them are busy, but Needed Nodes shows 10, which means if you would have 14 nodes instead of 4, all of these nodes would be busy. Please notice, that Needed Nodes shows how many more nodes could be used right now. However, it does not give any indication about the kind of nodes needed, e.g. Selection Script of the task could require some specific nodes, thus Needed Nodes could be positive despite still having free nodes (they can be inappropriate for the current task).

You can find this metric in multiple places. In RM portal you can see it in Nodes History:

neededNodes rm nodeshistory

In Nodes State:

neededNodes rm nodesstate

And you can find it in RM portal detailed statistics:

neededNodes rm stats

Also, you can find Needed Nodes in the Scheduler portal where the Scheduler status is displayed:

neededNodes scheduler

12. Run Computation with a user’s system account

Configure a ProActive Node to execute tasks under a user’s system account by ticking the Run as me box in the task configuration. By default authentication is done through a password, but can also be configured using a SSH key.

Find a step by step tutorial here.

For proper execution, the user’s system account must have:

  • Execution rights to the PROACTIVE_HOME directory and all it’s parent directories.

  • Write access to the PROACTIVE_HOME directory.

Logs are written during task execution, as a matter of fact, the executing user needs write access to the PROACTIVE_HOME directory. ProActive does some tests before executing as a different user, those need full execution rights, including the PROACTIVE_HOME parent directories.

Create a ProActive group which owns the PROACTIVE_HOME directory and has write access. Add every system user, which executes tasks under its own system account, to the ProActive group.
On Mac OS X, the default temporary folder is not shared between all users. It is required by the RunAsMe feature. To use a shared temporary folder, you need to set the $TMPDIR environment variable and the Java property to /tmp before starting the ProActive Node.
the same applies on Windows. To use a shared temporary folder, create a folder shared by all ProActive users e.g. C:\TEMP and define the Java property to C:\TEMP before starting the ProActive Node.



12.1. Using password

The ProActive Node will try to impersonate the user that submitted the task when running it. It means the username and password must be the same between the Scheduler and the operating system.

12.2. Using SSH keys

A SSH key can be tied to the user’s account and used to impersonate the user when running a task on a given machine (using SSH). The .ssh/authorized_keys files of all machines must be configured to accept this SSH key. The SSH key must require no passphrase.

When login into the scheduler portal, the private key of the user must be provided, this can be done by selecting on the login dialog: More options > Use SSH private key.

To enable this method, set the system property pas.launcher.forkas.method to key when starting a ProActive Node.


proactive-node -Dpas.launcher.forkas.method=key

12.3. Using passwordless sudo

This configuration, only availabe on linux nodes, allows the impersonation to be performed using passwordless sudo.

To enable it at the system level, edit the /etc/sudoers file to allow passwordless sudo from the account running the ProActive node to any users which require impersonation. Passwordless sudo should be enabled for any command.

For example, the following line will allow the proactive account to impersonate to any user:


To enable this configuration on the ProActive node, start it with the system property pas.launcher.forkas.method to none


proactive-node -Dpas.launcher.forkas.method=none

13. Configure Web applications

The ProActive Scheduler deploys automatically several web applications in an embedded Jetty web server. The binaries and sources associated to the web applications can be found in PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war.

To configure Web applications, for instance the HTTP port to use, edit the PROACTIVE_HOME/config/web/settings.ini file.

Web applications are deployed on the host using the HTTP port 8080 by default. The local part of the URL is based on the WAR files found in PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war. For instance, the Scheduler web portal is available at http://localhost:8080/scheduler.

13.1. Enable HTTPS

ProActive Workflows and Scheduling provides support for HTTPS. Similarly to other web settings, HTTPS related properties are defined in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/web/settings.ini and any update necessitates a restart of the Scheduler instance.

Enabling HTTPS requires to set web.https to true but also to define a path to a valid keystore through web.https.keystore along with its associated password by using web.https.keystore.password. A default keystore is provided for testing purposes, however it must not be used in production.

When you are using the default keystore or a custom keystore with a self-signed certificate you need to enable web.https.allow_any_certificate and optionally web.https.allow_any_hostname if your certificate Common Name (CN) does not match the fully qualified host name used for the machine hosting the Web applications.

Port 8443 is used for listening to HTTPS connections. This port number prevents to have root access for deploying web applications. However, you can change it by editing web.https.port value.

When HTTPS is set up, you can automatically redirect any HTTP request from users to the secured version of the protocol to make sure exchanged information is protected. It requires to enable web.redirect_http_to_https.

Unlike other web applications, the Scheduler, the Resource Manager and the Studio web portals together with the ProActive Cloud Watch, Cloud Automation service, Job Planner and Notification service require manual configuration based on your HTTPS settings. The configuration files to edit are respectively in

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/scheduler/scheduler.conf

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/rm/rm.conf

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/config/web/settings.ini

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/proactive-cloud-watch/WEB-INF/classes/

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/cloud-automation-service/WEB-INF/classes/

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/job-planner/WEB-INF/classes/

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/notification-service/WEB-INF/classes/

If you are familiar with Nginx or a similar web server, you can also use it to enable HTTPS connection to Web applications. It has the advantage to make it possible to have ProActive web applications and additional ones to coexist.

13.1.1. Creating a valid keystore

Java is bundled with some utility binaries such as keytool. This last allows to create and manage a keystore but also to generate keys and certificates.

With a self-signed certificate

Generating a new self-signed certificate imported in a new keystore with a custom password is as simple as executing the following command:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA -validity 365

This command prompts for information about the certificate and for a password to protect both the keystore and the keys within it. The only mandatory responses are to provide a password and the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the server. Once done, the value for properties web.https.keystore and web.https.keystore.password must be adapted based on the information you have entered.

For more information, please look at the Jetty documentation.

With a trusted certificate

The first step is to obtain a trusted certificate that is valid for your Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). This process differs from a Certification Authority (CA) to another. In the following, it is assumed that Let’s Encrypt is used. By way of illustration, Digital Ocean provides examples for CentOS and Ubuntu.

Assumming your FQDN is, then after obtaining a certificate you will get the following PEM-encoded files in /etc/letsencrypt/live/

  • cert.pem: Your domain’s certificate

  • chain.pem: The Let’s Encrypt chain certificate

  • fullchain.pem: cert.pem and chain.pem combined

  • privkey.pem: Your certificate’s private key

Before loading the key and the certificate into a new keystore that is recognized by ProActive Workflows and Scheduling, you need to combine them into a PKCS12 format file. You can achieve this action by means of the following OpenSSL command:

openssl pkcs12 \
    -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
    -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
    -export -out jetty.pkcs12

Then, you can load the resulting PKCS12 file into a JSSE keystore with keytool:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jetty.pkcs12 \
    -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore keystore

Both commands prompt for a password. You need to use the same and set it as a value to property web.https.keystore.password. The resulting keystore file corresponds to the file whose path must be used for property web.https.keystore.

Starting from update 101, Java 8 trusts Lets Encrypt certificates. However, if you are using a less recent version of Java for running JVMs related to ProActive Workflows and Scheduling, you will need to update the truststore of your Java installation.

13.1.2. Updating Java truststore for accepting Lets Encrypt certificates

sudo keytool -trustcacerts \
    -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts \
    -storepass changeit \
    -noprompt \
    -importcert \
    -file /etc/letsencrypt/live/

13.2. Enable VNC remote visualization in the browser

The Rest API web application embeds a proxy to allow the remote display visualization of a ProActive Node running a given task via a VNC server from the browser. To enable this feature, the scheduler has to be configured as follows:

  • configure the proxy: edit the PROACTIVE_HOME/config/web/settings.ini file and set novnc.enabled to true in order to start the proxy.

  • configure the scheduler portal to use the proxy when opening a new tab browser that shows the remote visualization: edit the PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/scheduler/scheduler.conf.

    • Set sched.novnc.url to the public address of the proxy. This public address is the public address of the host where the sheduler is started and the port specified by the option novnc.port in the file PROACTIVE_HOME/config/web/settings.ini

    • Set to the public address of the VNC client to be executed in the browser. The client is located in the REST API with the file novnc.html.

13.3. Catalog

The ProActive Catalog is a component responsible for storing various objects of ProActive Workflows and Scheduling and in particular ProActive Workflows.

The ProActive Catalog features:

ProActive Catalog is organized into buckets. Each bucket has a unique name and stores zero, one or more versioned ProActive Objects.

By default, ProActive objects are persisted on disk using the embedded HSQL database. The data is located in PROACTIVE_HOME/data/db/catalog.

The Catalog web service binaries are stored in PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/catalog. This directory contains a configuration file located in PROACTIVE_HOME/dist/war/catalog/WEB-INF/classes/

More information regarding the Catalog configuration can be found in the catalog properties section.

A complete documentation of the Catalog REST API is available on the following link.

This documentation is automatically generated using Swagger.

13.3.1. Catalog security and groups management

The Catalog authenticates REST request using a sessionID header. This sessionID is used to share session information between various ProActive Workflows & Scheduling microservices and is returned when authenticating to a ProActive Scheduler REST API..

Every request to the Catalog must have a valid sessionID inside the request header to authenticate the user. A role-based access control mechanism can also be defined on catalog buckets. When creating a bucket, it can either be made public or restrained to a specific group.

Creating users and groups at the ProActive Scheduler level is explained in the User Authentication section.

A public bucket is automatically assigned to the public-objects group.

For example, a user which is part of the interns group (GROUP:interns) can see and change buckets and their contents which belong to GROUP:interns. This user can only access to the following buckets list:

  • All buckets that the user created.

  • All buckets belonging to the interns group (GROUP:interns).

  • All public buckets (GROUP:public-objects).

14. Configure script engines

Most script engines do not need any configuration. This section talks about the script engines which can be configured individually.

14.1. Docker Compose (Docker task)

The Docker Compose script engine is a wrapper around the Docker Compose command. It needs to have Docker Compose and Docker installed, in order to work. The Docker Compose script engine has a configuration file which configures each ProActive Node individually. The configuration file is in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scriptengines/ has the following configuration options:

docker.compose.command=[docker-compose executable example:/usr/local/bin/docker-compose] --- Defines which Docker Compose executable is used by the script engine.

docker.compose.sudo.command=[sudo executable example:/usr/bin/sudo] --- Defines the sudo executable which is used. The sudo property is used to give the Docker Compose command root rights.

docker.compose.use.sudo=false --- Defines whether to execute Docker Compose with sudo [true] or without sudo [false] --- Defines the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. The DOCKER_HOST variable defines the Docker socket which the Docker client connects to. That property is useful when accessing a Docker daemon which runs inside a container or on a remote machine. Further information about the DOCKER_HOST property can be found in the official Docker documentation.

14.2. Perl scripts execution (Perl task)

Perl should be installed on your machine. By default the perl engine is installed in Linux and Mac Os. Please install the perl engine on Windows.
The execution mechanism of perl tasks is based on running perl files on your machine.

If you encountered the issues, please check if you have installed Perl properly on you machine. In order to verify this you can follow the next steps:

  • For example you should to be able to launch the command 'perl -V'.

  • Then from command line you should be able to launch a simple perl file (perl

14.3. Python Script Engine (Python task)

Python should be installed on your machine. By default Python2 is installed on Linux and Mac OS. If another version of Python is required, it should be installed on your machine in advance.

More over, the native Python Script Engine depends on the py4j library in order to communicate with our Java classes. Please follow the following step to install it:

  • With Python2: pip install py4j

  • With Python3: pip3 install py4j

Further information can be found in the official py4j documentation.

15. Extending ProActive Scheduling Policy

In order to decide which pending Tasks are executed, the ProActive Scheduler uses a Scheduling Policy.

This policy allows, for example, to execute task in a First-In-First-Out order or according to priorities.

The default Scheduling Policy can be extended to perfectly fit with an organization scheduling constraints.

Moreover, policy can be changed dynamically throught Java API org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.Scheduler::changePolicy(String policyClassName).

In the following example, we show how a different policy can be used to control Task Scheduling.

15.1. Earliest deadline first (EDF) policy

To use the earliest deadline first (EDF) policy, edit the file PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini and change the following line:




15.2. License Policy Example

To use the LicenseSchedulingPolicy, edit the file PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini and change the following line:




The LicenseSchedulingPolicy requires an extra configuration: the maximum number of licenses per software must be specified into PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/ like this

software_A = 3
software_B = 2

From now, at a job or a task level, user can specify which software licenses are required, by adding the REQUIRED_LICENSES generic information, which value can be


As expected, if 10 tasks requiring software_A,software_B licenses are submitted, they will be executed 2 by 2, according to the software with the fewest licenses. The same logic is applied at the job level, whatever the number of tasks composing each job, since all tasks of the same job share the same license. Moreover, user can combine both levels.

16. Addons

16.1. Get Notification on Job Events Configuration

In order to enable this functionality the following properties should be set in config/scheduler/setting.ini: = true =

To configure the email sender on Scheduler, the configuration file config/scheduler/ should be filled in, please refer to SMTP configuration examples for examples.

16.2. Email notification

The email notification addons includes an utility Java class but also a Groovy task (accessible from the Studio Web app) that allow to send an email from a ProActive Workflow.

The task assumes that configuration for connecting to an SMTP server is done using third-party credentials. It requires to define some values as key/value pairs in the third-party credentials associated to the user that runs the task.

This configuration can be achieved from the Scheduler Web portal, the ProActive client or even through the REST API. Please see Third-party credentials for more information.

16.2.1. SMTP configuration examples

Key Value





Password authentication to Google servers requires extra configuration.

Key Value







Password authentication to Microsoft servers requires extra configuration.

Key Value






16.3. Statistics on ProActive Jobs and Resource Usage

This addon generates a gantt chart to visualize executions of jobs and tasks, per node and over the time.

16.3.1. Installation

To enable this addon, a Node connected to the Resource Manager must have access to the PA_PLOT application configured in it.

  1. Linux, Windows, or MacOSX.

  2. Python 2.7 or 3.5.

  3. Bokeh, dateutil, requests, pytest, sphinx.

Requirements setup with Anaconda

Anaconda is the fastest and easiest way to install all requirements. You do not need internet access on the installation host.

  1. Download and install Anaconda

  2. Linux/MacOSX::

    source <anaconda root>/bin/activate
  3. Windows:

    Run "Anaconda Prompt"
Requirements setup with Miniconda

Miniconda is a stripped down version of Anaconda, much smaller in size. The downside is that it normally requires internet access on the machine where it is installed.

  1. Download and install Miniconda

  2. If behind a proxy, compile condarc

  3. Linux/MacOSX::

    source <anaconda root>/bin/activate
    Run "Anaconda Prompt"
  4. Execute::

    conda install -y python-dateutil bokeh requests
  5. Addional optional dependencies to run the unit tests:

    Python 2.7
    conda install -y pytest mock
    Python 3.5
    conda install -y pytest
  6. Additional optional dependencies to regenerate the documentation::

    conda install -y sphinx
pa_plot installation
  1. Source Anaconda environment (see previous steps)

  2. Unpack :file:`pa_plot.tar.gz` and move to the :file:`pa_plot` directory

  3. Execute::

    python install

17. Scheduler start tuning

Scheduler start can be customized by automatically triggering user’s scripts. A list of scripts can be specified in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini following this


For example, load-examples.groovy which is executed by default at scheduler start, has in charge the full deployment of proactive-examples by: populating the running Catalog, exposing as templates specific workflows and copying workflows dependencies into dataspaces.

18. Performance tuning

18.1. Database

By default, ProActive Scheduler is configured to use HSQLDB embedded database. This last is lightweight and does not require complex configuration. However, it cannot compete with more conventional database management systems, especially when the load increases. Consequently, it is recommended to setup an RDBMS such as MariaDB, Postgres or SQL Server if you care about performance or notice a slowdown.

ProActive Workflows and Scheduling distribution is provided with several samples for configuring the Scheduler and Resource Manager to use most standard RDBMS. You can find these examples in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/rm/templates/ and PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/templates/ folders.

18.1.1. Indexes

The Scheduler and RM databases rely on Hibernate to create and update the database schema automatically on startup. Hibernate is configured for adding indexes on frequently used columns, including columns associated to foreign keys. The goal is to provide a default configuration that behaves in a satisfactory manner with the different features available in the Scheduler. For instance, the Jobs housekeeping feature requires indexes on most foreign keys since a Job deletion may imply several cascade delete.

Unfortunately, each database vendor implements its own strategy regarding indexes on foreign keys. Thus, some databases such as MariaDB and MySQL automatically add indexes for foreign keys whereas some others like Postgres or Oracle do not add such indexes by default. Besides, Hibernate does not offer control over this strategy. As a consequence, this difference of behaviour, once linked to our default configuration for Hibernate, may lead to duplicate indexes (two indexes with different names for a same column) that are created for columns in RM and Scheduler tables.

In case you are using in production MySQL, MariaDB or a similar database that automatically adds indexes on foreign keys, it is strongly recommended to ask your DBA to identify and delete duplicate indexes created by the database system since they may hurt performances.

18.1.2. Housekeeping

The Scheduler provides a housekeeping mechanism that periodically removes finished jobs from the Scheduler Portal. It can also remove jobs and all its data from the database to save space. This mechanism has two phases:

  1. Once a job is finished, it sets its scheduled time for removal (the job expiration date)

  2. Actual cleaning of expired jobs from the scheduler and/or the database will be periodically triggered and performed in a bulk operation

Please note that housekeeping mechanism is not applied to the jobs which were already in the database when housekeeping was switched on.

The following parameters are accessible in the scheduler config file. One can edit the pa.scheduler.core.automaticremovejobdelay parameter to set the delay before marking a job to be removed. The pa.scheduler.core.removejobdelay parameter can be used in the case where the delay should only start once the job result has been accessed.

The housekeeping mechanism is periodically triggered through the cron expression pa.scheduler.core.automaticremovejobcronexpression. As the pa.scheduler.job.removeFromDataBase property is set to true by default, a query is executed in-base to remove all jobs that qualify for the bulk removal.

18.1.3. Database impact on job submission performance

The choice of the database provider can influence the Scheduler and Resource Manager performance overall. In the following figure, we see the job submission time between different database providers:

job submission time comparison

On a 1000-jobs submission basis across ProActive’s embedded database, the in-memory database and a standalone PostgreSQL server, we can see that the in-memory database is in fact faster and more consistent in speed than the default embedded database. However the in-memory database has no persistence of the data on disk, as opposed to the embedded database. A standalone database is a good tradeoff between speed and data resilience.

The embedded database is used by default in ProActive. To switch to an in-memory database, you need to modify the following files:


Replace the default value of hibernate.connection.url to:



Replace the default value of hibernate.connection.url to:


To switch to a standalone database, see Database.

18.1.4. Database impact on task creation performance

The choice of the database provider influences task creation time. In the following figure, we see the task creation time for different database providers:

grouped bar direct labels

Each experiment, consists of submitting one replicated job with some number of replicated tasks, and measuring time to create all these replicated tasks.

18.2. Tuning Linux for 15K nodes

It is necessary to tune underlying Linux system, in case there will be plenty of nodes in the Resource Manager.

It is mandatory to allow having a large number of running processes and open files.

For example, on 15.000 nodes, the recommended ulimit settings for running processes and open files are:

nproc soft/hard 100000
nofile soft/hard 65536

In addition, we recommend to have at least 16GB RAM for 15.000 nodes.

19. Nodes and Task Recovery

The Scheduler can be started in recovery mode. If so, the Scheduler will try to restore Resource Manager nodes and ProActive tasks that were running in the previous execution of the Scheduler. The nodes and task recovery feature makes sure you do not lose on-going computations if the Scheduler experiences a failure.

19.1. Use Case and Scope of the Feature

Suppose that at an instant T the Scheduler is running tasks. Without the nodes and task recovery feature, if the Scheduler crashed at instant T, then the tasks that were on-going would be re-scheduled on any node and re-executed from the beginning when the Scheduler restarts. With the nodes and task recovery feature enabled, when the Scheduler restarts it will retrieve the previous RM nodes and the on-going tasks, and the execution of the tasks will continue and finish as if there was no failure of the Scheduler.

The nodes and task recovery feature is not applicable when the Scheduler is cleanly stopped or exits normally. This is a mechanism that is only applicable upon failure of the Scheduler (machine crash, abrupt exit).

19.2. How Does Nodes and Task Recovery Work?

At startup, the Scheduler checks the nodes and the tasks that were previously persisted in database to be able to restore their state. Here are the different cases that can occur at recovery time:

  • If a node that is found in database is still alive, the node’s information is restored in the Resource Manager. The same restoration mechanism is applied for running tasks in the Scheduler.

  • If however, no node is found in database for a given node source, then the node recovery will not take place for this node source. Instead, the nodes will be re-deployed like for the first time.

  • If a node that is found in database is not alive at recovery time, then the node will also be recreated automatically.

A recovery is not a restart, and as such a clean restart of the Scheduler will not preserve on-going tasks and running nodes. Indeed, in the case of a regular shutdown of the Scheduler, the nodes are cleaned and removed from the Resource Manager before the Scheduler exits. Thus, there will be no nodes and no running tasks to recover when the Scheduler is started again.

To handle the particular situation in which the Scheduler is down when a running task terminates, a proper configuration of the Scheduler allows the task to hold the result until the Scheduler is up and running again.

19.3. Nodes and Task Recovery Configuration

19.3.1. Restrictions

The nodes recovery is not available for Scheduler settings that use the PAMR protocol. This is because this communication protocol relies on router endpoint identifiers that are regenerated when connections are reestablished.

The nodes recovery is also not available on the Nodes that are launched at the Scheduler startup by default. However you get the choice to activate or deactivate the feature when you create your own Node Source. By default, the nodes recovery is activated for any new Node Source.

19.3.2. How to make sure that nodes and task recovery is enabled

The nodes and task recovery feature requires a proper configuration to ensure that nodes and tasks are kept alive during the down time of the Scheduler.
  • Resource Manager configuration (PROACTIVE_HOME/config/rm/settings.ini)

    In order to enable the nodes and task recovery feature, make sure that the pa.rm.nodes.recovery property of the Resource Manager is set to true. This property is set to true by default.

  • Node configuration

    The ProActive nodes should be started with a configuration that keeps them alive if the Scheduler fails. Node properties can be set at node startup:

    • Use to specify how often the node will try to communicate with the Resource Manager. The default for this property is 30 seconds.

    • Use -Dproactive.node.reconnection.attempts to specify how many times the node will try to reconnect with the Resource Manager. The default for this property is to attempt 10 times.

    These two properties define the total delay for the node to reconnect to the Resource Manager. By default, the total delay of reconnection is 5 minutes. When this total delay is consumed, the node shuts itself down, and the node recovery will not be applicable any more for this node.

  • Scheduler configuration (PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini)

    In order to make sure that a task will attempt several times to send back its result to the Scheduler, you must set the properties:

    • to specify the number of times a finished task will try to contact the Scheduler. The default for this property is to attempt only once.

    • pa.scheduler.core.nodepingfrequency property to define a delay (in seconds) in between two attempts. The default for this property is 20 seconds.

    If the Scheduler is still not up and running after the total delay defined by these properties (which is 20 seconds by default), then the task’s result will be lost forever. Note that these two properties are also used by the scheduler to decide when to re-schedule tasks.

19.3.3. How to disable nodes and task recovery

You can completely disable the nodes and task recovery feature by setting the pa.rm.nodes.recovery property of the Resource Manager to false.

In addition, the nodes and task recovery can be configured per Node Source at creation time. This configuration will be applied only if the global pa.rm.nodes.recovery property is set to true. The specification of nodes recovery per Node Source can be done through the Resource Manager Web Interface, through the Resource Manager REST API, and through the Command Line client (CLI).

  • Through the Web Interface, the form to create a new Node Source contains a checkbox that controls nodes recoverability.

  • Through the REST API, the nodesRecoverable parameter of the rm/nodesource/create and rm/nodesource REST endpoints specify whether the ProActive Nodes of a new Node Source will be recoverable. Nodes recovery will be disabled if the given value does not match any case of the "true" string.

  • Through the CLI, the createns and definens commands take an optional parameter to specify whether the ProActive Nodes of a new Node Source will be recoverable. Nodes recovery will be disabled if the optional parameter is provided and does not match any case of the "true" string.

19.4. Nodes and Task Recovery on Cloud Platforms

The nodes and task recovery feature of ProActive is also available for the deployments on Microsoft Azure and Amazon EC2 clouds.

For these platforms, when the Scheduler is restarted after a failure, it will try to contact the nodes that are deployed on the cloud instances:

  • If the nodes are alive then the recovery proceeds like with non-cloud infrastructures.

  • If the nodes cannot be contacted, the recovery mechanism will try to re-deploy them by asking the instances to run a node deployment script.

  • If the script fails, it means that the cloud instances do not exist anymore, so the recovery mechanism will trigger a re-deployment including the re-creation of the instances.

19.5. Nodes and Task Recovery Performance Tuning

By default, the persistence of the node states is slightly delayed in order to batch several database operations in the same transaction. This is done in order to minimize the execution time overhead of the nodes and task recovery feature. However, this default batching mechanism can be overriden to adapt the delay, or to disable batching.

The properties that allow performance tuning are the following:

  • pa.rm.node.db.operations.delay defines the delay in milliseconds that is applied when the RM requests the persistence of a node. By default the delay is set to 100 milliseconds. If the value of this property is set to 0, then all database operations related to the persistence of nodes are executed immediately and synchronously.

  • pa.rm.nodes.db.operations.update.synchronous defines whether the node updates are persisted synchronously (with no delay) whenever it is possible. By default this property is set to true.

20. Troubleshooting

20.1. Logs

If something goes wrong the first place to look for the problem are the Scheduler logs. By default all logs are in PROACTIVE_HOME/logs directory.

Users submitting jobs have access to server logs of their jobs through the Scheduler Web interface

server logs

20.2. Common Problems

20.2.1. 'Path too Long' Errors When Unzipping Windows Downloads

When you unzip a Windows package using the default Windows compression utility, you might get errors stating that the path is too long. Path length is determined by the Windows OS. The maximum path, which includes drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by backslashes, and a terminating null character, is defined as 260 characters.


  • Move the Zip file on the root level of the system drive and unzip from there.

  • Use a third-party compression utility. Unlike the default Windows compression utility, some third-party utilities allow for longer maximum path lengths.

21. Reference

21.1. Scheduler Properties

Scheduler Properties are read when ProActive Scheduler is started therefore you need to restart it to apply changes.

The default configuration file is SCHEDULER_HOME/scheduler/settings.ini.

# INFORMATION : each file path must be absolute, OR relative to the Scheduler_Home path
#-------------   SCHEDULER PROPERTIES   ----------------

# Scheduler home directory (this default value should be proper in most cases)

# HSQLDB location, use this property to store the database in a different folder than scheduler_home/data/db
# you can use an absolute location or a relative location from scheduler home
# pa.hsqldb.location=data/db

# Scheduler rest url. If not defined, it is set automatically when starting the server.
# When the server has a public endpoint, different from the hostname available on the machine, this property should be used to correctly set the url

#Catalog rest url. If not defined, it is set automatically when starting the server. Same as scheduler rest url

# Timeout for the scheduling loop (in millisecond)

# Auto-reconnection to the Resource Manager default reconnection attempt every 10 seconds for 1 hour
pa.scheduler.core.rmconnection.autoconnect = true
pa.scheduler.core.rmconnection.timespan = 10000
pa.scheduler.core.rmconnection.attempts = 360

# Number of threads used to execute client requests
# (e.g. change Job priority, kill Job, etc.)

# Number of threads used to execute internal scheduling operations
# (handle task termination, restart task, etc.)

# Number of threads used to ping tasks regularly to get its progress and detect node failures

# Number of threads used to delay operations which are NOT related to housekeeping
# (e.g. scheduler shutdown, handle task restart on error, etc.)

# Number of threads used to handle scheduled operations with the housekeeping feature

# Check for failed node frequency in second
# Also used by the node to ping the scheduler after finishing a task

# The scheduler will decide to restart a task, after a given tolerated number of failed attempts.
# A value of zero means that the scheduler will restart a task after the first failure.
# Also used by a node to retry to send the result of a task to the scheduler

# Time in milliseconds before sending a kill request to the scheduler

# Scheduler default policy full name

# Defines the maximum number of tasks to be scheduled in each scheduling loop.

# Path of the license properties file

# location of the jdbm database for persistent license registrations

# Name of the JMX MBean for the scheduler

# Port of the JMX service for the Scheduler.

# Accounting refresh rate from the database in seconds

# RRD data base with statistic history

# RRD data base step in seconds

# User session time. User is automatically disconnect after this time if no request is made to the scheduler. 8 hours by default.
# negative number indicates that session is infinite (value specified in second)

# Timeout for the start task action. Time during which the scheduling could be waiting (in millis)
# this value relies on the system and network capacity

# Maximum number of threads used for the start task action. This property define the number of blocking resources
# until the scheduling loop will block as well.
# As it is related to the number of nodes, this property also define the number of threads used to terminate taskLauncher

# Maximum number of threads used to send events to clients. This property defines the number of clients
# than can block at the same time. If this number is reached, every clients won't receive events until
# a thread unlock.

# List of the scripts paths to execute at scheduler start. Paths are separated by a ';'.

#----------------   JOBS PROPERTIES   ------------------

# Remove job delay (in seconds). (The time between getting back its result and removing it from the scheduler)
# Set this time to 0 if you don't want the job to be removed.

# Automatic remove job delay (in seconds). (The time between the termination of the job and removing it from the scheduler)
# Set this time to 0 if you don't want the job to be removed automatically.

# Remove job in database when removing it from the scheduler.
# This housekeeping feature can be replaced by a stored procedure
# that runs at the desired period of time (e.g. non-business hours)
# Such an example is available in samples/scripts/database/postgres/

# This cron expression determines the housekeeping call frequency.
# Default value is 10 minutes: this will invoke the housekeeping mechanism
# to remove every jobs which are set to be removed and has their scheduled time for removal reached.
pa.scheduler.core.automaticremovejobcronexpression=*/10 * * * *

# Specific character encoding when parsing the job xml file

# This property defines size of LRU cache which stores finished jobs* in memory.
# * by finished jobs, we mean finished jobs which were finished when scheduler started

#---------------   TASKS PROPERTIES   ------------------
# Initial time to wait before the re-execution of a task. (in millisecond)

# Maximum number of execution for a task in case of failure (node down)

# If true tasks are ran in a forked JVM, if false they are ran in the node's JVM

# If true tasks are always ran in RunAsMe mode (impersonation). This automatically implies pa.scheduler.task.fork=true (other setting is ignored)

# Maximum number of tasks in a tasks page

# if the following property is set to a non-empty value, the scheduler will be able to execute only forkenvironment or clean scripts contained
# in the provided directory. All other scripts will be rejected.

# The pa.scheduler.script.authorized.dir is browsed every refreshperiod time to load authorized scripts.

# Refresh time to reload the security policy file (

#-------------   DATASPACES PROPERTIES   ---------------

# Default INPUT space URL. The default INPUT space is used inside each job that does not define an INPUT space.
# Normally, the scheduler will start a FileSystemServer on a default location based on the TEMP directory.
# If the following property is specified, this FileSystemServer will be not be started and instead the provided dataspace
# url will be used

# The following property can be used in two ways.
# 1) If a "pa.scheduler.dataspace.defaultinput.url" is provided, the defaultinput.path property
#   tells the scheduler where the actual file system is (provided that he has access to it). If the scheduler does not have
#   access to the file system where this dataspace is located then this property must not be set.
#       - On windows, use double backslash in the path, i.e. c:\\users\\...
#       - you can provide a list of urls separated by spaces , i.e. : http://myserver/myspace file:/path/to/myspace
#       - if one url contain spaces, wrap all urls in the list between deouble quotes :
#               "http://myserver/myspace"  "file:/path/to/my space"
# 2) If a "pa.scheduler.dataspace.defaultinput.url" is not provided, the defaultinput.path property will tell the scheduler
#   to start a FileSystemServer on the provided defaultinput.path instead of its default location

### the default location is SCHEDULER_HOME/data/defaultinput

# Host name from which the localpath is accessible, it must be provided if the localpath property is provided

# The same for the OUPUT (see above explanations in the INPUT SPACE section)
# (concerning the syntax, see above explanations in the INPUT SPACE section)
### the default location is SCHEDULER_HOME/data/defaultoutput

# The same for the GLOBAL space. The GLOBAL space is shared between each users and each jobs.
# (concerning the syntax, see above explanations in the INPUT SPACE section)
### the default location is SCHEDULER_HOME/data/defaultglobal

# The same for the USER spaces. A USER space is a per-user global space. An individual space will be created for each user in subdirectories of the defaultuser.localpath.
# Only one file server will be created (if not provided)
# (concerning the syntax, see above explanations in the INPUT SPACE section)
### the default location is SCHEDULER_HOME/data/defaultuser

#----------------   LOGS PROPERTIES   ------------------
# Logs forwarding method
# Possible methods are :
# Simple socket : org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.util.logforwarder.providers.SocketBasedForwardingProvider
# SSHTunneled socket : org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.util.logforwarder.providers.SocketWithSSHTunnelBasedForwardingProvider
# ProActive communication : org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.util.logforwarder.providers.ProActiveBasedForwardingProvider
# set this property to empty string to disable log forwarding alltogether

# Location of server job and task logs (comment to disable job logging to separate files).
# Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the scheduler home.
# If you are interested in disabling all outputs to 'logs/jobs' you must
# also have a look at the property 'pa.rm.logs.selection.location' in 'PROACTIVE_HOME/config/rm/settings.ini'
# Please note that disabling job logging will prevent Jobs and Tasks Server logs to be retrieved
# from the REST API and thus the Scheduler portal.

# Size limit for job and task logs in bytes

# Format pattern for the task output logs
pa.scheduler.job.task.output.logs.pattern=[%X{}t%X{}@%X{host};%d{HH:mm:ss}] %m %n

# The following parameters are to monitor the quantity of jobs and the impact on memory and DB.
# This feature is disabled by default. The following log settings (in the config/log folder)
# need to be uncommented to enable the polling:
# Each polling from TableSizeMonitorRunner will print the following information into the logs:
# - JobData (All)
# - JobData (Finished)
# - JobDataVariable
# - JobContent
# - TaskData (All)
# - TaskData (Finished)
# - SelectorData
# - EnvironmentModifierData
# - ScriptData
# - SelectionScriptData
# - TaskDataVariable
# - TaskResultData
# - ThirdPartyCredentialData

# Each polling from JobsMemoryMonitorRunner will print the following information into the logs:
# - pendingJobs
# - runningJobs
# - finishedJobs
# - allJobsActual
# - AllJobsComputed
# - deleteCount
# - updateCount
# - insertCount
# - fetchCount
# - loadCount
# - flushCount

# The last 6 metrics are fetched from the Hibernate Statistics layer.

# Modify the polling frequency for the memory metrics. The default value is 1 minute.
# pa.scheduler.mem.monitoring.freq=* * * * *

# Define verbosity of job description when submitted
# If true, Job and Tasks details are logged (can slow down processes for jobs with many (>500) tasks)
# If false, only Job metadata are logged

#-----------   AUTHENTICATION PROPERTIES   -------------

# Path to the Jaas configuration file which defines what modules are available for internal authentication

# Path to the private key file which is used to encrypt credentials for authentication

# Path to the public key file which is used to encrypt credentials for authentication

# Uncomment the following line to configure a global domain for scheduler users in active directory environments

# LDAP Authentication configuration file path, used to set LDAP configuration properties
# If this file path is relative, the path is evaluated from the Scheduler dir (ie application's root dir)
# with the variable defined below : pa.scheduler.home.
# else, (if the path is absolute) it is directly interpreted

# Login file name for file authentication method
# If this file path is relative, the path is evaluated from the Scheduler dir (ie application's root dir)
# with the variable defined below : pa.scheduler.home.
# else, the path is absolute, so the path is directly interpreted

# Group file name for file authentication method
# If this file path is relative, the path is evaluated from the Scheduler dir (ie application's root dir)
# with the variable defined below : pa.scheduler.home.
# else, the path is absolute, so the path is directly interpreted

# Property that define the method that have to be used for logging users to the Scheduler
# It can be one of the following values:
#	- "SchedulerFileLoginMethod" to use file login and group management
#	- "SchedulerLDAPLoginMethod" to use LDAP login management
#	- "SchedulerPAMLoginMethod" to use PAM login management

# Creates a credential file (username.cred) for each successful login in the authentication folder

#------------------   RM PROPERTIES   ------------------
# Path to the Scheduler credentials file for RM authentication

# Use single or multiple connection to RM :
# (If true)  the scheduler user will do the requests to rm
# (If false) each Scheduler users have their own connection to RM using their scheduling credentials

# Set a timeout for initial connection to the RM connection (in ms)

#--------------   HIBERNATE PROPERTIES   ---------------
# Hibernate configuration file (relative to home directory)

# Drop database before creating a new one
# If this value is true, the database will be dropped and then re-created
# If this value is false, database will be updated from the existing one.

# This property is used to limit number of finished jobs loaded from the database
# at scheduler startup. For example setting this property to '10d' means that
# scheduler should load only finished jobs which were submitted during last
# 10 days. In the period expression it is also possible to use symbols 'h' (hours)
# and 'm' (minutes).
# If property isn't set then all finished jobs are loaded.

# Defines the maximum number of times a transaction that fails and rollbacks
# will be retried. Each retry is performed after a given amount of time.
# The default value is 1 and any value below 1 is replaced by the default value.

# Initial delay to wait in ms before the first retry in case of a transaction
# failure. This delay is multiplied by `pa.scheduler.db.transactions.damping.factor`
# after each retry.

# Defines the factor by which the sleep delay is multiplied after each retry.

# Batch size to load Jobs from database when scheduler is restarted

# Batch size to fetch parent tasks'results in a merge task

#----------  EMAIL NOTIFICATION PROPERTIES  ------------

# Change file to set up the From address for notifications
# and its smtp servers etc.

# Set to true to enable email notifications about finished jobs. Emails
# are sent to the address specified in the generic information of a
# job with the key EMAIL; example:
#    <genericInformation>
#        <info name="EMAIL" value=""/>
#    </genericInformation>
# From address for notifications emails (set it to a valid address if
# you would like email notifications to work)


# location of the jdbm database for persistent channels

#----------------  PORTAL PROPERTIES  ------------------

21.2. Resources Manager Properties

Resource Manager Properties are read when ProActive Scheduler is started therefore you need to restart it to apply changes.

The default configuration file is SCHEDULER_HOME/rm/settings.ini.

#-------------   RMCORE PROPERTIES   ----------------

# definition of all java properties used by resource manager
# warning : definition of these variables can be override by user at JVM startup,
# using for example -Dpa.rm.home=/foo, in the java command

# name of the ProActive Node containing RM's active objects

# number of local nodes to start with the Resource Manager
# if value is -1, then the number of local nodes is max(2, numberOfCoreAvailableLocally-1)

# ping frequency used by node source for keeping a watch on handled nodes (in ms)

# Periodic down and lost nodes removal attempts (cron expression)
# If not set, the down and lost nodes will never be removed automatically
pa.rm.nodes.unavailable.removal.frequency=*/30 * * * *
# Time (in minutes) after which a down or lost node is eligible to periodic removal
# If not set, or if not greater than 0, the down and lost nodes will never be removed automatically

# ping frequency used by resource manager to ping connected clients (in ms)

# The period of sending "alive" event to resource manager's listeners (in ms)

# timeout for selection script result

# number of selection script digests stored in the cache to predict the execution results

# The time period when a node has the same dynamic characteristics (in ms).
# It needs to pause the permanent execution of dynamic scripts on nodes.
# Default is 5 mins, which means that if any dynamic selection scripts returns
# false on a node it won't be executed there at least for this time.

# The full class name of the policy selected nodes

# Timeout for remote script execution (in ms)

# If set to non-empty value the resource manager executes only scripts from this directory.
# All other selection scripts will be rejected.

# The is browsed every refreshperiod time to load authorized scripts.

# timeout for node lookup

# GCM application (GCMA) file path, used to perform GCM deployments
# If this file path is relative, the path is evaluated from the Resource manager dir (ie application's root dir)
# defined by the "pa.rm.home" JVM property
# else, the path is absolute, so the path is directly interpreted

# java property string defined in the GCMA defined above, which is dynamically replaced
# by a GCM deployment descriptor file path to deploy

# Resource Manager home directory

# Lists of supported infrastructures in the resource manager

# Lists of supported node acquisition policies in the resource manager

# Timeout (ms) for the resource manger to recover a broken node source in scheduler aware policy

# Number of trials for the resource manager to recover a broken node source in scheduler aware policy

# Max number of threads in node source for parallel task execution

# Max number of threads in selection manager

# Max number of threads in monitoring

# Number of threads in the node cleaner thread pool

# Maximum node and user history period in seconds (Default, disabled, uncomment to enable 7 days max history)

# Frequency of node history removal (cron expression)
pa.rm.history.removal.cronperiod=*/10 * * * *

# Max number of lines stored from the infrastructure processes output

#Name of the JMX MBean for the RM

#port of the JMX service for the RM.

#Accounting refresh rate from the database in seconds (0 means disabled)

# RRD data base with statistic history

# RRD data base step in seconds

# path to the Amazon EC2 account credentials properties file,
# mandatory when using the EC2 Infrastructure

# Defines if the lock restoration feature is enabled on RM startup.
# When set to {@code true}, the RM will try to lock per Node Source
# as many Nodes as there were on the previous run.
# The approach is best effort and Node hostname is not considered.
# As a result, Nodes are not necessarily locked on the same host.

# Defines if the node restoration feature is enabled.
# When set to {@code true}:
# - on RM startup the RM tries to look up the nodes that were present
#   before the scheduler crashed
# - the RM persists node information

# Insert a delay before a database node source update or any node operation
# is executed. If set to 0, all database operation are executed synchronously.

# If set to {@code true}, and if {@link pa.rm.node.db.operations.delay} is not
# set to 0, then node updates will be executed synchronously as much as possible.
# In this case, node updates can still be postponed if the node creation is still
# pending.

# Defines if  the runtime (RT) have to be killed when the resource manager (RM) is shutdown.

# Defines the maximum number of RMEvents which can be sent to the client in one request.

# Enable asynchronous logging

# Enable asynchronous logging appender cache (store opened file appender into a cache structure)

# Defines the buffer size used in asynchronous appenders

# Defines the AsynchFileAppender flush timeout

#---------------   AUTHENTICATION PROPERTIES   ------------------

# path to the Jaas configuration file which defines what modules are available for internal authentication

# path to the private key file which is used to encrypt credentials for authentication

# path to the public key file which is used to encrypt credentials for authentication

# LDAP Authentication configuration file path, used to set LDAP configuration properties
# If this file path is relative, the path is evaluated from the resource manager dir (ie application's root dir)
# with the variable defined below : pa.rm.home.
# else, (if the path is absolute) it is directly interpreted

# Login file name for file authentication method
# If this file path is relative, the path is evaluated from the resource manager dir (ie application's root dir)
# with the variable defined below : pa.rm.home.
# else, the path is absolute, so the path is directly interpreted

# Group file name for file authentication method
# If this file path is relative, the path is evaluated from the resource manager dir (ie application's root dir)
# with the variable defined below : pa.rm.home.
# else, the path is absolute, so the path is directly interpreted

#Property that define the method that have to be used for logging users to the resource manager
#It can be one of the following values :
#	- "RMFileLoginMethod" to use file login and group management
#	- "RMLDAPLoginMethod" to use LDAP login management
#	- "RMPAMLoginMethod" to use PAM login management

# Path to the rm credentials file for authentication

# Refresh time to reload the security policy file (

#--------------   HIBERNATE PROPERTIES   ---------------
# Hibernate configuration file (relative to home directory)

# Drop database before creating a new one
# If this value is true, the database will be dropped and then re-created
# If this value is false, database will be updated from the existing one.

# Drop only node sources from the data base

#--------------   TOPOLOGY  PROPERTIES   ---------------

# By default, the computation of distances between nodes is disabled,
# as it implies a very slow node acquisition time. Activate it only if mandatory
# Pings hosts using standard InetAddress.isReachable() method.
# Pings ProActive nodes using Node.getNumberOfActiveObjects().

# Location of selection scripts' logs (comment to disable logging to separate files).
# Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the resource manager home.
# If you are interested in disabling all outputs to 'logs/jobs' you must
# also have a look at the property 'pa.scheduler.job.logs.location' in 'PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini'
# Please note that disabling Job logging will prevent Jobs and Tasks Server logs to be retrieved
# from the REST API and thus the Scheduler portal.

# Size limit for selection scripts' logs in bytes

21.3. Network Properties

Configuration files related to network properties for the Scheduler and nodes are located respectively in:

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/config/network/server.ini

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/config/network/node.ini

If you are using ProActive agents, then the configuration file location differs depending of the Operating System:

  • On Unix OS, the default location is /opt/proactive-node/config/network/node.ini

  • On Windows OS, the default one is C:\Program Files (x86)\ProActiveAgent\schedworker\config\network\node.ini.

21.3.1. Common Network Properties

The protocol to use by the Server and the nodes can be configured by setting a value to the property proactive.communication.protocol. It represents the protocol used to export objects on remote JVMs. At this stage, several protocols are supported: PNP (pnp), PNP over SSL (pnps), ProActive Message Routing (pamr).

The Scheduler is only able to bind to one and only one address. Usually, this limitation is not seen by the user and no special configuration is required. The Scheduler tries to use the most suitable network address available. But sometimes, the Scheduler fails to elect the right IP address or the user wants to use a given IP address. In such case, you can specify the IP address to use by using theses properties: proactive.hostname,,,,

IPv6 can be enabled by setting the property to false . By default, the Scheduler does not use IPv6 addresses.

If none of the proactive.hostname,,, , properties is defined, then the following algorithm is used to elect an IP address:

  • If a public IP address is available, then use it. If several ones are available, one is randomly chosen.

  • If a private IP address is available, then use it. If several ones are available, one is randomly chosen.

  • If a loopback IP address is available, then use it. If several ones are available, one is randomly chosen.

  • If no IP address is available at all, then the runtime exits with an error message.

  • If proactive.hostname is set, then the value returned by InetAddress.getByName(proactive.hostname) is elected. If no IP address is found, then the runtime exits with an error message.

If proactive.hostname is not set, and at least one of the , , , is set, then one of the addresses matching all the requirements is elected. Requirements are:

  • If is set, then the IP address must be bound to the given network interface.

  • If is set, then the IP address must match the given netmask.

  • If is set, then the IP address must not be a loopback address.

  • If is set, then the IP address must not be a private address.

  • proactive.useIPaddress: If set to true, IP addresses will be used instead of machines names. This property is particularly useful to deal with sites that do not host a DNS.

  • proactive.hostname: When this property is set, the host name on which the JVM is started is given by the value of the property. This property is particularly useful to deal with machines with two network interfaces.

21.3.2. PNP Protocol Properties

PNP allows the following options:

  • proactive.pnp.port: The TCP port to bind to. If not set PNP uses a random free port. If the specified TCP port is already used, PNP will not start and an error message is displayed.

  • proactive.pnp.default_heartbeat: PNP uses heartbeat messages to monitor the TCP socket and discover network failures. This value determines how long PNP will wait before the connection is considered broken. Heartbeat messages are usually sent every default_heartbeat/2 ms. This value is a trade-off between fast error discovery and network overhead. The default value is 30000 ms. Setting this value to 0 disables the heartbeat mechanism and client will not be advertised of network failure before the TCP timeout (which can be really long).

  • proactive.pnp.idle_timeout: PNP channels are closed when unused to free system resources. Establishing a TCP connection is costly (at least 3 RTT) so PNP connections are not closed immediately but after a grace time. By default the grace time is 60 000 ms. Setting this value to 0 disables the autoclosing mechanism, connections are kept open forever.

21.3.3. PNP over SSL Properties

PNPS support the same options as PNP (in its own option name space) plus some SSL specific options:

  • proactive.pnps.port: same as proactive.pnp.port

  • proactive.pnps.default_heartbeat: same as proactive.pnp.default_heartbeat

  • proactive.pnps.idle_timeout: same as proactive.pnp.idle_timeout

  • proactive.pnps.authenticate: By default, PNPS only ciphers the communication but does not authenticate nor the client nor the server. Setting this option to true enable client and server authentication. If set to true the option proactive.pnps.keystore must also be set.

  • proactive.pnps.keystore: Specify the keystore (containing the SSL private key) to use. The keystore must be of type PKCS12. If not set a private key is dynamically generated for this execution. Below is an example for creating a keystore by using the keytool binary that is shipped with Java:

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks \
           -validity 365 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12
  • proactive.pnps.keystore.password: the password associated to the keystore used by PNPS.

When using the authentication and ciphering mode (or to speed up the initialization in ciphering only mode), the option proactive.pnps.keystore must be set and a keystore embedding the private SSL key must be generated. This keystore must be accessible to ProActive services but kept secret to others. The same applies to the configuration file that contains the keystore password defined with property proactive.pnps.keystore.password.

21.3.4. PAMR Protocol Properties

PAMR options are listed below:

  • proactive.pamr.router.address: The address of the router to use. Must be set if message routing is enabled. It can be FQDN or an IP address.

  • proactive.pamr.router.port: The port of the router to use. Must be set if message routing is enabled.

  • proactive.pamr.socketfactory: The Socket Factory to use by the message routing protocol

  • proactive.pamr.connect_timeout: Sockets used by the PAMR remote object factory connect to the remote server with a specified timeout value. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. The connection will then block until established or an error occurs.

  • This property can be set to obtain a given (and fixed) agent ID. This id must be declared in the router configuration and must be between 0 and 4096.

  • proactive.pamr.agent.magic_cookie: The Magic cookie to submit to the router. If is set, then this property must also be set to be able to use a reserved agent ID.

PAMR over SSH protocol properties

To enable PAMR over SSH, ProActive nodes hosts should be able to SSH to router’s host without password, using SSH keys.

  • proactive.pamr.socketfactory: The underlying Socket factory, should be ssh to enable PAMR over SSH

  • proactive.pamrssh.port: SSH port to use when connecting to router’s host

  • proactive.pamrssh.username: username to use when connecting to router’s host

  • proactive.pamrssh.key_directory: directory when SSH keys can be found to access router’s host. For instance /home/login/.ssh

  • proactive.pamrssh.address: Correspond to the host that actually runs a PAMR router on the remote side of the SSH tunnel. It may be used to point to a different host than the SSH server itself - making the SSH server to act as a gateway. The parameter is also useful when the PAMR router is running inside a cloud based VM which doesn’t support its public IP address. In that case it can be used to enforce the usage of the remote loopback interface.

21.3.5. Enabling Several Communication Protocols

The next options are available to control multiprocol:

  • proactive.communication.additional_protocols: The set of protocol to use separated by commas.

  • proactive.communication.benchmark.parameter: This property is used pass parameters to the benchmark. This could be a duration time, a size, …​ This property is expressed as a String.

  • proactive.communication.protocols.order: A fixed order could be specified if protocol’s performance is known in advance and won’t change. This property explain a preferred order for a subset of protocols declared in the property proactive.communication.additional_protocols. If one of the specified protocol isn’t exposed, it is ignored. If there are protocols that are not declared in this property but which are exposed, they are used in the order choose by the benchmark mechanism.

    Exposed protocols: http,pnp,rmi
    Benchmark Order: rmi > pnp > http
    Order: pnp
    This will give the order of use: pnp > rmi > http
  • proactive.communication.protocols.order: A fixed order could be specified if protocol’s performance is known in advance and won’t change. This automatically disabled RemoteObject’s Benchmark.

21.4. REST API & Web Properties

REST API Properties are read when ProActive Scheduler is started therefore you need to restart it to apply changes.

The REST API documentation can be found at SCHEDULER_URL/rest/doc.

The REST API documentation for our try platform is available at

The default configuration file is SCHEDULER_HOME/web/settings.ini.

### Web applications configuration ###

# web applications in dist/war are deployed by default

# the maximum number of threads in Jetty for parallel request processing

# timeout on http requests, default to 1 minute, can be increased to handle long requests

# port to use to deploy web applications

# define whether HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS
# this property has effect only if web.https is enabled

# HTTPS/SSL configuration

# WARNING: the following HTTPS default values are for testing purposes only!
# do not use them in production but create your own keystore, etc.

# path to keystore, can be absolute or relative to SCHEDULER_HOME

# path to truststore, can be absolute or relative to SCHEDULER_HOME

# define whether hostname checking is performed or not when HTTPS
# is used to communicate with the REST API

# define whether all kind of certificates (e,g. self-signed) are allowed
# or not when HTTPS is used to communicate with the REST API

# Uncomment and set the following settings if resource downloading must pass through a proxy

### REST API configuration ###

# will be set by JettyStarter, you will need to set it if you run REST server in standalone mode

# scheduler user that is used as cache

# cache refresh rate in ms

# will be set by JettyStarter, you will need to set it if you run REST server in standalone mode

# rm user that is used as cache


#### noVNC integration ####

# enable or disable websocket proxy (true or false)
# port used by websocket proxy (integer)
# security configuration SSL (ON or OFF or REQUIRED)
# security keystore for SSL
# to create one for development: keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048
# security keystore password
# security keystore key password


# properties used to generate PA ear wrapper

#### Job Planner REST URL

# path to the jetty log file

# retention period (days) for jetty logs

# session cleaning period in seconds, default to 5 minutes

# session timeout in seconds, default to one hour

21.5. Catalog Properties

Catalog Properties are read from its WAR file.

The default configuration file is located at WEB-INF/classes/ It can be extended with additional Spring properties.

# Configure logging level

# Embedded server configuration


# The default settings are using hsqldb
######################## HSQL DB #######################################################


######################## MYSQL DB ########################################################


######################## ORACLE DB  version= #####################################


######################### PostgreSQL #####################################################


######################### SqlServer #####################################################



# Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, update)

# The classname of a custom org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider which provides JDBC connections to Hibernate

# JDBC connection pool configuration

# Enable Hibernate's automatic session context management

# Prevent warning about deprecated naming strategy
# Should be changed once Spring Boot 1.4 is used

# Show or not log for each sql query

# Disable Spring banner

# Used to perform authentication since identity service is not yet available${pa.scheduler.url}/rest

# Separator used in kind string, like workflow/pca

# Optional catalog security features

# Optional ttf fonts absolute paths to use when generating the pdf report. This is required when catalog objects contains Asian characters

21.6. Scheduler Portal Properties

Scheduler Portal Properties are read when Portal main page is loaded.

The Configuration file named scheduler-portal-display.conf is located in the folder $PROACTIVE_HOME/config/portal/.

21.6.1. The list of Columns property

It is possible to specify a list of Variables or Generic Information to display in new columns of the Execution List table (Job Centric View). The defined columns will be added after the default columns of the view, following the order given in the configuration file. The list of columns is defined as a JSON array, for example:

execution-list-extra-columns: [{ \
	"title": "start at", \
	"information": { \
		"type": "generic-information", \
		"key": "START_AT"}, \
	"hide": false }, \
	{ \
	"title": "My var", \
	"information": { \
		"type": "variable", \
		"key": "MY_VAR"}, \
	"hide": false }]

The property execution-list-extra-columns contains the JSON array. If the array is written on several lines, each line except the last one should end with the caracter \. Each element of the array should contain the following fields:

  • title: the header of the column containing the value of the Variable or Generic Information

  • information: the information about the value displayed in the column. This field contains 2 fields:

    • type: the type, either variable or generic-information

    • key: the key of the value in the Variable or Generic Information map

  • hide: whether the column should be hidden by default

21.7. Node Source Infrastructures

A Node Source Infrastructure, also called Infrastructure Manager, is responsible for deploying ProActive Nodes inside a defined Node Source. In most of the cases, it knows how to launch a set of ProActive Nodes on a remote machine. For instance the SSH infrastructure manager connects via SSH to a remote machine and launches nodes.

21.7.1. Default Infrastructure

Default Infrastructure is designed to be used with ProActive agent. It cannot perform an automatic deployment but any users (including an agent) can add already existing nodes into it. In order to create a node source with this infrastructure, run the following command:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns defaultns -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.DefaultInfrastructureManager rmURL

The only parameter to provide is the following one:

  • rmURL - the URL of the Resource Manager.

21.7.2. Local Infrastructure

Local Infrastructure can be used to start nodes locally, i.e, on the host running the Resource Manager. In order to create a node source with this infrastructure, run the following command:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns localns -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LocalInfrastructure rmURL credentialsPath numberOfNodes timeout javaProperties
  • rmURL - URL of the Resource Manager server (can leave it empty to use default value, i.e, the URL of the Resource Manager you connect to)

  • credentialsPath - The absolute path of the credentials file used to set the provider of the nodes.

  • numberOfNodes - The number of nodes to deploy.

  • timeout - The length in ms after which one a node is not expected anymore.

  • javaProperties - The java properties to setup the ProActive environment for the nodes

21.7.3. SSH Infrastructure

This infrastructure allows to deploy nodes over SSH. This infrastructure needs 10 arguments, described hereafter:

  • RM URL - The Resource Manager’s URL that will be used by the deployed nodes to register by themselves.

  • SSH Options - Options you can pass to the SSHClient executable ( -l inria to specify the user for instance )

  • Java Path - Path to the java executable on the remote hosts.

  • Scheduling Path - Path to the Scheduler installation directory on the remote hosts.

  • Node Time Out - A duration after which one the remote nodes are considered to be lost.

  • Attempt - The number of time the Resource Manager tries to acquire a node for which one the deployment fails before discarding it forever.

    **Wait time between failed attempts** - The time in milliseconds that the Resource Manager wait before trying to
    acquire a node for which one the deployment fails before.
  • Target OS - One of 'LINUX', 'CYGWIN' or 'WINDOWS' depending on the machines' ( in Hosts List file ) operating system.

  • Java Options - Java options appended to the command used to start the node on the remote host.

  • RM Credentials Path - The absolute path of the 'rm.cred' file to make the deployed nodes able to register to the Resource Manager ( config/authentication/rm.cred ).

  • Hosts List - Path to a file containing the hosts on which resources should be acquired. This file should contain one host per line, described as a host name or a public IP address, optionally followed by a positive integer describing the number of runtimes to start on the related host (default to 1 if not specified). Example: 5 2

21.7.4. CLI Infrastructure

This generic infrastructure allows to deploy nodes using deployment script written in arbitrary language. The infrastructure just launches this script and waits until the ProActive node is registered in the Resource Manager. Command line infrastructure could be used when you prefer to describe the deployment process using shell scripts instead of Java. Script examples can be found in PROACTIVE_HOME/samples/scripts/deployment. The deployment script has 4 parameters: HOST_NAME, NODE_NAME, NODE_SOURCE_NAME, RM_URL. The removal script has 2 parameters: HOST_NAME and NODE_NAME.

This infrastructure needs 7 arguments, described hereafter:

  • RM URL - The Resource Manager’s URL that will be used by the deployed nodes to register by themselves.

  • Interpreter - Path to the script interpreter (bash by default).

  • Deployment Script - A script that launches a ProActive node and register it to the RM.

  • Removal Script - A script that removes the node from the Resource Manager.

  • Hosts List - Path to a file containing the hosts on which resources should be acquired. This file should contain one host per line, described as a host name or a public IP address, optionally followed by a positive integer describing the number of runtimes to start on the related host (default to 1 if not specified). Example: 5 2
  • Node Time Out - The length in ms after which one a node is not expected anymore.

  • Max Deployment Failure - the number of times the resource manager tries to relaunch the deployment script in case of failure.

21.7.5. EC2 Infrastructure

The Elastic Compute Cloud, aka EC2, is an Amazon Web Service, that allows its users to use machines (instances) on demand on the cloud. An EC2 instance is a Xen virtual machine, running on different kinds of hardware, at different prices, but always paid by the hour, allowing lots of flexibility. Being virtual machines, instances can be launched using custom operating system images, called AMI (Amazon Machine Image). For the Resource Manager to use EC2 instances as computing nodes, a specific EC2 Infrastructure as well as AMI creation utilities are provided.


The configuration of the AWS EC2 infrastructure is subjected to several requirements.

  1. The administrator needs both an AWS access key and an AWS secret access key to enable ProActive to authenticate against AWS. Please refer to the AWS documentation to learn how to get them.

  2. The permissions for using a supported AWS region. Currently we only support the following AWS regions: ap-south-1, eu-west-3, eu-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-northeast-1, sa-east-1, ca-central-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, eu-central-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2.

  3. Enough resources quota (including the number of instances, subnets, key pairs, etc) for creating your node source underlying instances. The number of maximum allocated instances is to be configured by the administrator, but has also to comply with the limitation of the regions. Detailed information is available on Amazon EC2 Limits Documentation.

  4. The administrator must be in possession of a valid AMI ID to provision instances operating ProActive node. Currently we only support the Linux operating system for AWS.

  5. The Resource Manager should be accessible from the AWS cloud. Please consider replacing PNP by PAMR as communication protocol if the Resource Manager is located behind a NAT gateway. You can get additional information about the PAMR protocol in the section Installation on a Cluster with Firewall.

Infrastructure Configuration

To use a cluster of AWS instances as a computing resource for the ProActive scheduler, the administrator has to create a node source in the Resource Manager with the AWSEC2Infrastructure profile. The configuration form exposes the following fields:

  • awsKey: Your AWS access key ID (e.g., AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE) which is retrieved in the section Pre-Requisites.

  • awsSecretKey: Your AWS secret access key (e.g., wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY) retrieved in the section Pre-Requisites.

  • numberOfInstances: Total number of AWS instances (i.e., Virtual Machines) to create for this infrastructure.

  • numberOfNodesPerInstance: Total number of ProActive Nodes to deploy in each created AWS instance.

    If all the nodes of an AWS instance are removed, the instance will be terminated. For more information on the terminated state in AWS please see AWS Terminating Instances.
  • image: Defines which VM image (AMI) will be used to create the AWS instances. The value to provide is the AWS region together with the unique AMI ID, for example: eu-west-1/ami-bff32ccc. This is an optional property. When no image is specified by the user, the default value eu-west-3/ami-03bca18cb3dc173c9 is used. Make sure the image is from a supported region (listed in the section Pre-Requisites) and using Linux operating system. More information about finding a Linux AMI ID is available on AWS EC2 guide for finding an AMI.

  • vmUsername: Specifies the default username of the VM image. This username is used to connect to AWS instances. Note that you should specify a username already provided in your VM image. If you are using a public AMI provided by Amazon Web Service, you can find the default username of your image here. This is an optional property. When it is not specified, the default value ubuntu is used.

  • vmKeyPairName: Defines the name of the AWS key pair for accessing AWS instances. This is an optional property. When it’s not specified, a default key pair will be created or reused in the given region of the deployment. If specified, the key pair must exit in AWS in the region of deployment, and the vmPrivateKey must be specified as well.

  • vmPrivateKey: Defines the AWS private key file (a .pem file) corresponding to 'vmKeyPairName' for accessing AWS instances. This is an optional property. When it’s not specified, a default key pair will be created or reused in the given region of the deployment. If specified, the name of the key pair (vmKeyPairName) to which this private key belongs to must be specified as well.

  • ram: The minimum required amount of RAM (expressed in Mega Bytes) for each AWS instance that needs to be created. This is an optional property. If not provided, the default value 2048 will be used.

  • cores: The minimum required amount of virtual cores for each AWS instance that needs to be created. This is an optional property. If not provided, the default value 2 will be used.

    If the combination between RAM and CORES does not match any existing AWS instance type, then the closest to the specified parameters will be selected.
  • securityGroupIds: This option allows you to specify the id(s) of the security group(s) configured as a virtual firewall(s) to control inbound and outbound traffic for the EC2 instances hosting the ProActive nodes. This is an optional property. If not provided, a security group will be automatically created and used. More information regarding Amazon EC2 Security Group available on AWS EC2 Security Groups.

  • subnetId: The subnetId option allows you to launch the ProActive nodes on EC2 instances, which will run into an existing subnet added to a specific Virtual Private Cloud. This is an optional property. More information regarding Amazon EC2 Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) available on AWS EC2 Virtual Private Cloud and Amazon EC2 Subnet available on AWS EC2 Virtual Private Cloud and Subnet

  • rmHostname: The hostname or the public IP address of the Resource Manager. This address needs to be accessible from the AWS cloud. For example,

  • connectorIaasURL: Connector-iaas is a ProActive service used to interact with IaaS like AWS. By default it runs on the following URL rmHostname/connector-iaas. For example,

  • nodeJarURL: The full URL path of the node.jar to download the ProActive node.jar on each new created AWS instance. The URL needs to be accessible from the AWS cloud. For example,

  • additionalProperties: Additional Java command properties to be added when starting each ProActive node JVM in AWS instances (e.g. -Dpropertyna me=propertyvalue). This is an optional property.

  • nodeTimeout: The estimated startup time of the nodes (expressed in millisecond). After this timeout expired, the node is considered as lost.

Using this configuration, you can start a ProActive Resource Manager and Scheduler using the /bin/proactive-server script. An AWS EC2 NodeSource can now be added using the Create Node Source panel in the Resource Manager Portal or the command line interface:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns ec2 -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.AWSEC2Infrastructure awsKey awsSecretKey numberOfInstances numberOfNodesPerInstance image vmUsername vmKeyPairName vmPrivateKey ram cores securityGroupIds subnetId rmHostname connectorIaasURL nodeJarURL additionalProperties nodeTimeout

As AWS is a paying service, when the ProActive server is stopped normally (without removing the created infrastructure), all the created AWS instances will be terminated. When the ProActive server is restarted, these instances will be re-configured as per the previous settings.

If ProActive server is forcibly killed, the created AWS instances will not be terminated. And, when ProActive server is restarted, the infrastructure will be re-configured as per the previous settings. If the instances were deleted at the AWS side, they will be re-created and re-configured.

21.7.6. AWS Autoscaling Infrastructure

Similarly to the EC2 Infrastructure, the AWS Autoscaling Infrastructure operates AWS EC2 service to provide computing nodes to the Resource Manager. However, it implements a different instance management strategy that reduces the delay of node acquisition and node removal process and facilitates inter-node collaboration in the same cluster, thanks to the following changes:

  1. The instances operating the nodes are allocated from a common instance template.

  2. The nodes share the same networking infrastructure through a common Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The infrastructure supports networking autoconfiguration if no parameter is supplied.


The configuration of the AWS Autoscaling infrastructure is subjected to several requirements.

  1. The administrator needs both an AWS access key and an AWS secret access key to enable ProActive to authenticate against AWS. Please refer to the AWS documentation to learn how to get them.

  2. The AWS region that will support the node cluster must not have reached its resources quota. It has to be able to allocate one instance template in every case situation. If the network autoconfiguration has to be be triggered, the region has to be able to provide one VPC, one subnet, one internet gateway and one security group. The number of maximum allocated instances is to be configured by the administrator, but has also to comply with the limitation of the regions. Detailed information is available in AWS documentation for VPC and Instances.

  3. The administrator must be in possession of a valid AWS keypair and the ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to provision instances operating ProActive node. If the AMI to use does not propose the Linux operating system, the administrator must supply a provision script to (i) download a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), (ii) download ProActive Node agent (node.jar), (iii) and start up the ProActive agent.

  4. Optionally, if networking autoconfiguration is not triggered, the administrator has to configure (i) a public VPC, (ii) a Subnet complying with with VPC CIDR configuration, (iii) an Internet gateway for that VPC and a (iv) Security Group authorizing HTTPS connection to Internet and PNP or PAMR connection to the Resource Manager. The administrator must be in possession of the IDs of the VPC, of the Subnet and of the Security Group.

  5. The Resource Manager has to be accessible from the AWS cloud. Please consider replacing PNP by PAMR as communication protocol if the Resource Manager is located behind a NAT gateway. You can get additional information about the PAMR protocol in the section Installation on a Cluster with Firewall.

Infrastructure Configuration

To use a cluster of AWS instances as a computing resource for the ProActive scheduler, the administrator has to create a NodeSource in the Resource Manager with the AwsAutoScalingInfrastructure profile. The configuration form exposes the following fields:

  • vmGroupTagPrefix: Each instance prepared by the connector is flagged with the tag named vmGroupName. This tag is valued with this configuration option and the Node Source name. Concurrent ProActive schedulers can therefore operate concurrent clusters in the same AWS region, with the same node source name, provided that they diverge on the affected value to this parameter. This option is mandatory.

  • awsKey: This field must be filled with the content of the AWS key from the administrator. This option is mandatory.

  • awsSecretKey: The administrator must complete this field with the content of their secret access key. This option is mandatory.

  • maxVms: This parameter defines the number of maximum tolerated instances on the infrastructure: the instance allocations will be systematically blocked if the Resource Manager tries to overpass this threshold. This option is mandatory and cannot exceed 100.

  • defaultInstanceType: This parameter defines the instance type to use for AWS instance operating ProActive. This parameter should be choosen according to the expected processing to be performed on the node source. This option is mandatory and has to be filled after one AWS InstanceType name (e.g. t3.large).

  • amiId: The administrator defines in this field the ID of the AMI to use to bootstrap instance operating ProActive nodes. This option is mandatory, has to refer to an existing AMI in the region, and has to comply with AMI ID format.

  • publicSshKey: The administrator has to provide the name of the AWS keypair to be use to operate the instance supporting nodes. This option is mandatory, and must refer to an existing AWS keypair in the region.

  • defaultVpcId: This parameter can be filled with the ID of the VPC to use to operate instance operating nodes. If specified, this parameter has to refer to an existing VPC in the region and comply with the VPC ID format. If left blank, the connector will trigger networking autoconfiguration.

  • defaultSubNetId: The administrator can define which subnet has to be attached to the the instance supporting nodes. If specified, this parameter has to refer to an existing subnet in the region affected to the specified VPC, and has to comply with the subnet ID format. This parameter has to be filled only if the defaultVpcId is also completed. Otherwise, this parameter has to be left blank to trigger networking autoconfiguration.

    Please do not trigger networking autoconfiguration if you operate ProActive on AWS with PNP protocol. Otherwise, a new and distinct VPC will be used to operate the nodes created by the NodeSource, preventing their communication with the Resource Manager.
  • defaultSecurityGroup: This parameter receives the ID of the security group to spawn instances into. If this parameter does not meet the requirement regarding the providing the provided VPC and subnet, a new security group will be generated. This parameter is mandatory, and has to comply with the format of the ID of the AWS security groups.

  • region: The administrator specifies here the AWS region to allocate the cluster into. This parameter is mandatory and has to be configured after the name of an AWS region. Please see the related documentation to see the available region names.

  • rmUrl: This field receives the URL to access the Resource Manager from the nodes. The URL must comply with the specification of the communication protocols used by ProActive, and can therefore be prefixed with pnp://, pnps:// or pamr://. This parameter is mandatory.

  • rmCredential: The administrator has to provide this field with the content of the credentials file created from the Resource Manager. This parameter is mandatory.

  • rmHostname: This field is to be filled with the domain name or the IP of the host operating the Resource Manager. This option is mandatory.

  • externalStartupScript: The administrator has to provide a script to configure AWS instances to work with ProActive. Usually, if not provided by the AMI, this script is expected to download the Java Runtime Environment and ProActive node.jar agent file. This field is expected to contain the content of the script, and start with a Shebang, as an AWS imposes it. If left blank, the script is automatically generated for the Linux OS.

  • maxNodePerVM: The administrator specifies the amount of nodes to be deployed on each AWS instance. This parameter is mandatory, and has to be an integer equal or greater than one.

    Please ensure this parameter is aligned with the capacity of the specified instance type mentioned in the defaultInstanceType field.
  • deploymentTimeOut: This field contains the delay in seconds for a node to be deployed and to contact back the Resource Manager before being declared as lost. This parameter is mandatory.

  • cleanDelay: The administrator can define the periodicity in seconds for unused instance removal. This parameter is mandatory.

Using this configuration, you can start a Resource Manager and a Scheduler using the /bin/proactive-server script as explained in section Get Started. An AWS Autoscaling NodeSource can now be added using the Create Node Source panel in the Resource Manager or the command line interface:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns awsAutoScaling -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.AwsAutoscalingInfrastructure vmGroupTagPrefix awsKey awsSecretKey maxVms defaultInstanceType amiId publicSshKey defaultVpcId defaultSubNetId defaultSecurityGroup region rmUrl rmCredential rmHostname externalStartupScript maxNodePerVM deploymentTimeOut cleanDelay
When ProActive server is stopped (without removing the created infrastructure), AWS instances will not be terminated. And when ProActive server is restarted, the infrastructure will be re-configured as per the previous settings. If the instances were deleted at the cloud side, they will be re-created and re-configured.

21.7.7. OpenStack Infrastructure

To use OpenStack instances as computing nodes, a specific OpenStack Infrastructure can be created using the Resource Manager. This section describes briefly how to make it.

  1. First, you need to have an admin account on your OpenStack server. For more information see OpenStack users and tenants.

  2. The creation of OpenStack Infrastructure asks for an authentication to the OpenStack server and a deployment of instances that will host ProActive nodes.

Use the proper admin username and password to fill in the properties username and password and perform the basic OpenStack authentication. Those two parameters should never change, except if you need for some reason to handle multiple OpenStack accounts.

For more information regarding OpenStack authentication mode see OpenStack authentication mode.

Other properties needed for the authentication are:

  • domain: The name of the domain to use that refers to the collection of projects and users defining administrative boundaries for managing Identity entities. For more information see OpenStack domain.

  • endpoint: The hostname or the IP address of the OpenStack server. This address needs to be accessible from the Resource Manager.

  • scopePrefix: The scope prefix to use. It can be project, projectId, domain or domainId.

  • scopeValue: The value of the scope prefix.

  • region: The Region for networks and compute resources to use.

  • identityVersion: The REST API version of OpenStack installation. For more information see OpenStack API Version.

Properties needed for the deployment of instance are:

  • image: Defines which image will be used to create the OpenStack instance. The value to provide is the unique image Id.

  • flavor: Defines the size of the instance. The value to provide is the flavor name or the flavor Id. For more information see OpenStack flavors.

  • publicKeyName: Defines the name of the public key to use for a remote connection when the instance is created.

    In order to use publicKeyName, the key pair needs to be created and imported first on the OpenStack server. For more information see OpenStack key pair management.
  • numberOfInstances: Total number of OpenStack instances to create for this infrastructure.

  • numberOfNodesPerInstance: Total number of ProActive Nodes to deploy in each OpenStack created instance.

    If all the nodes of an OpenStack instance are removed, the instance will be terminated.

Other properties for the node deployment in the Create OpenStack Node Source are:

  • connectorIaasURL: Connector-iaas is a ProActive service used to interact with IaaS like OpenStack. By default it runs on the following URL rmHostname/connector-iaas.

  • rmHostname: The hostname or the public IP address of the Resource Manager. This address needs to be accessible from the OpenStack server.

  • downloadCommand: The command to download the ProActive node.jar. This command is executed in all the newly created OpenStack instances. The full URL path of the node.jar to download needs to be accessible from the OpenStack cloud.

  • additionalProperties: Additional Java command properties to be added when starting each ProActive node JVM in OpenStack instances (e.g. \"-Dpropertyname=propertyvalue\").

Using this configuration, you can start a Resource Manager and a Scheduler using the /bin/proactive-server script. An OpenStack NodeSource can now be added using the Create Node Source panel in the Resource Manager or the command line interface:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns openstack -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.OpenStackInfrastructure username password endpoint rmHostname connectorIaasURL image flavor publicKeyName numberOfInstances numberOfNodesPerInstance downloadCommand additionalProperties
When ProActive server is stopped (without removing the created infrastructure), OpenStack instances will not be terminated. And when ProActive server is restarted, the infrastrucutre will be re-configured as per the previous settings. If the instances were deleted at the OpenStack Cloud side, they will be re-created and re-configured.

21.7.8. VMware Infrastructure

To use VMware instances as computing nodes, a specific VMware Infrastructure can be created using the Resource Manager. This section describes briefly how to make it.

  1. First, you need to have an admin account on your VMware server.For more information see VMware users.

  2. Use the login and password information to fill in the properties vmware_username, vmware_password in the Create Node Source panel located in the Resource Manager. Those two parameters should never change, except if you need for some reason to handle multiple VMware accounts. Other properties in the Create Node Source are:

    • endpoint: The hostname or the IP address of the VMware server. This address needs to be accessible from the Resource Manager.

    • rmHostname: The hostname or the public IP address of the Resource Manager. This address needs to be accessible from the VMware server.

    • connectorIaasURL: Connector-iaas is a service embedded in the Scheduler used to interact with IaaS like VMware. By default it runs on the following URL rmHostname/connector-iaas.

    • image: Defines which image will be used to create the VMware instance. The value to provide is the VMware folder together with the unique image Id, for example: ActiveEon/ubuntu.

    • minRam: The minimum required amount of RAM expressed in Mega Bytes for each VMware instance that needs to be created.

    • minCores: The minimum required amount of virtual cores for each VMware instance that needs to be created.

      If the combination between RAM and CORES does not match any existing VMware instance type, then the closest to the specified parameters will be selected.
    • vmUsername: Defines the username to log in the instance when it is created.

    • vmPassword: Defines the password to log in the instance when it is created.

      The username and password are related to the image.
    • numberOfInstances: Total number of VMware instances to create for this infrastructure.

    • numberOfNodesPerInstance: Total number of ProActive Nodes to deploy in each VMware created instance.

    If all the nodes of an VMware instance are removed, the instance will be terminated.


    • downloadCommand: The command to download the ProActive node.jar. This command is executed in all the newly created VMware instances. The full URL path of the node.jar to download, needs to be accessible from the VMware cloud.

    • additionalProperties: Additional Java command properties to be added when starting each ProActive node JVM in VMware instances (e.g. \"-Dpropertyname=propertyvalue\").

Using this configuration, you can start a Resource Manager and a Scheduler using the /bin/proactive-server script. An VMware NodeSource can now be added using the Create Node Source panel in the Resource Manager or the command line interface:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns vmware -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.VmwareInfrastructure username password endpoint rmHostname connectorIaasURL image ram cores vmusername vmpassword numberOfInstances numberOfNodesPerInstance downloadCommand additionalProperties
When ProActive server is stopped (without removing the created infrastructure), VMware instances will not be terminated. And when ProActive server is restarted, the infrastrucutre will be re-configured as per the previous settings. If the instances were deleted at the VMware server side, they will be re-created and re-configured.

21.7.9. GCE Infrastructure

Google Compute Engine, aka GCE, delivers virtual machines running on Google’s infrastructure. To use GCE virtual machines as computing nodes, a specific GCE Infrastructure needs to be created using the Resource Manager. This section describes briefly how to make it.


First, to use the GCE Infrastructure in the Resource Manager, proper Google Cloud credentials are needed for an authentication to the Google Cloud Platform APIs. To obtain them, you can take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Developer Console.

  2. Log in with an account which has the permissions to create service accounts and service account keys (i.e., granted the Service Account Admin and Service Account Key Admin role).

  3. Following the document Creating a service account to create a service account granted the Compute Admin role

  4. Following the document Creating service account keys to create a service key of the type JSON, a JSON file for the created service account key should be downloaded to your machine.

For more information regarding Google Cloud service accounts see Google Cloud Service Accounts.

Infrastructure Configuration

Now, you are ready to create a new node source of the type GCE Infrastructure. The properties needed for the node deployment in the Create GCE Node Source are:

  • gceCredential: The credentials to perform the basic Google Cloud Platform authentication. Upload the JSON file of a Google Cloud service account key (downloaded in the section Pre-Requisites) to fill in this property.

  • totalNumberOfInstances: Total number of GoogleComputeEngine instances to create for this infrastructure.

  • numberOfNodesPerInstance: Total number of ProActive Nodes to deploy in each created GoogleComputeEngine instance.

    If all the nodes of a GoogleComputeEngine instance are removed, the instance will be terminated.
  • vmUsername: Defines the user name that will be used to connect to GoogleComputeEngine instances. If not provided, then GoogleComputeEngine instances will be accessed as the default user. If specified, the corresponding vmPublicKey and vmPrivateKey must be specified as well.

  • vmPublicKey: Defines the public key to grant a user specified access for the created GoogleComputeEngine instances. If specified, the corresponding vmUsername and vmPrivateKey must be specified as well.

  • vmPrivateKey: Defines the private key that will be used to connect to GoogleComputeEngine instances. If specified, the corresponding vmUsername and vmPublicKey must be specified as well.

  • image: Defines which image will be used to create the GoogleComputeEngine instance. The value to provide is the unique name of the image. If not provided, the default value "debian-9-stretch-v20190326" will be used. For more information see Google Compute Engine Images List.

  • region: The geographic zone for Google Cloud Platform resources to use. If not provided, the default value "us-central1-a" will be used. For more information see Google Compute Engine Regions and Zones.

  • ram: The minimum required amount of RAM (expressed in Mega Bytes) for each GoogleComputeEngine instance to be created. If not provided, the default value 1740 will be used.

  • cores: The minimum required amount of virtual cores for each GoogleComputeEngine instance to be created. If not provided, the default value 1 will be used.

  • rmHostname: The hostname or the public IP address of the Resource Manager. This address needs to be accessible from the GoogleComputeEngine server.

  • connectorIaasURL: Connector-iaas is a ProActive service used to interact with IaaS like GoogleComputeEngine. By default it runs on the following URL rmHostname/connector-iaas.

  • nodeJarURL: The full URL path of the node.jar to download the ProActive node.jar on each new created GoogleComputeEngine instance. The URL needs to be accessible from the GoogleComputeEngine server.

  • additionalProperties: Additional Java command properties to be added when starting each ProActive node JVM in GoogleComputeEngine instances (e.g. "-Dpropertyname=propertyvalue").

  • nodeTimeout: The estimated startup time of the nodes (expressed in millisecond). After this timeout expired, the node is considered as lost.

Using this configuration, you can start a Resource Manager and a Scheduler using the /bin/proactive-server script. A GoogleComputeEngine NodeSource can now be added using the Create Node Source panel in the Resource Manager or the command line interface:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns googlecomputeengine -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.GCEInfrastructure gceCredential totalNumberOfInstances numberOfNodesPerInstance vmUsername vmPublicKey vmPrivateKey image region ram cores rmHostname connectorIaasURL nodeJarURL additionalProperties nodeTimeout
When ProActive server is stopped, GoogleComputeEngine instances will be automatically deleted. And when ProActive server is restarted, the infrastructure will be recovered as per the previous settings. The required GoogleComputeEngine instances will be re-created and re-configured.

21.7.10. Azure Infrastructure

The Resource Manager allows to deploy ProActive nodes on the Microsoft Azure cloud. This infrastructure will create and manage virtual machines (VMs) with your custom Azure image and host ProActive nodes on them. In this section we will guide you through the requirements and configuration needed to setup an Azure infrastructure.


To create an Azure infrastructure, ProActive relies on an existing Azure user account with a valid subscription. In particular, you will require:

  • Azure account: You should have a valid Azure account, linked to an Azure subscription with enough budget and core quota to deploy the VMs (and their underlying resources) that you request.

  • Azure privileges: If your account does not have full Admin privileges on your subscription, please make sure you have rights to:

    • Access a resource group of your choice.

    • Create VMs in that resource group.

    • Delete VMs in that resource group.

  • Service Principal credentials: ProActive uses Azure’s API to manage the VMs in the infrastructure. This API requires a set of Active Directory service principal credentials for non interactive login (client, secret, tenant). If you do not have them, you can create them via the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. Please ask your administrator in case you do not have the privileges to create them. The credentials should be strings of hexadecimal values like 1a2b3c4d-5e6f-1a2b-3c4d-5e6f-1a2b3c4d5e6f.

  • Custom Azure image: ProActive will create the infrastructure’s VMs from an Azure image. You will need to have a custom Linux image available on the resource group of your choice. If you do not have one, you can create it by following this tutorial.

Infrastructure Configuration

Once all the pre-requisites are met, you are ready to create an Azure infrastructure. On the ProActive’s Resource Manager portal, select AzureInfrastructure from the Infrastructure drop-down list.

The following fields are available to configure your Azure infrastructure.

  • clientId: Corresponds to the Service Principal application ID.

  • secret: Corresponds to the secret value (password) of the Service Principal.

  • domain: Corresponds to the Azure domain, tenant ID, or directory ID of your Active Directory.

  • subscriptionId: The ID of your Azure subscription.

The next four parameters are optional, and apply to advanced Azure endpoint configurations only.

  • authenticationEndpoint: Azure Authentication endpoint.

  • managementEndpoint: Azure Management endpoint.

  • resourceManagerEndpoint: Azure Resource Manager endpoint.

  • graphEndpoint: Azure AD Graph endpoint.

* * * * *

  • rmHttpUrl: Here you should provide your server’s URL or public IP (e.g. A default value will be generated from the system properties but you might need to modify it according to your network configuration so that it is accessible from your Azure nodes.

  • connectorIaasUrl: The URL of your Connector IaaS service. A default value will be generated as well (e.g.

  • image: The name or id of your custom Linux image. The image should be located within the provided subscription and accessible to the service principal. It should also be located in the Azure region that you define in your configuration (see region parameter below).

  • imageOSType: The default value is linux. Currently, only Linux is supported as OS.

  • vmSizeType: The size of the VMs to be deployed. The default value is Standard_D1_v2. Azure provides an extensive list of Linux VM sizes. If you want to know the available sizes for a specific region or subscription you can use Azure CLI command az vm list-sizes -l {your location}.

  • vmUsername: Provide a user name for the VM.

  • vmPassword: Provide a password for your VM. Here is a guideline for Linux passwords on Azure.

  • vmPublicKey: An optional public RSA key to connect to your VMs via SSH protocol.

  • resourceGroup: The name of the resource group of your choice. If left blank, the resource group of the image will be used by default.

  • region: The Azure region where the VMs will be deployed. For a list of the regions supported by your subscription, you can use the CLI command az account list-locations -o table, the right name to use is the one in the column name.

  • numberOfInstances: Total instances (VMs) to be created. The default value is 1.

  • numberOfNodesPerInstances: The number of ProActive nodes to be launched in each VM. The default value is 1.

  • downloadCommand: Command used to download ProActive’s node.jar worker. If left blank a default command will be generated.

  • privateNetworkCIDR: An optional network Classless Inter-Domain Routing to allocate the new VMs within the private network. The default value is

  • staticPublicIP: A boolean flag to determine whether the public IPs of the infrastructure’s VMs should be static. The default value is true.

  • additionalProperties: Additional JVM properties to configure your ProActive node. The default values allow to handle both PNP and PAMR protocols. You can add your own properties but be aware that removing the current values might cause the deployment to fail.

The Azure infrastructure offers a simple interface to easily create ProActive nodes on Azure. If your project requires a dynamic and customizable set of Azure VMs, you can opt for an Azure Scale Set Infrastructure.

21.7.11. Azure Scale Set Infrastructure

We provide a highly customizable infrastructure to deploy ProActive nodes using an Azure Scale Set. This infrastructure will allow you to automatically adjust the number of deployed virtual machines (VM) in response to the current workload, and according to your configured parameters, e.g. min/max number of nodes, number of nodes per VM, or minimal up-time. Auto-scaling will help you increase your processing capacity during peak computation periods, while keeping your expenses low during less intensive or idle periods.

Whether you require to run your workflows on Linux or Windows, use standard or custom VM images, do some pre-configuration steps, or mount a shared file system, the Azure Scale Set infrastructure can handle it. This guide describes the requirements and the various configuration parameters available to deploy an Azure Scale Set infrastructure.


As in our standard Azure Infrastructure, ProActive relies on an existing Azure user account with a valid subscription in order to deploy a Scale Set. These are the specific requirements:

  • Azure account: You should have a valid Azure account, linked to an Azure subscription with enough budget and service quotas to deploy the Scale Set that you request.

  • Azure privileges: If your account does not have full Admin privileges on your subscription, please make sure you have rights to:

    • Create a resource group in a region of your choice.

    • Create a Scale Set in that resource group, and create its underlying resources: Public IP Address, Load Balancer, Network Security Group and Virtual Network.

    • Create a Storage account in that resource group, and use its various services (in particular Blobs, Tables and Queues).

    • Delete a resource group.

  • Service Principal credentials: ProActive uses Azure’s API to manage the Scale Set and Storage resources. This API requires a set of Active Directory service principal credentials for non interactive login (client, secret, tenant). If you do not have them, you can create them via the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. Please ask your administrator in case you do not have the privileges to create them. The credentials should be strings of hexadecimal values like 1a2b3c4d-5e6f-1a2b-3c4d-5e6f-1a2b3c4d5e6f.

Infrastructure Configuration

The Azure Scale Set Infrastructure offers a wide range of possibilities to configure your Scale Set so that:

  1. You have in your VMs everything you need to execute your jobs.

  2. You can control your expenses by defining size and limits of your VMs.

The available configuration parameters are:

  • azureCredentialFile: Use the provided file selection tool to supply a file with your Azure Credentials. These credentials correspond to those generated with the Service Principal as mentioned in the Pre-Requisites sub-section. The file should be a four-line text document in a .ini like format, and must include the following elements:



    • client: Corresponds to the Service Principal application ID.

    • key: Corresponds to the secret value (password) of the Service Principal.

    • tenant: Corresponds to the Azure domain, tenant ID, or directory ID of your Active Directory.

    • subscription: Is the ID of your Azure subscription.

    You can opt to place this file in $PROACTIVE_HOME/config/authentication/azure.creds so that it will available and automatically loaded in case you want to have multiple Azure node sources.

  • maxVms: Define the maximum number of VMs to be deployed by the scale set at any time. The number cannot exceed 100. The default value is 100, so you might want to adjust this value according to your budget and expected processing peaks.

  • maxNodesPerVm: Define the number of ProActive worker nodes to be deployed per VM. As a guideline, you might want to allocate one node per VM core, but you can set the number to better match your processing requirements. Default value is 2.

  • machineType: Define the type of Azure VM that you want to use for your Scale Set. You can use any size from Azure’s Standard Tier, provided you have enough quota and budget to launch them. The default value is Standard_D1_v2, you should provide a valid type using a similar syntax (case insensitive). Azure provides an extensive list of VM sizes for Linux and Windows VMs. If you want to know the available sizes for a specific region or subscription you can use Azure CLI command az vm list-sizes -l {your location}.

  • osType: A choice between linux and windows. Default value is linux.

  • Image: You can either provide a custom Azure image, or select one of the available standard ones. To provide a custom image use the format {resourceGroupName}:{imageName}. If you prefer to use a generic image, you can choose from the following lists (provided by Azure API):

    Linux Windows


    • DEBIAN_8 * default value *

    • CENTOS_7_2

    • WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2_SP1



  • sshPublicKey: Optional parameter. In case of Linux, use it to provide a public RSA key to connect to your VMs via SSH. In case of Windows, use it to define a password to connect to your VMs via Remote Desktop. In both cases, the default user is activeeon. If the field is left blank a password will be automatically generated and written in the Scheduler log.

  • targetNetwork: Optional parameter. Use it to define a specific Azure Virtual Network subnet for your Scale Set. If defined, the format should be {resourceGroupName}:{network}:{subnet}, e.g. myGroup:myVNet:default. If left unset, a new Virtual Network and subnet will be created inside the Resource Group.

  • region: Define the Azure region where the Resource Group and the Scale Set will be created. For a list of the regions supported by your subscription, you can use the CLI command az account list-locations -o table, the right name to use is the one in the column name. The region name should be in lowercase without spaces, e.g. for the region West US 2 use westus2. Default value is westeurope.

  • rmUrl: Optional parameter. Provide your server’s URL or public IP (e.g. If left unset, the default Resource Manager URL will be fetched from the system properties.

  • rmCredentials: Optional parameter. Provide credentials to connect to the Resource Manager. If left blank, the credentials of the logged user will be used.

  • deploymentTimeout: Delay before the Resource Manager can declare a deploying node as lost. To be set in minutes. You can set it to a reasonable time after which you expect the node to be running or marked as lost otherwise (e.g. 10 minutes). Default value is 120.

  • cleaningDelay: Periodical cleaning delay, expressed in seconds. Every X seconds the Resource Manager will remove from the Scale Set any VM that has been identified as idle. Default value is 60. Note that setting a very short interval implies more frequent communication between the Resource Manager and Azure, which might impact on performance or responsiveness.

  • externalStorageAccount: Optional parameter. Use it if you want to define a specific location of your ProActive node.jar worker; leave blank otherwise. If provided, the format should be: {storageAccount}:{sas_key_token}[:has_node.jar].

  • linuxInternalCustomStartupScriptUrl: If you are using Linux, provide a URL of a valid Linux bash script to configure your nodes. We strongly recommend to use the default provided script. You are free to copy the script and add custom steps, but be aware that any modification to the default script might cause the deployment to fail. We recommend to use userCustomStartupScriptUrl field to add your custom configurations.

  • windowsInternalCustomStartupScriptUrl: If you are using Windows, provide a URL of a valid Windows PowerShell script to configure your nodes. We strongly recommend to use the default provided script. You are free to copy the script and add custom steps, but be aware that any modification to the default script might cause the deployment to fail. We recommend to use userCustomStartupScriptUrl field to add your custom configurations.

  • userCustomStartupScriptUrl: Optional parameter. Use it to provide a URL of a valid custom script (.sh for Linux, .ps1 for Windows) that will be called at the VMs' startup. The script is called after the default ProActive configuration and before the node application is actually executed. You can use this script, for instance, to create directories, assign permissions, or download utilities.

    Note that this user custom script will be run as root/admin user.

  • nodePreCommand: Optional parameter. This multi-line field can be used to provide specific commands to execute right before launching the ProActive’s node.jar application. The main difference with the previous user custom script is that nodePreCommand will be run as the same user as node.jar. This field is thus useful for operations that require matching users, e.g. mounting a shared volume in Windows or creating non-root paths/files in Linux. Please note the OS-specific conditions for these commands:

    • Linux: The commands will be appended as ExecStartPre lines to a .service file. Therefore, commands should include their full path, e.g. mkdir should be written as /bin/mkdir or chown as /bin/chown.

    • Windows: The commands will be included in a .bat batch file and must therefore be DOS-compatible. As a guideline, here is an unofficial list of DOS commands and a scripting tutorial.

  • jvmParameters: Add JVM parameters to configure your ProActive node, use the format -Dproperty=value. The default values allow for a correct deployment of the node. You can add your own parameters but be aware that removing the current values might cause the deployment to fail. A non-exhaustive list of node-related JVM parameters can be found in your configuration file $PROACTIVE_HOME/config/network/node.ini

  • armTemplateUrl: Optional parameter, for advanced configuration only. This parameter is intended for users familiar with Azure Resource Management templates willing to provide a custom resource configuration file. You should input a URL with a valid .json ARM template. If set, this file will override ProActive’s default ARM file.

As you can see, these parameters provide a lot of flexibility to configure your infrastructure. When creating your Azure Scale Set node source, the infrastructure should be coupled with a Dynamic Policy. This Policy will additionally define scalability parameters such as limits on the number of deployed nodes or the minimum idle time before a node can be deleted (to optimize node utilization).

21.7.12. Load Sharing Facility (LSF) Infrastructure

This infrastructure knows how to acquire nodes from LSF by submitting a corresponding job. It will be submitted through SSH from the RM to the LSF server. This is the static version of the LSF infrastructure, for a more dynamic mechanism, as described in Deploy ProActive Nodes dynamically via other schedulers (PBS, SLURM, …​), use the Native Scheduler Infrastructure instead.

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns lsf -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LSFInfrastructure rmURL javaPath SSHOptions schedulingPath javaOptions maxNodes nodeTimeout LSFServer RMCredentialsPath bsubOptions


  • RMURL - URL of the Resource Manager from the LSF nodes point of view - this is the URL the nodes will try to lookup when attempting to register to the RM after their creation.

  • javaPath - path to the java executable on the remote hosts (ie the LSF slaves).

  • SSH Options - Options you can pass to the SSHClient executable ( -l inria to specify the user for instance )

  • schedulingPath - path to the Scheduling/RM installation directory on the remote hosts.

  • javaOptions - Java options appended to the command used to start the node on the remote host.

  • maxNodes - maximum number of nodes this infrastructure can simultaneously hold from the LSF server. That is useful considering that LSF does not provide a mechanism to evaluate the number of currently available or idle cores on the cluster. This can result to asking more resources than physically available, and waiting for the resources to come up for a very long time as the request would be queued until satisfiable.

  • Node Time Out - The length in ms after which one a node is not expected anymore.

  • Server Name - URL of the LSF server, which is responsible for acquiring LSF nodes. This server will be contacted by the Resource Manager through an SSH connection.

  • RM Credentials Path - Encrypted credentials file, as created by the create-cred[.bat] utility. These credentials will be used by the nodes to authenticate on the Resource Manager.

  • Submit Job Opt - Options for the bsub command client when acquiring nodes on the LSF master. Default value should be enough in most cases, if not, refer to the documentation of the LSF cluster.

21.7.13. Portable Batch System (PBS) Infrastructure

This infrastructure knows how to acquire nodes from PBS (i.e. Torque) by submitting a corresponding job. It will be submitted through SSH from the RM to the PBS server. This is the static version of the PBS infrastructure, for a more dynamic mechanism, as described in Deploy ProActive Nodes dynamically via other schedulers (PBS, SLURM, …​), use the Native Scheduler Infrastructure instead.

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns pbs -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.PBSInfrastructure rmURL javaPath SSHOptions schedulingPath javaOptions maxNodes nodeTimeout PBSServer RMCredentialsPath qsubOptions


  • RMURL - URL of the Resource Manager from the PBS nodes point of view - this is the URL the nodes will try to lookup when attempting to register to the RM after their creation.

  • javaPath - path to the java executable on the remote hosts (ie the PBS slaves).

  • SSH Options - Options you can pass to the SSHClient executable ( -l inria to specify the user for instance )

  • schedulingPath - path to the Scheduling/RM installation directory on the remote hosts.

  • javaOptions - Java options appended to the command used to start the node on the remote host.

  • maxNodes - maximum number of nodes this infrastructure can simultaneously hold from the PBS server. That is useful considering that PBS does not provide a mechanism to evaluate the number of currently available or idle cores on the cluster. This can result to asking more resources than physically available, and waiting for the resources to come up for a very long time as the request would be queued until satisfiable.

  • Node Time Out - The length in ms after which one a node is not expected anymore.

  • Server Name - URL of the PBS server, which is responsible for acquiring PBS nodes. This server will be contacted by the Resource Manager through an SSH connection.

  • RM Credentials Path - Encrypted credentials file, as created by the create-cred[.bat] utility. These credentials will be used by the nodes to authenticate on the Resource Manager.

  • Submit Job Opt - Options for the qsub command client when acquiring nodes on the PBS master. Default value should be enough in most cases, if not, refer to the documentation of the PBS cluster.

21.7.14. Generic Batch Job Infrastructure

Generic Batch Job infrastructure provides users with the capability to add the support of new batch job scheduler by providing a class extending org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.BatchJobInfrastructure. Once you have written that implementation, you can create a node source which makes usage of this infrastructure by running the following command:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client --createns pbs -infrastructure org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.GenericBatchJobInfrastructure rmURL javaPath SSHOptions schedulingPath javaOptions maxNodes nodeTimeout BatchJobServer RMCredentialsPath subOptions implementationName implementationPath


  • RMURL - URL of the Resource Manager from the batch job scheduler nodes point of view - this is the URL the nodes will try to lookup when attempting to register to the RM after their creation.

  • javaPath - path to the java executable on the remote hosts (ie the slaves of the batch job scheduler).

  • SSH Options - Options you can pass to the SSHClient executable ( -l inria to specify the user for instance )

  • schedulingPath - path to the Scheduling/RM installation directory on the remote hosts.

  • javaOptions - Java options appended to the command used to start the node on the remote host.

  • maxNodes - maximum number of nodes this infrastructure can simultaneously hold from the batch job scheduler server.

  • Node Time Out - The length in ms after which one a node is not expected anymore.

  • Server Name - URL of the batch job scheduler server, which is responsible for acquiring nodes. This server will be contacted by the Resource Manager through an SSH connection.

  • RM Credentials Path - Encrypted credentials file, as created by the create-cred[.bat] utility. These credentials will be used by the nodes to authenticate on the Resource Manager.

  • Submit Job Opt - Options for the submit command client when acquiring nodes on the batch job scheduler master.

  • implementationName - Fully qualified name of the implementation of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.BatchJobInfrastructure provided by the end user.

  • implementationPath - The absolute path of the implementation of org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.BatchJobInfrastructure.

21.7.15. Native Scheduler Infrastructure

The Native Scheduler Infrastructure allows to interact with a native scheduler to deploy ProActive Nodes. This mechanism is described in Deploy ProActive Nodes dynamically via other schedulers (PBS, SLURM, …​). This infrastructure must be associated with a Native Scheduler Policy and cannot be associated with any other policy. The infrastructure parameters are described hereafter:

  • RMCredentialsPath: path to a file which contains the credentials of an administrator user which will own the node source. The ProActive Scheduler Server release contains two admin users credentials files: config/authentication/rm.cred and config/authentication/admin_user.cred

  • NSFrontalHostAddress: the host name or IP address of the cluster head node.

  • NSSchedulerHome: the location of the shared ProActive installation on cluster nodes (cluster nodes must be able to access ProActive libraries in order to start ProActive Node). Example /opt/proactive/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64-8.1.0.

  • javaHome: similarly, cluster nodes must be able to access the java command in order to start ProActive Nodes. ProActive installation includes a Java Runtime Environment under the jre subfolder. Example: /opt/proactive/activeeon_enterprise-node-linux-x64-8.1.0/jre.

  • jvmParameters: additional options which can be passed to the java command.

  • sshOptions: additional options which can be passed to the SSH command used to connect to connect to the host name or IP address specified in the NSFrontalHostAddress parameter.

  • NSNodeTimeoutInSeconds: timeout to wait for the deployment of ProActive Nodes on the cluster. As the time needed to deploy ProActive Nodes depends on the cluster load, this timeout should be a large value. If the timeout is reached, the ProActive Nodes will be in "Lost" state.

  • ìmpersonationMethod: when a job is submitted to the native scheduler, the submission is performed under the current ProActive Scheduler user. An impersonation is thus performed between the scheduler server process and the target cluster user. This impersonation can be performed using 3 different strategies:

    • ssh: in that case the head node is contacted using a SSH command with the current ProActive Scheduler user and password. User/password combination between the ProActive Scheduler and the head node operating system must match.

    • none: in that case the head node is contacted using a SSH command with the ProActive Scheduler process user (passwordless SSH). Submission to the native scheduler will be performed with the same account.

    • sudo: similar to none regarding the connection to the head node, but a sudo command will be initiated to impersonate as the current ProActive Scheduler user, before doing a job submission.

  • alternateRMUrl: the URL used by the ProActive Nodes to contact ProActive Resource Manager. This URL is displayed on ProActive server startup. Example: pnp://myserver:64738.

  • sshPort: port used for SSH connections.

  • nsPreCommand: a Linux command which can be run before launching ProActive Nodes on the cluster. Can be used as a workaround when some system environment variables are not properly set when starting ProActive Nodes.

  • nsSubmitCommand: this is the main command used to start ProActive Nodes on the cluster. Depending on the actual native scheduler implementation, nsSubmitCommand will vary, here are examples definitions:


    qsub -N %NS_JOBNAME% -o %LOG_FILE% -j oe


    sbatch -J %NS_JOBNAME% -o %LOG_FILE%


    bsub -J %NS_JOBNAME% -o %LOG_FILE% -e %LOG_FILE%

    The command can use patterns which will be replaced dynamically by the ProActive Resource Manager.


    contains a configurable job name dynamically created by the resource manager.


    contains a log file path dynamically created by the resource manager and located in side the NSSchedulerHome installation. This log file is useful to debug errors during cluster job submission.


    contains the current ProActive Scheduler user.

  • nsKillCommand: this is the command used to kill ProActive Nodes started previously by the nsSubmitCommand. Similarly to nsSubmitCommand, nsKillCommand will vary for each native scheduler syntax:


    qdel %NS_JOBID%


    scancel -n %NS_JOBNAME%


    bkill -J %NS_JOBNAME%

    It can use the following patterns:


    contains a configurable job name dynamically created by the resource manager.


    contains the job id returned by the native scheduler when submitting the job. Currently, job id can only be used with PBS, when the setting submitReturnsJobId is set to true.

  • submitReturnsJobId: is the cluster job id returned plainly when calling the nsSubmitCommand. This is the behavior of PBS, and this is why this setting should be set to true when using PBS.

  • nsJobName: a way to configure the %NS_JOBNAME% pattern. The following patterns can be used:


    contains the ProActive Task and Job ID associated with the node request.


    contains the current ProActive Scheduler user.

  • maxDeploymentFailure: number of attempts when starting a ProActive Node on the cluster using the nsSubmitCommand, after all attempts failed, the ProActive Node will be declared as Lost.

21.8. Node Source Policies

A Node Source Policy is a set of rules and conditions which describes, inside a Node Source, when and how many nodes have to be acquired or released. A Node Source Policy interacts internally with the Node Source Infrastructure to request new nodes deployments or nodes removal.

Node sources were designed in a way that:

  • All logic related to node acquisition is encapsulated in the infrastructure manager.

  • Conditions and rules of node acquisition is described in the node source policy.

  • Permissions to the node source. Each policy has two parameters:

    • nodeUsers - utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

      • ME - Only the node source creator

      • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2;tokens=t1,t2 - Only specific users, groups or tokens. I.e. users=user1 - node access is limited to user1; users=user1;groups=group1 - node access is limited to user1 and all users from group group1; users=user1;tokens=t1 - node access is limited to user1 or anyone who specified token t1. If node access is protected by a token, node will not be found by the resource manager (getNodes request) unless the corresponding token is specified. To exclude specific users or groups use users=!user1,!user2;groups=!group1,!group2. Tokens can not be excluded, and mixing inclusion with exclusion is not permitted (i.e. users=user1,!user2;groups=!group1,group2).

      • ALL - Everybody

    • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

      • ME - Only the node source creator

      • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

      • ALL - Everybody

  • The user created the node source is the administrator of this node source. It can add and removed nodes to it, remove the node source itself, but cannot use nodes if usage policy is set to PROVIDER or PROVIDER_GROUPS (unless it’s granted AllPermissions).

  • New infrastructure manager or node source policy can be dynamically plugged into the Resource Manager. In order to do that, it is just required to add new implemented classes in the class path and update corresponding list in the configuration file (PROACTIVE_HOME/config/rm/nodesource).

21.8.1. Static Policy

Static node source policy starts node acquisition when nodes are added to the node source and never removes them. Nevertheless, nodes can be removed by user request. To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

21.8.2. Time Slot Policy

Time slot policy is aimed to acquire nodes for particular time with an ability to do it periodically. To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • acquireTime - Absolute acquire date (e.g. "6/3/10 1:18:45 PM CEST").

  • releaseTime - Absolute releasing date (e.g. "6/3/10 2:18:45 PM CEST").

  • period - Period time in millisecond (default is 86400000).

  • preemptive - Preemptive parameter indicates the way of releasing nodes. If it is true, nodes will be released without waiting the end of jobs running on (default is false).

21.8.3. Cron Policy

Cron policy is aimed to acquire and remove nodes at specific time defined in the cron syntax.To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeAcquision - The time policy will trigger the deployment of all nodes (e.g. "0 12 \* \* \*" every day at 12.00).

  • nodeRemoval - The time policy will trigger the removal of all nodes (e.g. "0 13 \* \* \*" every day at 13.00).

  • preemptive - Preemptive parameter indicates the way of releasing nodes. If it is true, nodes will be released without waiting the end of jobs running on (default is false).

  • forceDeployment - If for the example above (the deployment starts every day at 12.00 and the removal starts at 13.00) you are creating the node source at 12.30 the next deployment will take place the next day. If you’d like to force the immediate deployment set this parameter to true.

21.8.4. Remove Nodes When Scheduler Is Idle

"Remove nodes when scheduler is idle" policy removes all nodes from the infrastructure when the scheduler is idle and acquires them when a new job is submitted. This policy may be useful if there is no need to keep nodes alive permanently. Nodes will be released after a specified "idle time". This policy will use a listener of the scheduler, that is why its URL, its user name and its password have to be specified. To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • schedulerURL - URL of the Scheduler, e.g. pnp://mymachine:64738, pamr://0, etc

  • schedulerCredentialsPath - Path to the credentials used for scheduler authentication.

  • idleTime - Idle time in millisecond to wait before removing all nodes (default is 60000).

21.8.5. Scheduler Loading Policy

Scheduler loading policy acquires/releases nodes according to the scheduler loading factor. This policy allows to configure the number of resources which will be always enough for the scheduler. Nodes are acquired and released according to scheduler loading factor which is a number of tasks per node.

It is important to correctly configure maximum and minimum nodes that this policy will try to hold. Maximum number should not be greater than potential nodes number which is possible to deploy to underlying infrastructure. If there are more currently acquired nodes than necessary, policy will release them one by one after having waited for a "release period" delay. This smooth release procedure is implemented because deployment time is greater than the release one. Thus, this waiting time deters policy from spending all its time trying to deploy nodes.

To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • schedulerURL - URL of the Scheduler, e.g. pnp://mymachine:64738, pamr://0, etc

  • schedulerCredentialsPath - Path to the credentials used for scheduler authentication.

  • refreshTime - Time between each calculation of the number of needed nodes.

  • minNodes - Minimum number of nodes to deploy

  • maxNodes - Maximum number of nodes to deploy

  • loadFactor - Number of tasks per node. Actually, if this number is N, it does not means that there will be exactly N tasks executed on each node. This factor is just used to compute the total number of nodes. For instance, let us assume that this factor is 3 and that we schedule 100 tasks. In that case, we will have 34 (= upper bound of 100/3) started nodes. Once one task finished and the refresh time passed, one node will be removed since 99 divided by 3 is 33. When there will remain 96 tasks (assuming that no other tasks are scheduled meanwhile), an other node will be removed at the next calculation time, and so on and so forth…​

  • nodeDeploymentTimeout - The node deployment timeout.

21.8.6. Cron Load Based Policy

The Cron load based policy triggers new nodes acquisition when scheduler is overloaded (exactly like with "Scheduler loading" policy) only within a time slot defined using crontab syntax. All other time the nodes are removed from the resource manager. To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • schedulerURL - URL of the Scheduler, e.g. pnp://mymachine:64738, pamr://0, etc

  • schedulerCredentialsPath - Path to the credentials used for scheduler authentication.

  • refreshTime - Time between each calculation of the number of needed nodes.

  • minNodes - Minimum number of nodes to deploy

  • maxNodes - Maximum number of nodes to deploy

  • loadFactor - Number of tasks per node. Actually, if this number is N, it does not means that there will be exactly N tasks executed on each node. This factor is just used to compute the total number of nodes. For instance, let us assume that this factor is 3 and that we schedule 100 tasks. In that case, we will have 34 (= upper bound of 100/3) started nodes. Once one task finished and the refresh time passed, one node will be removed since 99 divided by 3 is 33. When there will remain 96 tasks (assuming that no other tasks are scheduled meanwhile), an other node will be removed at the next calculation time, and so on and so forth…​

  • nodeDeploymentTimeout - The node deployment timeout.

  • acquisionAllowed - The time when the policy starts to work as the "scheduler loading" policy (e.g. "0 12 \* \* \*" every day at 12.00).

  • acquisionForbidden - The time policy removes all the nodes from the resource manager (e.g. "0 13 \* \* \*" every day at 13.00).

  • preemptive - Preemptive parameter indicates the way of releasing nodes. If it is true, nodes will be released without waiting the end of jobs running on (default is false).

  • allowed - If true acquisition will be immediately allowed.

21.8.7. Cron Slot Load Based Policy

The "Cron slot load based" policy triggers new nodes acquisition when scheduler is overloaded (exactly like with "Scheduler loading" policy) only within a time slot defined using crontab syntax. The other time it holds all the available nodes. To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • schedulerURL - URL of the Scheduler

  • schedulerCredentialsPath - Path to the credentials used for scheduler authentication.

  • refreshTime - Time between each calculation of the number of needed nodes.

  • minNodes - Minimum number of nodes to deploy

  • maxNodes - Maximum number of nodes to deploy

  • loadFactor - number of tasks per node. Actually, if this number is N, it does not means that there will be exactly N tasks executed on each node. This factor is just used to compute the total number of nodes. For instance, let us assume that this factor is 3 and that we schedule 100 tasks. In that case, we will have 34 (= upper bound of 100/3) started nodes. Once one task finished and the refresh time passed, one node will be removed since 99 divided by 3 is 33. When there will remain 96 tasks (assuming that no other tasks are scheduled meanwhile), an other node will be removed at the next calculation time, and so on and so forth…​

  • nodeDeploymentTimeout - The node deployment timeout.

  • acquisionAllowed - The time when the policy starts to work as the "scheduler loading" policy (e.g. "0 12 \* \* \*" every day at 12.00).

  • acquisionForbidden - The time policy removes all the nodes from the resource manager (e.g. "0 13 \* \* \*" every day at 13.00).

  • preemptive - Preemptive parameter indicates the way of releasing nodes. If it is true, nodes will be released without waiting the end of jobs running on (default is false).

  • allowed - If true acquisition will be immediately allowed.

21.8.8. EC2 Policy

Allocates resources according to the Scheduler loading factor, releases resources considering that EC2 instances are paid by the hour. To use this policy, you have to precise the following parameters:

  • nodeUsers - Utilization permission defined who can get nodes for computations from this node source. It has to take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • nodeProviders - Provider permission defines who can add nodes to this node source. It should take one of the following values:

    • ME - Only the node source creator

    • users=user1,user2;groups=group1,group2 - Only specific users or groups (for our example user1, user2, group1 and group2). It is possible to specify only groups or only users.

    • ALL - Everybody

  • schedulerURL - URL of the Scheduler, e.g. pnp://mymachine:64738, pamr://0, etc

  • schedulerCredentialsPath - Path to the credentials used for scheduler authentication.

  • preemptive - Preemptive parameter indicates the way of releasing nodes. If it is true, nodes will be released without waiting the end of jobs running on (default is false).

  • refreshTime - Time between each calculation of the number of needed nodes.

  • loadFactor - Number of tasks per node. Actually, if this number is N, it does not means that there will be exactly N tasks executed on each node. This factor is just used to compute the total number of nodes. For instance, let us assume that this factor is 3 and that we schedule 100 tasks. In that case, we will have 34 (= upper bound of 100/3) started nodes. Once one task finished and the refresh time passed, one node will be removed since 99 divided by 3 is 33. When there will remain 96 tasks (assuming that no other tasks are scheduled meanwhile), an other node will be removed at the next calculation time, and so on and so forth…​

  • releaseDelay - Delay between each node release. This time is useful since the deploying time is important. Let us assume that a node has to be removed. If this releaseDelay did not exist (or if it was set to 0), this node would be removed instantaneously. Let us assume assume that right after this removal, another task is scheduled, requiring a new node. In that case, we would lose a lot of time removing the previous node and deploying another one whereas the task could have been scheduled on the same node. This releaseDelay therefore represents the time to wait before effectively removing a node.

Native Scheduler Policy

The Native Scheduler Policy interacts with the native scheduler to request ProActive nodes deployment dynamically based on the ProActive Scheduler pending queue. This mechanism is described in Deploy ProActive Nodes dynamically via other schedulers (PBS, SLURM, …​). This policy must be associated with a Native Scheduler Infrastructure and cannot be associated with any other infrastructure. To use this policy, you need to precise the following parameters:

  • userAccessType: Which users are allowed to use ProActive Nodes created by the NativeSchedulerInfrastructure. Refer to the Policies documentation.

  • providerAccessType: Defines who can add nodes to this node source. Refer to the Policies documentation.

  • schedulerUrl: The URL used by the ProActive Nodes to contact the ProActive Resource Manager. This URL is displayed on ProActive server startup. Example: pnp://myserver:64738.

  • schedulerCredentialsPath: Path to a file which contains the credentials of an administrator user which will connect to the scheduler. The ProActive Scheduler Server release contains two admin users credentials files : config/authentication/rm.cred and config/authentication/admin_user.cred

  • rearrangeTasks: Currently not implemented.

  • autoScaling: If set to true, the NativeSchedulerPolicy will scan the Resource Manager activity and Scheduling queue. If the scheduling queue is not empty and all resource manager nodes are busy, autoscaling will automatically start ProActive Nodes from the NativeSchedulerInfrastructure. This setting cannot be used when multiple NativeScheduler node sources are deployed.

  • refreshTime: The NativeSchedulerPolicy will refresh its status and observe the ProActive Scheduler queue every refreshTime milliseconds.

21.9. Command Line

The ProActive client allows to interact with the Scheduler and Resource Manager. The client has an interactive mode started if you do not provide any command.

The client usage is also available using the -h parameter as shown below:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -h

21.9.1. Command Line Examples

Deploy ProActive Nodes
In non-interactive mode
$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -cn 'moreLocalNodes' -infrastructure 'org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LocalInfrastructure' './config/authentication/rm.cred' 4 60000 '' -policy org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.policy.StaticPolicy 'ALL' 'ALL'
In interactive mode
$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client
> createns( 'moreLocalNodes', ['org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LocalInfrastructure', './config/authentication/rm.cred', 4, 60000, ''], ['org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.policy.StaticPolicy', 'ALL', 'ALL'])
Install ProActive packages

To install a ProActive package, you can use the ProActive CLI by providing a path to your package. It can be a local directory, a ZIP file or can be a URL to a web directory, a direct-download ZIP file, a GitHub repository or ZIP or a directory inside a GitHub repository. Please note that URL forwarding is supported.

In non-interactive mode
  • To install a package located in a local directory or ZIP

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -pkg /Path/To/Local/Package/Directory/Or/Zip
  • To install a package located in a web folder (Supports only Apache Tomcat directory listing)

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -pkg
  • To install a package with a direct download ZIP URL:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -pkg
  • To install a package located in a GitHub repository (either in the repository root or in a sub-folder within a repository):

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -pkg
In interactive mode
  • To install a package located in any of the aforementioned possible locations

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client
> installpackage(PackagePathOrURL)

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