1. Overview

ProActive Scheduler is a free and open-source job scheduler. The user specifies the computation in terms of a series of computation steps along with their execution and data dependencies. The Scheduler executes this computation on a cluster of computation resources, each step on the best-fit resource and in parallel wherever its possible.


1.1. Glossary

The following terms are used throughout the documentation:

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling

The full distribution of ProActive for Workflows & Scheduling, it contains the ProActive Scheduler server, the REST & Web interfaces, the command line tools. It is the commercial product name.

ProActive Scheduler

Can refer to any of the following:

  • A complete set of ProActive components.

  • An archive that contains a released version of ProActive components, for example ProActiveWorkflowsScheduling-OS-ARCH-VERSION.zip.

  • A set of server-side ProActive components installed and running on a Server Host.

Resource Manager

ProActive component that manages ProActive Nodes running on Compute Hosts.


ProActive component that accepts Jobs from users, orders the constituent Tasks according to priority and resource availability, and eventually executes them on the resources (ProActive Nodes) provided by the Resource Manager.

Please note the difference between Scheduler and ProActive Scheduler.

ProActive component that provides RESTful API for the Resource Manager, the Scheduler and the Workflow Catalog.

Resource Manager Web Interface

ProActive component that provides a web interface to the Resource Manager.

Scheduler Web Interface

ProActive component that provides a web interface to the Scheduler.

Workflow Studio

ProActive component that provides a web interface for designing Workflows.

Workflow Catalog

ProActive component that provides storage and versioning of Workflows through a REST API. It is also possible to query the catalog for specific Workflows.


ProActive notion used with the Workflow Catalog to refer to a specific collection of workflows.

Server Host

The machine on which ProActive Scheduler is installed.


The IP address of the Server Host.

ProActive Node

One ProActive Node can execute one Task at a time. This concept is often tied to the number of cores available on a Compute Host. We assume a task consumes one core (more is possible, see multi-nodes tasks, so on a 4 cores machines you might want to run 4 ProActive Nodes. One (by default) or more ProActive Nodes can be executed in a Java process on the Compute Hosts and will communicate with the ProActive Scheduler to execute tasks.

Compute Host

Any machine which is meant to provide computational resources to be managed by the ProActive Scheduler. One or more ProActive Nodes need to be running on the machine for it to be managed by the ProActive Scheduler.

Examples of Compute Hosts:


The path to the extracted archive of ProActive Scheduler release, either on the Server Host or on a Compute Host.


User-defined representation of a distributed computation. Consists of the definitions of one or more Tasks and their dependencies.

Workflow Revision

ProActive concept that reflects the changes made on a Workflow during it development. Generally speaking, the term Workflow is used to refer to the latest version of a Workflow Revision.


An instance of a Workflow submitted to the ProActive Scheduler. Sometimes also used as a synonym for Workflow.


A unit of computation handled by ProActive Scheduler. Both Workflows and Jobs are made of Tasks.

Node Source

A set of ProActive Nodes deployed using the same deployment mechanism and sharing the same access policy.

ProActive Agent

A daemon installed on a Compute Host that starts and stops ProActive Nodes according to a schedule, restarts ProActive Nodes in case of failure and enforces resource limits for the Tasks.

2. Get started

To submit your first computation to ProActive Scheduler, install it in your environment (default credentials: admin/admin) or just use our demo platform try.activeeon.com.

ProActive Scheduler provides comprehensive interfaces that allow to:

We also provide REST and command line interfaces for advanced users.

3. Create and run your computation

3.1. Jobs, workflows and tasks

In order to use Scheduler for executing various computations, one needs to write the execution definition also known as the Workflow definition. A workflow definition is an XML file that adheres to XML schema for ProActive Workflows.

It specifies a number of XML tags for specifying execution steps, their sequence and dependencies. Each execution step corresponds to a task which is the smallest unit of execution that can be performed on a computation resources. There are several types of tasks which caters different use cases.

ProActive Scheduler currently supports three main types of tasks:

  • Native Task, an executable with eventual parameters to be executed

  • Script Task, a script written in Groovy, Ruby, Python and other languages supported by the JSR-223

  • Java Task, a task written in Java extending the Scheduler API

We strongly recommend to use script tasks that are more flexible rather than Java tasks. You can easily integrate with any Java code from a Groovy script task. In the near future, Java tasks might be removed.

For instance, a script task can be used to execute an inline script definition or a script file as an execution step whereas a native task can be used to execute a native executable file.

One can use ProActive Workflow Studio to create and submit workflows graphically . You can simply drag-and-drop various task constructs and draw their dependencies to form complex jobs. It also provides various flow control widgets such as conditional branch, loop, replicate etc to construct complex workflows.

flow spec dependency

In this tasks graph, we see that task 4 is preceded by task 1, that means the Scheduler waits the end of task 1 execution before launching task 4. In a more concrete way, task 1 could be the calculation of a part of the problem to solve, and task 4 takes the result provided by task 1 and compute another step of the calculation. We introduce here the concept of result passing between tasks. This relation is called a Dependency, and we say that task 4 depends on task 1.

We see that task 1, 2 and 3 are not linked, so these three tasks can be executed in parallel, because there are independent from each other.

The task graph is defined by the user at the time of workflow creation, but can also be modified during the job execution by control flow actions such as Replicate.

A finished job contains the results and logs of each task. Upon failure, a task can be restarted automatically or cancelled.

3.2. A simple example

The quickstart tutorial on try.activeeon.com shows you how to build a simple workflow using script tasks.

3.3. Docker task

In order for Docker tasks to work, the Node must have Docker and Docker Compose installed, please refer to the official Docker documentation to see how to install Docker and Docker Compose.

A Docker task expects the content of a Docker Compose file inside the Script section. You can find out how to write Docker Compose files with the official Docker Compose documentation.

To get started: a simple Docker Compose example is explained below.

The content of the Script section (equal to the content of a Docker Compose file) is: --- helloworld: image: busybox command: echo "Hello ProActive" --- The above example describes a container which is called 'helloworld'. That container is created from a busybox image, which will run the command 'echo "Hello ProActive"'

3.4. Native application

Using native tasks you can easily reuse existing applications and embed them in a workflow. The Scheduler lets you define a native task that takes the name of the executable and list of parameters. Once the executable is wrapped as a task you can easily leverage some of the workflow constructs to run your executable in parallel.

We advise you to test your application first, make sure that it works with a simple use case on one machine and then embed it in a workflow.

You can find an example of such integration in this XML workflow or you can also build one yourself using the Workflow Studio.

Native application by nature can be tied to a given operating system so if you have different nodes at your disposal, you might need to select a suitable node to run your native task. This can be achieved using selection script.

3.5. Scripting language support

Proactive Scheduler supports tasks written in languages other than Java. The currently supported dynamic languages are Groovy, Python, Ruby and Javascript.

Native scripts can also be executed using a script task. Currently Bash and CMD scripts are supported, simply set the language attribute to bash or cmd and type your script in the workflow.

You can easily embed small scripts in your workflow. The nice thing is that the workflow will be self-contained and will not require to compile your code before executing. However, we recommend that you keep these scripts smalls to keep the workflow easy to understand.

Use scripts to print debugging statements when you build a new workflow.

Please note that the script execution relies on Java implementation of the cited languages thus it may come with some limitations.

You can find an example of a script task in this XML workflow or you can also build one yourself using the Workflow Studio. The quickstart tutorial relies on script task and is a nice introduction to workflows.

Scripts can also be used to decorate tasks with specific actions, we support pre, post, clean and selection scripts.

3.6. MPI application

MPI is often used in the area of parallel computing. The Scheduler integrates with MPI with the concept of multi node tasks. This particular task will acquire several nodes and will expose these nodes to the MPI environment.

Applications built with MPI are often executed using the mpirun command. It accepts several parameters to choose how many CPUs and how many machines will be used. One particular parameter is the machine file that is built by the Scheduler when using multi node tasks. Here is how an MPI application invocation would look like when executed with the Scheduler:

mpirun -hostfile $variables_PA_NODESFILE myApplication

The variable $variables_PA_NODESFILE contains the path to a machine file created by the Scheduler that will be similar to:


Meaning that myApplication will use 2 CPUs on compute-host and 1 CPU on another-host. You can also use $variables_PA_NODESNUMBER to retrieve the number of acquired nodes.

You can find an example of a native task in this XML workflow or you can also build one yourself using the Workflow Studio.

To achieve the best performance for MPI applications, nodes can be selected taking into account their network topology. One might want to select nodes that are as close to each other as possible to obtain better network performance or nodes on different hosts to split the I/O load. Refer to Topology Types for more details.

3.7. Run a workflow

To run a workflow, the user submits it to ProActive Scheduler. A verification is performed to ensure the well-formedness of the workflow. Next, a job is created and inserted into the pending queue and waits until free resources become available. Once the required resources are provided by the ProActive Resource Manager, the job is started. Finally, once the job is finished, it goes to the queue of finished jobs where its result can be retrieved.

You can submit a workflow to the Scheduler using the Workflow Studio, the Scheduler Web Interface or command line tools. For advanced users we also expose REST and JAVA APIs.

During the submission, you will be able to edit Workflow variables, so you can effectively use them to parameterize workflow execution and use workflows as templates.

3.7.1. Job & Task states

During their execution, jobs and tasks go through different states:

Table 1. Job States
State Name Description



The job has been canceled because of an exception. This status is used when an exception is thrown by the user code of a task and when the user has asked to cancel the job on exception.



The job has failed. One or more tasks have failed (due to resources failure). There is no more executionOnFailure left for a task.



The job is finished. Tasks are finished or faulty.



The job has at least one In-Error task and all In-Error tasks are the last, among others, which have changed their state.



The job has been killed by the user.



The job is paused waiting for user to resume it.



The job is waiting to be scheduled.



The job is running. At least one of its task has been scheduled.



The job has been launched but no task is currently running.

Table 2. Task States
State Name Description



The task has been aborted by an exception on an other task while the task is running. (job is cancelOnError=true). Can be also in this status if the job is killed while the concerned task was running.


Resource down

The task is failed (only if maximum number of execution has been reached and the node on which it was started is down).



The task has finished execution with error code (!=0) or exception.



The task has finished execution.



The task is suspended after first error, if the user has asked to suspend it. The task is waiting for a manual restart action.


Could not restart

The task could not be restarted. It means that the task could not be restarted after an error during the previous execution.


Could not start

The task could not be started. It means that the task could not be started due to dependencies failure.



The task is paused.



The task is in the scheduler pending queue.



The task is executing.



The task was not executed: it was the non-selected branch of an IF/ELSE control flow action.



The task has just been submitted by the user.



The task is waiting for restart after an error (i.e. native code != 0 or exception, and maximum number of execution is not reached).



The task is waiting for restart after a failure (i.e. node down).

3.7.2. Retrieve results

Once a job or a task is terminated, it is possible to get its result. You can only get the result of the job that you own. Results can be retrieved using the Scheduler Web Interface or the command line tools.

Along with results you can also retrieve logs of the tasks (standard ouput and error output) as well as Scheduler logs that provide debugging information.

When running native application, the task result will be the exit code of the application. Results usually make more sense when using script or Java tasks.

3.7.3. Job Priority

A job is assigned a default priority of NORMAL but the user can increase or decrease the priority once the job has been submitted. When they are scheduled, jobs with the highest priory are executed first.

The following values are available:

  • IDLE


  • LOW


  • HIGH can only be set by an administrator

  • HIGHEST can only be set by an administrator

4. Data Management

One of the major questions after having learned to submit and execute simple tasks is how to handle data.

ProActive Scheduler provides two mechanisms for accessing and propagating data down the execution chain. One is based on variables and the other on files.

4.1. Variable based propagation

Variables used for data access and propagation exist in three flavors:

Their usage depends of the context (see Variables quick reference).

4.1.1. Workflow variables

In a workflow you can define variables that are available in all tasks.

    <variable name="variable" value="value"/>

Then, anywhere in your task you can reference to it. For example in a Groovy script task, you can use:

String var = variables.get("variable")
variables.put("other_variable", "foo")

Inside a script, variables is bound to a Map. The syntax to access it might differ given the script engine you are using.

But you can also refer to a variable from the workflow definition itself, for instance:

    <staticCommand value="${variable}" />

Inside a workflow you can use the ${VARIABLE_NAME} syntax to access it (variable names are case-sensitive). Most of the time, variable replacements are performed at runtime. However, some of the information in the XML need to be processed at submission time and variable replacements might be performed at that moment (for instance job name, task attributes, etc.).

Variables are very useful to use workflows as templates where only a few parameters change for each execution. Upon submission you can define variable values either from CLI or from the Web interfaces.

From a native executable, for instance a Shell script, variables are accessible through environment variables.

echo $variables_PA_TASK_NAME
In native tasks and Bash/CMD script engines, variables can be read but not written to.

If a task depends on several tasks and each task modifies the same variable, the final value of the variable which is propagated down the execution chain, depends on the order of task execution. Therefore, the users need to take appropriate measures to prevent any undesired effects of such race conditions.

You can set any Java serializable object as a variable value. They will be converted into strings using toString() method when required, for instance, to make those values available as environment variables in native tasks.

4.1.2. ProActive system variables

Some variables are explicitly defined by the Scheduler to retrieve runtime information about a job or a task. You can retrieve them through the variables map or the ${} syntax in the workflow XML definition depending of the context.

Example for retrieving the task ID from a Groovy script
String taskId = variables.get("PA_TASK_ID")

Here the list of ProActive system variables:

Table 3. ProActive variables

Variable name




The current job ID.



The current job name.



The current task ID.



The current task name.



The current iteration index, when using looping, starts at 0.



The current iteration index, when using a replication, starts at 0.



The path to the progress file, used to set the task’s progress.

You can import and use the utility class org.ow2.proactive.scripting.helper.progress.ProgressFile to read/write values to the file identified by this variable.



The path to Scheduler home, where the Scheduler or the Node is installed.



The path to the hostfile when using a multi nodes task.



The number of acquired nodes when using a multi nodes task.



The username of the ProActive user who has submitted the job.


4.1.3. Passing data between tasks using variables

Another important mechanism of data exchange is the task result variable. Anywhere in a task (usually at the end) you can set a value to a reserved variable named result using any Java object. This value will be available in tasks depending on it. Moreover, in case of several dependencies, results will be aggregated into a new array variable named results.

Assumming that we have two tasks task1 and task2 written in Groovy:

// task1
result = "task1";
// task2
result = "task2";

and task3 that depends on tasks task1 and task2, then, you can access result values defined by the parents as follows:

// task3
// will print "task1"
// will print "task2"
results will be aggregated according to the order declared in the dependency list. Consequently, if the xml depends tag of task3 contains the list [task1, task2] (see the xml example below), then results[0] will contain the result of task1 and results[1] the result of task2. On the contrary, if the depends list is [task2, task1], then results[0] will contain the result of task2 and results[1] the result of task1.
        <task ref="task1"/>
        <task ref="task2"/>

4.2. File based propagation

4.2.1. Input/Output Data in Shared Directory

The easiest way to use your data on computing machines is to set up a shared directory available on all Compute Hosts. For Linux it’s typically an NFS directory, for Windows it could be an SMB network share. Then, in tasks you can manipulate files seamlessly across ProActive Nodes.

File inputData = new File("/data/username/inputfile");

This approach has some limitations though:

  • The path to the shared folder should be identical on all Compute Hosts

  • It can be difficult to use with heterogeneous resources, e.g. Linux and Windows hosts

4.2.2. Data Spaces

If a shared folder is not an option in your environment, the ProActive Scheduler provides a convenient way to access your data. It has two types of storage on the host where the server is running:

  • A Global Space where anyone can read/write files

  • An User Space which is a personal user data storage

By default, these spaces are linked to folders in the data directory of the ProActive Scheduler host:

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/data/defaultglobal

  • PROACTIVE_HOME/data/defaultuser

But it can be changed in PROACTIVE_HOME/config/scheduler/settings.ini.

All files that are stored in these spaces can be read from all computing nodes. However, data transfer is declarative and not explicit. You need to define which files have to be transferred from a data space to computing nodes by using input files and reciprocally from computing nodes to a data space by defining output files:

<task name="task1">
        <files includes="tata" accessMode="transferFromGlobalSpace"/>
        <files includes="titi*" accessMode="transferToGlobalSpace"/>

Upon the execution of the previous example, Proactive Scheduler automatically transfers all files to a ProActive Node where the task will be executed. The files are put in a special place called Local Space on the ProActive Node. It corresponds to the working directory of a task. From a task point of view, files can be accessed normally like shown below:

File inputFile = new File("tata")

Then, based on the previous task definition, all the files whose the name starts with titi (e.g titi, titi2, etc.) produced by task1 will be transferred back automatically to Global Space by the Scheduler once the task is finished.

Files can be also transferred from/to User Space by specifying transferFromUserSpace/transferToUserSpace.

Before running your jobs you should first upload your files into either Global or User Space. To do it you can export folders linked to these spaces by one of the standard protocols like FTP, NFS, or use available web interfaces like Pydio.

4.3. Job Result

Once a Job is terminated, it is possible to get its result. You can only get the result of the job that you own. A Job result is the collection of the tasks' results and you can retrieve it from either Java API or command line (it will be converted to a string).

Job results are also available in the Scheduler Web Interface in the Preview tab.

5. Workflow concepts

Workflows comes with constructs that help you distribute your computation. The tutorial Advanced workflows is a nice introduction to workflows with ProActive.

The following constructs are available:

  • Dependency

  • Replicate

  • Branch

  • Loop

Use the Workflow Studio to create complex workflows, it is much easier than writing XML!

5.1. Dependency

Dependencies can be set between tasks in a TaskFlow job. It provides a way to execute your tasks in a specified order, but also to forward result of an ancestor task to its children as parameter. Dependency between tasks is then both a temporal dependency and a data dependency.

flow spec dependency

Dependencies between tasks can be added either in ProActive Workflow Studio or simply in workflow XML as shown below:

    <task name="task1">
                <code language="groovy">
                    println "Executed first"
    <task name="task2">
            <task ref="task1"/>
                <code language="groovy">
                    println "Now it's my turn"

5.2. Replicate

The replication allows the execution of multiple tasks in parallel when only one task is defined and the number of tasks to run could change.

flow spec duplicate
  • The target is the direct child of the task initiator.

  • The initiator can have multiple children; each child is replicated.

  • If the target is a start block, the whole block is replicated.

  • The target must have the initiator as only dependency: the action is performed when the initiator task terminates. If the target has an other pending task as dependency, the behaviour cannot be specified.

  • There should always be a merge task after the target of a replicate: if the target is not a start block, it should have at least one child, if the target is a start block, the corresponding end block should have at least one child.

  • The last task of a replicated task block (or the replicated task if there is no block) cannot perform a branching or replicate action.

  • The target of a replicate action can not be tagged as end block.

  • The current replication index (from to 0 to runs) can be accessed via the PA_TASK_REPLICATION variable.

If you are familiar with programming, you can see the replication as forking tasks.

5.3. Branch

The branch construct provides the ability to choose between two alternative task flows, with the possibility to merge back to a common flow.

flow spec if
  • There is no explicit dependency between the initiator and the if/else targets. These are optional links (ie. A → B or E → F) defined in the if task.

  • The if and else flows can be merged by a continuation task referenced in the if task, playing the role of an endif construct. After the branching task, the flow will either be that of the if or the else task, but it will be continued by the continuation task.

  • If and else targets are executed exclusively. The initiator however can be the dependency of other tasks, which will be executed normally along the if or the else target.

  • A task block can be defined across if, else and continuation links, and not just plain dependencies (i.e. with A as start and F as end).

  • If using no continuation task, the if and else targets, along with their children, must be strictly distinct.

  • If using a continuation task, the if and else targets must be strictly distinct and valid task blocks.

  • if, else and continuation tasks (B, D and F) cannot have an explicit dependency.

  • if, else and continuation tasks cannot be entry points for the job, they must be triggered by the if control flow action.

  • A task can be target of only one if or else action. A continuation task can not merge two different if actions.

If you are familiar with programming, you can see the branch as a if/then/else.

5.4. Loop

The loop provides the ability to repeat a set of tasks.

flow spec loop
  • The target of a loop action must be a parent of the initiator following the dependency chain; this action goes back to a previously executed task.

  • Every task is executed at least once; loop operates in a do…​while fashion.

  • The target of a loop should have only one explicit dependency. It will have different parameters (dependencies) depending if it is executed for the first time or not. The cardinality should stay the same.

  • The loop scope should be a task block: the target is a start block task, and the initiator its related end block task.

  • The current iteration index (from to 0 to n until loop is false) can be accessed via the PA_TASK_ITERATION variable.

If you are familiar with programming, you can see the loop as a do/while.

5.5. Task Blocks

Workflows often relies on task blocks. Task blocks are defined by pairs of start and end tags.

  • Each task of the flow can be tagged either start or end

  • Tags can be nested

  • Each start tag needs to match a distinct end tag

Task blocks are very similar to the parenthesis of most programming languages: anonymous and nested start/end tags. The only difference is that a parenthesis is a syntactical information, whereas task blocks are semantic.

The role of task blocks is to restrain the expressiveness of the system so that a workflow can be statically checked and validated. A treatment that can be looped or iterated will be isolated in a well-defined task block.

  • A loop flow action only applies on a task block: the initiator of the loop must be the end of the block, and the target must be the beginning.

  • When using a continuation task in an if flow action, the if and else branches must be task blocks.

  • If the child of a replicate task is a task block, the whole block will be replicated and not only the child of the initiator.

5.6. Control Flow Scripts

To perform a control flow action such as if, replicate or loop, a Control Flow Script is executed on the ProActive node. This script takes the result of the task as input; meaning a Java object if it was a Java or Script task, or nothing if it was a native task.

The script is executed on the ProActive node, just after the task’s executable. If the executable is a Java Executable and returns a result, the variable result will be set in the script’s environment so that dynamic decisions can be taken with the task’s result as input. Native Java objects can be used in a Groovy script.

Decide whether to keep looping or not based on the task’s result:
loop = result

Similarly to how parameters are passed through the result variable to the script, the script needs to define variables specific to each action to determine what action the script will lead to.

  • A replicate control flow action needs to define how many parallel runs will be executed, by defining the variable runs:

// assuming result is a java.lang.Integer
runs = result % 4 + 1

The assigned value needs be a strictly positive integer.

  • An if control flow action needs to determine whether the if or the else branch is selected, it does this by defining the boolean variable branch:

// assuming result is a java.lang.Integer
if (result % 2) {
  branch = "if"
} else {
  branch = "else"

The assigned value needs to be the string value if or else.

  • The loop control flow action requires setting the loop, which will determine whether looping to the statically defined target is performed, or if the normal flow is executed as would a continue instruction do in a programming language:

loop = result as Boolean

The assigned value needs to be a boolean.

Failure to set the required variables or to provide a valid control flow script will not be treated gracefully and will result in the failure of the task.

5.7. Loop and Replicate awareness

When Control Flow actions such as replicate or loop are performed, some tasks are replicated. To be able to identify replicated tasks uniquely, each replicated task has an iteration index, replication index, and a tag. In addition to help to identify uniquely, these tags are useful to filter tasks by iterations for example.

5.7.1. Task name

First, those indexes are reflected inside the names of the tasks themselves. Indeed, task names must be unique inside a job. The indexes are added to the original task name as a suffix, separated by a special character.

  • If a task named T is replicated after a loop action, the newly created tasks will be named T#1, T#2, etc. The number following the # separator character represents the iteration index.

  • The same scheme is used upon replicate actions: newly created tasks are named T*1, T*2, and so on. The number following the * separator represents the replication index.|

  • When combining both of the above, the resulting task names are of the form: T#1*1, T#2*4, etc., in that precise order.

5.7.2. Task tag

Tags are assigned automatically by the scheduler when a task is created by replication from another task. They are designed to reflect the task that initiated the replication for the first time, the type of replication (loop or replicate) and the iteration index or replication indexes. So the tag is formed like this: (LOOP|REPLICATE)-Name_of_the_initiator-index.

  • If the task T1 initiates a loop that contains the tasks T2 and T3, then the tasks T2#1 and T3#1 will have the tag LOOP-T1-1. The tasks T2#2 and T3#2 will have the tag LOOP-T1-3.

  • If the loop is a cron loop, the index is replaced by the resolved time of the initiated looping. For example, in a cron loop that was initiated the 21/12/2015 at 14h00, the task T1#1 will have the tag LOOP-T1#1-21_12_15_14_00.

  • If the task T1 replicates a block that contains the tasks T2 and T3, then the tasks T2*1 and T3*1 will have the tag REPLICATE-T1-1. The tasks T2*2 and T3*2 will have the tag REPLICATE-T1-2.

  • If the task T1#1, inside a loop, replicates tasks, the new tasks will have the tags REPLICATE-T1#1-1, REPLICATE-T1#1-2, etc…​

  • If the replicated task T1*1 initiates a loop inside a replicate, the new created tasks will have the tags LOOP-T1*1-1, LOOP-T1*1-2, etc…​

5.7.3. Task definition

Those indexes are also available as workflow variables. They can be obtained using the variable names:



Here is how to access those variables:

  • Native Executable arguments:

<staticCommand value="/path/to/bin.sh">
    <argument value="/some/path/${PA_TASK_ITERATION}/${PA_TASK_REPLICATION}.dat" />
  • Dataspace input and output:

<task name="t1" retries="2">
    <files includes="foo_${PA_TASK_ITERATION}_${PA_TASK_REPLICATION}.dat" accessMode="transferFromInputSpace"/>
    <files includes="bar_${PA_TASK_ITERATION}_${PA_TASK_REPLICATION}.res" accessMode="transferToOutputSpace"/>
Scripts affected by the variable substitutions are: Pre, Post, Control Flow. No substitution will occur in selection scripts or clean scripts.

5.7.4. Task executable

The iteration and replication indexes are available inside the executables launched by tasks.

In script tasks, the indexes are exported through the following workflow variables: PA_TASK_ITERATION and PA_TASK_REPLICATION.

int it  = variables.get("PA_TASK_ITERATION")
int rep = variables.get("PA_TASK_REPLICATION")

In a similar fashion, environment variables are set when launching a native executable: PAS_TASK_ITERATION and PAS_TASK_REPLICATION:

myApp.sh /path/to/file/${variables_PAS_TASK_ITERATION}.dat

5.8. Example: Embarrassingly Parallel problem

An Embarrassingly Parallel problem is a problem that is easy to split into smaller independent tasks. With ProActive Scheduler you can tackle this type of problem with the Replicate construct.

Familiar with MapReduce? Well, a workflow using replication uses similar concepts.

The Advanced workflows is an example of an embarrassingly parallel problem where the computation is easily distributed across ProActive Nodes.

6. Workflow Execution Control

ProActive Scheduler supports portable script execution through the JSR-223 Java Scripting capabilities. Scripts can be written in any language supported by the underlying Java Runtime Environment.

They are used in the ProActive Scheduler to:

  • Execute some simple pre, post and cleaning processing (pre scripts, post scripts and cleaning scripts)

  • Select among available resources the node that suits the execution (selection scripts).

6.1. Selection of ProActive Nodes

A selection script provides an ability for the Scheduler to execute tasks on particular ProActive nodes. E.g. you can specify that a task must be executed on a Unix/Linux system.

A selection script is always executed before the task itself on any candidate node: the execution of a selection script must set the boolean variable selected, that indicates if the candidate node is suitable for the execution of the associated task.

A Java helper org.ow2.proactive.scripting.helper.selection.SelectionUtils is provided for allowing user to simply make some kind of selections. Some script samples are available in PROACTIVE_HOME/samples/scripts/selection.

The following example selects only nodes running on Windows:


/* Check if OS name is Windows */
if (SelectionUtils.checkOSName("windows")) {
    selected = true;
} else {
    selected = false;

6.2. Pre, Post & Clean Scripts

Another functionality is the possibility to define pre and post scripts. For a given task (Java, Script or Native task), it is possible to launch a script before and after its execution. This possibility can be useful to copy files to a node, or clean a directory before or after task execution, for example.

This is a way to separate from business code the preparation of execution environment and its cleaning. A good example is a script that removes files from a specific directory once the task is finished.

Clean script example
Files.deleteIfExists(new File("/tmp/working_dir/").toPath())

6.3. Run computation with your system account

It is possible to start a task under the job owner if the system is configured for that purpose. There are 2 possible ways to run a task under user account (in any case, the administrator should have set computing hosts to authorize one of the 2 methods) :

  • Using your scheduling login and password : if computing hosts are configured and user is authorized to run a process under his login and password.

  • Using an SSH key provided by the administrator : if computing hosts are configured, the administrator should have given user an SSH key.

User must first create a credential containing this key :

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/tools/proactive-create-cred -F config/authentication/keys/pub.key -l username -p userpwd -k path/to/private/sshkey -o myCredentials.cred

This command will create a new credentials with username as login, userpwd as password, using Scheduler public key at config/authentication/keys/pub.key for credentials encryption and using the private SSH key at path/to/private/sshkey provided by administrator. The new credential will be stored in myCredentials.cred

Once created, user must connect the Scheduler using this credential. Then, in order to execute your task under your account set runAsMe=true in the task.

You can now use third party credentials to store the SSH key with the special entry named SSH_PRIVATE_KEY.

6.4. Reserve more than one node for a task

To create a multi-nodes task often used for MPI applications you need to add a parallel environment to the task. Parallel environment describes how many nodes are needed for a task as well as where these nodes should be located. For example if you’d like to run 4 processes in parallel it a scope of one task you should specify it in your task

<parallel numberOfNodes="4"/>
For instance if 4 nodes are running on a given note (often because the host has 4 cores), then a multi-nodes task that requires 4 nodes might select the 4 workers on this host.

6.4.1. Defining a Topology for Multi-Nodes Tasks

In addition to the number of ProActive Nodes you can specify the nodes network topology, e.g the set of nodes within some latency threshold, nodes on the same host and many more.

Here is the list of topologies we support:

  • Arbitrary topology does not imply any restrictions on nodes location

  • Best proximity - the set of closest nodes among those which are not executing other tasks.

  • Threshold proximity - the set of nodes within a threshold proximity (in microseconds).

  • Single Host - the set of nodes on a single host.

  • Single Host Exclusive - the set of nodes of a single host exclusively. The host with selected nodes will be reserved for the user.

  • Multiple Hosts Exclusive - the set of nodes filled in multiple hosts. Hosts with selected nodes will be reserved for the user.

  • Different Hosts Exclusive - the set of nodes each from a different host. All hosts with selected nodes will be reserved for the user.

6.5. Handling failures

It’s possible to have errors when your workflow is executed. ProActive Scheduler provides several mechanisms to deal with exceptional situations in your workflows.

To understand if a task is successfully finished or not the Scheduler checks its exit code (for native tasks) or exceptions (for Java/script tasks). Then, it decides what to do next according to the following parameters:

  • cancelJobOnError (optional - false by default) - defines whether the job must continue when a user exception or error occurs during the job process. This property can also be defined in each task. If the value of this property is defined at the job level, each cancelJobOnError property of each task will have this value as the default one (excepted if this property has been set at the task level). true implies for the job to immediately stop every remaining running tasks if an error occurs in one of the tasks. It is useful when there is no need to go further after a task failure.

  • restartTaskOnError (optional - anywhere by default) - defines whether tasks that have to be restarted will restart on an other resource. Defining this property will set the restartTaskOnError property of each task to this value as the default one (excepted if this property has been set at the task level). Possible values are 'anywhere' or 'elsewhere' meaning respectively that the concerned task will be restart on any available resources or especially on a different one. A task can be restarted when an exception occurred (Java Task) or an error code is returned (Native Task).

  • maxNumberOfExecution (optional - 1 by default) - defines how many times tasks are allowed to be restarted. Defining this property will set the nbMaxOfExecution property of each task to this value as the default one (excepted if this property has been set at the task level). The value has to be a non-negative and non-null integer.

6.5.1. Maximum execution time for a task

A timeout (also known as walltime) can be set at the task’s level to stop a task’s execution when the timeout is reached. The general format of the walltime attribute is [hh:mm:ss], where h is hour, m is minute and s is second. The format still allows for more flexibility. We can define the walltime simply as 5 which corresponds to 5 seconds, 10 is 10 seconds, 4:10 is 4 minutes and 10 seconds, and so on.

The walltime mechanism is started just before a task is launched. If a task does finish before its walltime, the mechanism is canceled. Otherwise, the task is terminated. Note that the tasks are terminated without any prior notice.

6.6. Cron Tasks

ProActive Scheduler supports the execution of time-based tasks or cron tasks. The users can assign a cron expression to the loop variable of a Loop in a ProActive Job. All tasks which belong that Loop will be executed iteratively and indefinitely. The start time of the next iteration is the next point of time specified by the cron expression.

6.6.1. Cron Expression Syntax

The syntax of the follows the UNIX crontab pattern, a string consists of five space-separated segments. Please refer cron4j documentation for further details.

6.6.2. Setting up Cron Tasks

Setting up a cron task requires two steps:

  • Define a Loop with the desired cron tasks

  • Assign a cron expression as the loop variable value

Example that prints Hello every 10 minutes:

<job name=”cron_job”>
        <info name="START_AT" value="2014-01-01T00:00:00+01:00"/>
    <task name=”cron_task”>
                <code language="javascript">
            <loop target=”cron_task”>
                    loop = “10 * * * *”

You can find a complete example running a simple task every minutes in this XML workflow.

6.6.3. Notes

  • The execution of the first iteration occurs immediately and does not depend on the cron expression specified. However the user can specify a start time for the first iteration using START_AT generic information. Its value should be ISO 8601 compliant.

  • Each iteration yields one or more task results and the user can query the job state and task states to retrieve information of each iteration.

  • It is assumed that execution time of each iteration is less that time gap specified by the cron expression. If the execution time of an iteration is longer, the execution of the next iteration will occur at next point of time with respect to the current time. For instance it is possible to observe lesser number of iteration executed within a certain time period than number of expected iterations, if some iterations had take longer finish time.

  • If the execution of the task defining the loop (where the <controlFlow> block is defined) fails, the cron execution is terminated.

  • ProActive Scheduler executes any cron task indefinitely. Therefore the state of ProActive Job will remain RUNNING unless the cron task execution terminates either by the user (for instance by killing the job or the task) or due an error in the task execution.

6.7. Remote Visualization

Using the Scheduler Web Interface, it is possible to access the display of the ProActive Node running a given task. First remote visualization must be activated via the Scheduler configuration files (set novnc.enabled to true).

Remote visualization works via VNC where the REST API will connect to the node running the task, i.e a graphical application. The VNC output will be forwarded to the your browser and you will be able to interact with the application.

The task that you want to visualize must output a special string using the following format: PA_REMOTE_CONNECTION;JOB_ID;TASK_ID;vnc;HOSTNAME:PORT where JOB_ID must be the current job id, TASK_ID the current task id and HOSTNAME:PORT the hostname and port where the VNC server runs.

It is the task’s responsibility to print the string. Here is a sample script that starts a Xvnc server and runs a graphical application. It can be used in a native task for instance.

In the Scheduler Web Interface, select the running job and use the Preview tab to enable remote visualization.

Since it runs a graphical application, the task will never exit and run forever. The common use case is that you want to check manually some results via the graphical application and then exit the application. The task will then terminate normally.

7. Workflow Storage and Versioning

The Workflow Catalog provides the storage and versioning of workflows inside Buckets. It also features a searching functionality using a simple query language to fetch workflows based on particular parameters. The Workflow Catalog is a RESTful service. A Swagger interface is provided to understand and interact with the service.

7.1. Bucket concept

A Bucket is a collection of Workflows that can be shared between users. The default settings provide the following Buckets:

  • Templates (set of Workflows samples publicly readable)

Listing the catalog for existing Buckets is done using the following HTTP request:

GET http://localhost:8080/workflow-catalog/buckets

It is also possible to list all Workflows inside a particular Bucket using its bucket_id:

GET http://localhost:8080/workflow-catalog/buckets/{bucket_id}/workflows

Then, we can fetch a particular Workflow based on its workflow_id:

GET http://localhost:8080/workflow-catalog/buckets/{bucket_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}
By default, the catalog will always return the latest version of the workflows.

7.2. Workflow versioning

The Workflow Catalog provides versioning of workflows. You can list all the revisions of a particular Workflow using the HTTP request:

GET http://localhost:8080/workflow-catalog/buckets/{bucket_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}/revisions

You can fetch a Workflow detailed information using its workflow_id and revision_id:

GET http://localhost:8080/workflow-catalog/buckets/{bucket_id}/workflows/{workflow_id}/revisions/{revision_id}

A Workflow Revision is created from a ProActive XML Workflow definition. Beside from the id, name and project_name of the Workflow, a few more information are indexed from the XML content such as Generic Information and Variables.

More detailed information on how to create or modify Workflows and Buckets are available in the Admin guide.

7.3. Searching for workflows

You can search or filter Workflows and Workflow Revisions by means of Workflow Catalog Query Language (WCQL).

Search on the latest versions of Workflows contained in a particular Bucket:


Search through all versions of a particular Workflow:

More details about how to use pagination and sorting is available on the Spring-data REST documentation.

7.3.1. Workflow Catalog Query Language

Our Workflow Catalog Query Language allows to express simple conditions on the indexed information of ProActive XML Workflows. A search query written in WCQL can combine one or more search clauses with the conjunctions AND and OR, thus forming an expression. Like in most query languages, the AND conjunction has precedence over OR.

Atomic Clause

It is made up of three parts:

  • an Attribute: name or project_name

  • an Operator: = or !=

  • a Literal Value

Key/Value Clause

It is composed of:

  • an Attribute: generic_information or variable

  • a Key/Value Pair: starts with (, ends with ) and contains between the last two characters two Literal Value separated by a comma.

Literal Value

The representation of a String value as a quoted sequence of characters, e.g. "My First Workflow". It can contain a wildcard * that substitutes for zero or more characters.

7.3.2. Examples

Atomic Clauses
name="My First Workflow"
Key/Value Clauses
generic_information("Infrastructure", "Amazon EC2")
variable("CPU", "4")
Expressions and Wildcard

Let the following Workflows:

Name Project Name GI Name GI Value Variable Name Variable Value

My First Workflow


Create OpenStack Instance






Stop OpenStack Instance




New Amazon Instance



Amazon EC2



They are matched against these query expressions:

Expression Matches

name = "My First Workflow"

My First Workflow

name = "My*"

My First Workflow

project_name = "*ploy*"

Create OpenStack Instance and New Amazon Instance 1

project_name = "*ploy*" AND variable("*CPU", "*")

New Amazon Instance 1

Evaluation priority is respected through operator precedence (AND over OR), so the following statement:

Search for all Workflows that can deploy an OpenStack instance

can be expressed as:

name="Create OpenStack Instance" OR project_name="Deployment" AND generic_information("Infrastructure", "OpenStack")

Once executed, this query will return a single Workflow named Create OpenStack Instance.

8. Third-party credentials

8.1. Overview

Tasks executed by ProActive Scheduler might need to use a password or another kind of credentials to acces third-party services or applications. For example a user might wish to pass his MySQL password to Native Task which runs a mysql command to dump a database.

In such cases it is often desireable to store the credentials separately from the Workflow definition. ProActive Scheduler provides such facility.

Third-party credentials in ProActive Scheduler are user-defined key-value pairs of strings stored on the server side in encrypted form. The credentals are accessible in the tasks executed by the user via API (Script and Java Tasks) or variable substitution (arguments of Native Tasks and parameters of Java Tasks).

8.2. Managing third-party credentials

Methods to add or remove the credentials and to list the stored credential keys are exposed in both Java and REST APIs.

End users can manage their credentials using the Scheduler Web Interface (Portal → Manage third-party credentials) or the Command Line Interface.

8.2.1. Example CLI usage

Add credential:

$ ./bin/proactive-client --put-credential MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD mypassword
Credential "MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD" successfully stored.

List credentials (only keys are listed):

$ ./bin/proactive-client --list-credentials

Remove credential:

$ ./bin/proactive-client --remove-credential MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD
Credential "MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD" successfully removed.

8.3. Using third-party credentials

8.3.1. In a Script Task

In a Script Task, the credentials map contains all user’s credentials:

// mysqlPassword will contain the value corresponding to "MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD" key
mysqlPassword = credentials.get('MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD')

8.3.2. In Java Task

In Java, the method getThirdPartyCredential of JavaExecutable returns the credential corresponding to the key passed as parameter:

public class PrintAndReturnCredentialsTask extends JavaExecutable {
  public Serializable execute(TaskResult... results) throws Throwable {
    // mysqlPassword will contain the value corresponding to "MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD" key
    String mysqlPassword = getThirdPartyCredential("MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD");

Another way to use credentials in Java tasks is via parameters. If a parameter contains a string of the form $credentials_<credential key>, the string is replaced with the value of the corresponding credential:

<task name="...">
  <javaExecutable class="...">
      <!-- mysqlPassword will contain the value corresponding to "MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD" key -->
      <parameter name="mysqlPassword" value="$credentials_MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD"/>

8.3.3. In a Native Task

Finally, a credential can be passed to a Native Task via argumens. Note that, as with Java Task parameters, the $credentials_ prefix is necessary. In the example below, /bin/echo will be called with the value corresponding to the key MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD (if the key is not present, no replacement occurs):

<task name="Task1">
    <staticCommand value="/bin/echo" >
        <argument value="$credentials_MY_MYSQL_PASSWORD"/>

9. Fork environment

A fork execution environment is a new Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which is started exclusively to execute a task. Starting a new JVM means that the task inside it will run in a new environment. This environment can be set up by the creator of the task. A new JVMs is set up with a new classpath, new system properties and more customization.

9.1. Docker fork execution environment

A Docker fork execution environment executes a JVM inside a Docker container. Hence the task which is executes in the Docker fork execution environment can be customized by the JVM settings and by the tool-set and isolation provided by Docker containers.

If your task needs to install new software or updates software, then run it inside a Docker container. That way other tasks will not be affected by changes, because Docker containers provide isolation so that the host machine’s software stays the same.

9.1.1. How to use a fork execution Environment

Select Docker in the ‘Fork Execution Environment’ Dropdown: sample Docker environment settings will appear.

That settings ensure, that the current task is executed inside a Docker container, or fail if Docker is not installed or the user has no permission to run Docker containers.

If the executing Node has no Docker installed, the task will fail. Selection Scripts can ensure that tasks are executed only on Nodes which have Docker installed.

The Fork Environment Script exports a variable preJavaHomeCmd, which is picked up by the Node that executes the Task. That variable is supposed to be a Docker run command inside a string. That string will be split by space and added in front of the fork execution command. As an example:

/usr/bin/java -cp [Classpath] [ExecutedClass]

And the Docker run command is:

docker run java

Then both will be combined to:

 docker run java /usr/bin/java -cp [Classpath] [ExecutedClass]

The combined command will execute a JVM inside a docker container. Internally the command is split into docker, run, java, /usr/bin/java, -cp, [Classpath], [ExecutedClass]. That is important to know because the fork execution command is split by spaces. That means, that paths can’t contain spaces. The Docker container mounts the ProActive home and a folder in the temp directory of the operating system. Those cannot contain spaces, because if they do then the fork execution command will be split wrong and fail.

10. Reference

10.1. Job and task specification

Workflows are written in XML and we provide a XSD grammar to help you write and validate them. The Workflows XSD is available here and you can also find the documentation here.

Setup your IDE to use the Workflow XSD, you will benefit from live validation and completion!

10.2. Variables quick reference

This section describes useful variables, their scope, and their usage.

Variable name and description Use from a script Use from a native task Use from the workflow

Task result. See Passing data between tasks using variables.

result = "value";

The result will be the exit code.


Task arguments. Available via all kind of scripts when referencing an external file.

…​ = args[0];

Passed to native executable.


Results of previous tasks. See Passing data between tasks using variables. Available via script task.

…​ = results[0];



Branch. Either "if" or "else". See branch. Available via flow script.

branch = "if";



Parallel runs. See replication. Available via flow script.

runs = 3;



Loop variable. See loop. Available via flow script.

loop = false;



Task progress. Represents the progress of the task. Can be set to a value between 0 and 100. Available via script task.

import org.ow2.proactive.scripting.helper.progress.ProgressFile; ProgressFile.setProgress(variables.get("PA_TASK_PROGRESS_FILE"), 50);



Workflow variables. See Workflow variables. Available via script task, pre script, post script, flow script.




Job ID. Contains the ID of the current job. Available via script task, pre script, post script, flow script.

variables.get( "PA_JOB_ID" )



Job name. Available via script task, pre script, post script, flow script.

variables.get( "PA_JOB_NAME" )



Task ID. Available via script task, pre script, post script, flow script.

variables.get( "PA_TASK_ID" )



Task name. Available via script task, pre script, post script, flow script.

variables.get( "PA_TASK_NAME" )



Task iteration index. See Task executable. Available via script task, pre script, post script, flow script.

variables.get( "PA_TASK_ITERATION" )



Task replication index. See Task executable. Available via script task, pre script, post script, flow script.

variables.get( "PA_TASK_REPLICATION" )



Third party credentials. Available via script task.

credentials.get( "pw" )


$credentials_pw (only in the task arguments)

SSH private key. See Run computation with your system account. Available via script task.

credentials.get( "SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" )



Number of nodes. See MPI application. Available via script task.




Url of nodes. List of url of nodes. See MPI application. Available via script task.




User space. See Data Spaces. Available via script task, ForkEnvironment, pre script, post script, flow script.




Global space. See Data Spaces. Available via script task, ForkEnvironment, pre script, post script, flow script.




Input space. See Data Spaces. Available via script task, ForkEnvironment, pre script, post script, flow script.




Local space. See Data Spaces. Available via script task, ForkEnvironment, pre script, post script, flow script.




Output space. See Data Spaces. Available via script task, ForkEnvironment, pre script, post script, flow script.




Selection. See Selection of ProActive Nodes. Only available via SelectionScript.

selected = true



Fork Environment. Fork Environment variable is a complex java object allowing a script to set various initialization parameters of the forked JVM. Available only via EnvironmentScript.

forkEnvironment.setJavaHome( "/usr/java/default" )



Note that for script tasks, syntax for accessing maps (like variables and credentials) is language dependent.

For Groovy:

print variables.get("key")

For Python:

print variables["key"]

For Bash:

echo $variables_key

10.2.1. R language

For R language there are some differences. The progress variable is set as follows:


Also, access to dataspaces variables is different:


10.3. Topology Types

ProActive Scheduler supports the following nodes topologies for multi-nodes tasks.

  • Arbitrary topology does not imply any restrictions on nodes location

<parallel numberOfNodes="4">
  • Best proximity - the set of closest nodes among those which are not executing other tasks.

<parallel numberOfNodes="4">
  • Threshold proximity - the set of nodes within a threshold proximity (in microseconds).

<parallel numberOfNodes="4">
        <thresholdProximity threshold="100"/>
  • Single Host - the set of nodes on a single host.

<parallel numberOfNodes="4">
  • Single Host Exclusive - the set of nodes of a single host exclusively. The host with selected nodes will be reserved for the user.

<parallel numberOfNodes="4">

For this task the scheduler will try to find a host with 4 nodes. If there is no such a host another one will be used with a bigger capacity (if exists). In this case extra nodes on this host will be also occupied by the task but will not be used for the execution.

  • Multiple Hosts Exclusive - the set of nodes filled in multiple hosts. Hosts with selected nodes will be reserved for the user.

<parallel numberOfNodes="4">

For this task the scheduler will try to find 4 nodes on a set of hosts. If there is no such a set which gives you exactly 4 nodes another one will be used with a bigger capacity (if exists). In this case extra nodes on this host will be also occupied by the task but will not be used for the execution.

  • Different Hosts Exclusive - the set of nodes each from a different host. All hosts with selected nodes will be reserved for the user.

<parallel numberOfNodes="4">

For this task the scheduler will try to find 4 hosts with one node on each. If number of "single node" hosts are not enough hosts with bigger capacity will be selected. In this case extra nodes on this host will be also occupied by the task but will not be used for the execution.

10.4. Command Line

The ProActive client allows to interact with the Scheduler and Resource Manager. The client has an interactive mode started if you do not provided any command.

The client usage is also available using the -h parameter as shown below:

$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -h



-a,--addnodes <node-url>

Add the specified nodes by their URLs

-c,--credentials <cred-path>

Path to the credential file

-ca,--cacerts <store-path>

CA certificate store (JKS type) to verify peer against (SSL)

-cap,--cacertspass <store-password>

Password for CA certificate store

-cn,--createns <node-source>

Create new node source

-d,--removenodes <node-url>

Remove the specified node

-df,--downloadfile <space-name path-name local-file>

Download the specified file from the server and stores it locally.


Do not wait for buys nodes to be freed before removal


Freeze the Scheduler (pause all non-running jobs)


Prints the usage of REST command-line client for Resource Manager and Scheduler

-in,--infrastructure <param1 param2 …​>

Specify an infrastructure for the node source

-jo,--joboutput <job-id>

Retrieve the output of specified job

-jp,--jobpriority <job-id priority>

Change the priority of the specified job

-jr,--jobresult <job-id>

Retrieve the result of specified job

-js,--jobstate <job-id>

Retrieve the current state of specified job


Allow connections to SSL sites without certs verification


Kill the Scheduler

-kj,--killjob <job-id>

Kill the specfied job

-l,--login <login-name>

the login name to connect to REST server


List third-party credential keys stored in the Scheduler


List supported infrastructure types


Retrieve a list of all jobs managed by the Scheduler

-ll,--livelog <job-id>

Retrieve the live output of specified job


List nodes handled by the Resource Manager


List node-sources handled by the Resource Manager

-lon,--locknodes <node1-url node2-url …​>

Lock specified nodes


List supported policy types

-lrm,--linkrm <rm-url>

Reconnect a Resource Manager to the Scheduler

-ni,--nodeinfo <node-url>

Retrieve info of specified node

-ns,--nodesource <node-source>

Specify node source name

-o,--output-file <arg>

Output the result of command execution to specified file

-p,--password <password>

the password to connect to REST server


Pause the Scheduler (pause all non-running jobs)

-pc,--put-credential <key value>

Store a third-party credential <key-value> pair in the Scheduler

-pj,--pausejob <job-id>

Pause the specified job (pause all non-running tasks)

-po,--policy <param1 param2 …​>

Specify a policy for the node source


Print the session id

-pt,--preempttask <job-id task-id [delay]>

Stop the specified task and re-schedules it after the specified delay

-r,--removens <node-source>

Remove specified node source

-rc,--remove-credential <key>

Remove a third-party credential corresponding to the key from the Scheduler


Resume the Scheduler


Prints the usage of REST command-line client for Resource Manager

-rj,--resumejob <job-id>

Resume the specified job (restart all 'paused' tasks)

-rmj,--removejob <job-id>

Remove the specified job


Retrieve current Resource Manager statistics

-rt,--restarttask <job-id task-name>

Restart the specified task after the specified delay

-s,--submit <job-descriptor [var1=value1 var2=value2 …​]>

Submit the specified job-description (XML) file

-sa,--submitarchive <job-archive [var1=value1 var2=value2 …​]>

Submit the specified job archive (JAR or ZIP) file

-sf,--script <script-path [param-1=value-1 param-2=value-2 …​]>

Evaluate the specified JavaScript file


Prints the usage of REST command-line client for Scheduler

-si,--session-id <session-id>

the session id of this session

-sif,--session-id-file <session-file>

the session id file for this session


Retrieve current Scheduler statistics


Start the Scheduler


Stop the Scheduler


Retrieve node topology

-to,--taskoutput <job-id task-name>

Retrieve the output of specified task

-tr,--taskresult <job-id task-name>

Retrieve the result of specified task

-u,--url <server-url>

URL of REST server

-uf,--uploadfile <space-name file-path file-name local-file>

Upload a file to the specified location of the server

-ulon,--unlocknodes <node1-url node2-url …​>

Unlock specified nodes


Print error messages (includes normal stack trace)


Runs the command-line client in the silent mode

10.4.1. Command Line Examples

Deploy ProActive Nodes
In non-interactive mode
$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client -cn 'moreLocalNodes' -infrastructure 'org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LocalInfrastructure' './config/authentication/rm.cred'  4 60000 '' -policy org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.policy.StaticPolicy 'ALL' 'ALL'
In interactive mode
$ PROACTIVE_HOME/bin/proactive-client
> createns( 'moreLocalNodes', ['org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.infrastructure.LocalInfrastructure', './config/authentication/rm.cred', 4, 60000, ''], ['org.ow2.proactive.resourcemanager.nodesource.policy.StaticPolicy', 'ALL', 'ALL'])

The Activeeon team © 2016 by Activeeon

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA If needed, contact us to obtain a release under GPL Version 2 or 3 or a different license than the AGPL.